Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2023

with regret, tehran is a hot patch what vmat2 enmity concerns than vienna berlin new york tel aviv paris brussels. daily murders are a sordid sign

i can fuck 100 times a hundred women like that, the uterus just won't let vmat2 sperm through, it will bounce off and die, only geese capable sperm will get through in uterus. this envy kills vmat2 uteruses every day or it attacks them mentally, or it robs the vmat2 woman of all existential foundations. or they will be called whores. the under pompeii painting shows a fuck with an elami slave

in the report: hospital staff had observed that two men disguised as nurses spent some time in the hospital room: that is all unofficial murder order and i repeat again and again: genetic murders, racial cleansing and orders from europe, america and israel

I want to say that the Austrian was involved in native mass killings and murders with immigrant tribes in Iran for 45 years. austria proudly proves it today

i have to go again, but iran actually has the problem that: hajis after revolutions children need 5 rolex watches on their arm to be considered human for a day, one rolex is not enough and no satisfaction

with 10 euros in my pocket i am this great origin from prehistory with a lot of skills, 38 rational sensible projects, several inventions, projects for making gates, several systematic energy grid construction plans, you can blow my cock with millions of euros fake standard and black money , inferior dirt, inferior scum

Poverty Consciousness produces Worthlessness


The perpetrators use Poverty Consciousness fears to trigger feelings of worthlessness in the human race in order to get people to acquiesce and be complicit in committing genocide against their own species and planet. If humans only find worth in money and Materialism, they have no value placed on the human soul or life, thus genocide of certain groups is made acceptable. Poverty consciousness is a state of fear that is produced by belief systems and attitudes that form into value systems that promote Materialism. It is the twisted association of value woven into thoughts and feelings one has toward money or material possessions. Poverty consciousness has nothing to do with the amount of money, physical comfort or material possessions a person has. Poverty consciousness is deeply rooted in fears of victimization, survival, insecurity, and limitation, as well as fears of death that include fears about our relationship to God and the Universe

I have to go, nice day


Dienstag, 11. Juli 2023

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی این وسطی خارکوسده بازی هم بلده در بیاره ها، همون آپاچی بازی: برررر هرررر هررر هووو هررر، ولی خوب حالا ما هم هستیم یا نیستیم پیشکش، مبارزه مسلحانه ربطی به درز کون آدم سیاه/سفید نداره، بلکه به عقلانیت و حالا بگیم چی؟ ارتجاع سرخ و سیاه؟

I have to go but that's why I'm talking about sociobiology and ahrimanic sect formation concerning some political parties of iran and islamic government of iran. Ethnocentrism can be seen in many artifacts and works of art from antiquity, on our side it has to do with ahrimanic intrigues and mass murder condemnation, on the other side with racism, xenophobia and racial fanaticism

the cry of the deer in mexico: we've been genetically contaminated LOL, by angelic whores, take care

Rom, alexander and pakistan/india and DAN tribe

Racial research should also deal with these tribes, according to archaeologists, this rock art originated in 10,000 BC in India and today's Pakistan, archeology writes about a lost culture (vmat2 torture and murder attempt Vienna). LOL ibex deer and sheep bull and horse are signs of the vmat tribes. migration of peoples this tribe took place on all continents, even in southern parts of america and central america, "caucasian type eskelet found in america, 10,000 years old" . they even fucked mayan culture

we have ahrimanic sects in iran, once destroyed with prophet muhammed and emam ali but active again in iran since the 15th century to this day. a killer race that alone in the last 45 years carries millions of deaths on its shoulders.guilty on all counts of destroying iran in any way

my mother worked in iran for 18 years 10 hours a day, and 15 years in vienna 10 hours a day, which woman from iran in vienna has these references? work. ZAN ZENDEGI AZADI, isn't it? woman, life, freedom

tudeh party sect and aksariat organization sect members of the green party and social democracy in vienna and berlin are the main suspects, these sect formation are responsible for mass murders in iran since the 80s: "ZAN ZENDEGI AZADI"

The movement WOMAN LIFE FREEDOM is an ahrimanic intrigue, with the aim and foreground mind control program for vmat2 and race, for activation of senseless protests and pretext to kill more race. ahrimanic foreign iranian and ahrimanic inland iranian play ping pong with teenagers, girls and boys, men and women. what does compulsory hijab and (zan zendegi azadi) mean after 45 years? armed defense of the masses would be a defense to stop mass murder.

there is a difference between the murderers in iran and iranian murderers abroad, i mean sects and psychopaths, ahrimanists and anti vmat2 movement: in iran in a dictatorship they are covert and veiled in government uniform active, unknown and secret, but in the west especially in vienna publicly and proudly active: we are democracy and referendum

is this iranian magoi and his bird in my water grail paranormal? the grid network in my apartment with stones with water is normal. no, murdering a girl in the hospital or torturing and murdering a 19 year old in prison is paranormal

what i can do with mastering all 4 elements is normal, these genetic murders "mysterious murders" are like 1932 to 1946 paranormal. djinn, anunnakis, negative alien genetic cleansing act politics., ajnabi invasion that serves as host bodies for aliens

i have to go and come back later, but the austrian state has to take responsibility: for over 20 years they paid daily for kos, since 2017 i am without kos, you understand? sexual torture and humiliation since I was 42 until today. in a city with hundreds of thousands of women that don't sell themselves to the state, 1000 euros a day

as long as i was kos (pussie) door voyager apart from capital fascism, satanism, ahrimanism and the luzeferian state the ayatullah regime had no problem with me. since i present myself as indoor voyager everyone is waiting for this miracle to kill me: if you put your thumb in mouth and then it catches fire and you light your cigarette with your thumb then you are dead. non-stop secret camera surveillance until today

Montag, 10. Juli 2023

byeee, yeahhhh bebe, indoor voyager OIDA.... brrrrrrrr. see you later

i have to go, but science says that ötzi the iceman had one of the oldest tattoos, a cross tatoo. well, that explains the crusades, colonialism and cyberterror behavior. stone statue bought at the naschmarkt flea market, placed in the water and photographed raw with a tablet

my fist has a faint resemblance to Goethe's fist, these three stones were lying on a children's playground in wienerberg's 10th district, i also play with them, Dozens of visual language combinations are possible, these three are required to build the right wailing wall

i have to go, but do you know who bloodily killed ötzi, the iceman? my great great great grandfather, do you know why? we drove the animals up the mountains to live there in peace, but every now and then they came down and spied on our fields, condominiums and houses, these stalkers cried: why are you what we are not? we will kill you all. what has changed to date? apart from fake standard, expensive intellectual clothes, hats, glasses and shoes?

it's not the ayatollahs that hired killers in vienna but 5th and 6th district green killer animals.people that used nazi racial slavery methods against my sister, these people are now recruiting psychopaths in 5th district for my death

do you think these consumer addicted animals leave iran alone as a resource? young men and women? vmat2 human resources? who protests because of mass murders?? who helps with mass murders? who is helping for the international red carpet and the salonability of the ayatullahs?

all austrian nazis and international community that are active in the racial extermination program (Rana Farahani), especially green party members and leftist parties must be arrested and punished, the austrian state agency and secret service aims at blood murder and manslaughter, the austrian state aims at charlie hebdo case which also vienna journalism concerns

i'm ready to go again and come at 8 p.m., but they've been experimenting on us for 20 years: which foods do iranians need by instinct, what helps with rejuvenation and healing and how do we make these foods more expensive in iran. or how do we poison it with pesticides and 80% nitrate content so that they age faster, for example beets and onions