Samstag, 22. Juli 2023

عن جندگی آزادی شاشیدم به کوس میمون، جنده تاپاله هیچکاره، کوس مریض، کپک میمون

face change is often funny but when you see a barbad with abdul ghader hassan Ben hussein face change run away. fuck you mass murders, fuck you eugenics nazis europe and america israel

i keep getting messages through open gates, if middle east and iran, if north afirka doesn't move, vmat2 is nowhere safe, not in the west and not in homeland.

The situation in Vienna is so tragic that I can't get coffee from a kiosk on Saturday or at a flea market on Sunday, 10,000 euros for a coffee and.... LOL dirty animals, bastard killer monkey race

several governments distribute money for establishing global vmat2 mass murder, especially at iranian: he will take everything from you, wealth and luxury

aksariat party had a murder plan at the flea market today, they wanted to murder me, it was thwarted... 20 members were on the flea market, for terror and manslaughter

from 1982 onwards, aksarita party was responsible for 38,000 murdered political activists in iran with election advertising for ali khamenei, today for the murder of my person and family. 28 million euros was transferred to Aksaritfinancial economy, from the austrian state, from the stasi pot, the money: the persecution of minorities and the murder system...

i have to go again and won't write anything more until tomorrow, but every impotent viennese DRECKSAU who wants to get a stiff again has something to do: show up in front of me with evidence, politicians and the government are to be arrested

Miss Dr. i was jerking off with coconut oil today, i notice the arteries are only up to 40 percent intact, my next ritual will be to repair the damage from crappy ahrimanic insulin, anti vmat2 drug. is this insulin suitable for high spirituality vmat2, or does it close the sexual chakra for sterilization? well 12 weeks ritual with stones and spice mixture is annoying but the stiffness is a question of mental maturity

how many children did you kill in iran because of god given genes dna and ability? or is your opinion: only evolution is creation?

there is no prohibition on spiritual development, or there is no illegal behavior for centuries, only envy, racial fanaticism and racial extermination program, because of: (...)

I have to go, but at some point I will show what indoor voyager actually means, with 450,000 euro equipment. what the german austrian esoteric society has been trying to achieve with a finger in the ass for centuries

آقا یهودی ها یه زمامی ماقبل ازتاریخ اسم مارو و امثال مارو گذاشته بود گرفروت، هم خوشمزه ای هم دهن آدم رو گس میکنی، آره؟ هااا؟ خلاصه دست از گائیدن ما برنمیدارند.. چنتاشون هم که مسلمان ایرانی شدند، بفرما،،،

آره حاجی، اومدیم خونه، حاجی یه زمانی شنبه بازار ما شعار مرگ بر تو بود، جون تو خیلی خیلی تو اپوزیسیون ایران مخلص چاکر داری، مرگ من این اپوزیسیون واسه تو نگوزید به ما؟ همین زن زندگی آزادی... من اولین کسی نبودم شاشیدم به فمینیسم ها، اول شاملو اومد جلو بعد ما نوچه هاش گفتیم پس داااا به شاش بهش ایول.. نه مرد سالاری نه فمینیسم کیری: عن زندگی آزادی نمیخوایم. به ترکی میگن اینسانلر زیندیگی آزادی! بینم کیری ها مرد زندگی و آزادی نمیخواد؟ خوارکوسده های شاشو پول در بیار؟

Freitag, 21. Juli 2023

worth nothing and piss, just like second world war, worth nothing and piss wants to start racial and ethnic murder again

Austria wants to kill people again because of their ethnicity, en masse. you bastard EU

fascism and mass murder is genetic, that's why the origin and its existence is just rubbish, shit, dirt, shit blood shit meat and shit veins, killer race is rubbish origin

for 20 years the police should arrest conspicuous rich families and remove nazi rubbish, instead the police have attached themselves to eugenics fascism, they have joined the murder and torture system,if i wasn't politically active, these families would have killed me long ago

I have to go, but on July 11, 2022 I bought these two mineral stones (wollenhaben. at). I still don't know if it symbolizes 11:11 gate or 12:12 gate. I bet the Viennese superstitious judges will question the Viennese ayatullahs, are his grail gates 11:11 or 12:12? which is the gate for emam zaman that destroys us?

this is not normal, vmat2 espionage, stalking, murder, torture, forced sterilization, mass murder with financial advantage, target search in laboratories, all this is not a normal world and a UNO or amnesty or international court is not an authority to stop it, but corrupt satanic employees in human rights costume

what i do is apart from negative or positive psychopathy, but white psychopathy with psychotic work. I have no followers but: ya emam zaman only the two of us as an army

I've been politically active since 2002 and have a household name as jazz man, which I propagated for years was armed defense and liberation. i noticed 90% of the opposition and its members including kurdish parties are positive productive psychopathy ( Sheytanat) and never ready for fight. but ready for betrayal of iran. because of money. no matter now native or immigrant, new iranian


nobody understands it, shaytanat (bad boy) also called bastardo is a popular subject character, it has special qualities and actually characteristics of psychopathy. this is what is called "positive productive psychopathy" no rapist, woman murderer, mass murderer, or drug junkie but someone who tortures through intrigues, stalking, espionage. what people don't understand: through manipulative techniques and mind control programs, this mass will be turned into a collective bossy positive smiling mass murderer. what you are currently seeing in vienna: former positive psychopaths have become angry smiling killers because of stasi money

Nazi crimes insofar as states produce fake clips and photos with the most modern technology for forced sterilization and bribe relatives with millions of euros for confirmation of the fake material

Cyberterror and app development with complicated security programs are the second worst racial mass murder program than World War II, and UNO dictates whether it is torture at all.... Using torture apps to stop sex life and partner choice is ethnic cleansing and forced sterilization

German-Austrian-american and Iranian NAZI esoteric society has specialized in vmat2 espionage with secret cameras: in order to circumvent all laws it leads all layers of society in torture app development and race sales, illegal pornography and private life trade, a race extermination program with forced sterilization, preventing sex life, free choice of partner and starting a family

Three Austrian secret services (SPÖ/ÖVP/Austrian military) have been new Gestapo and NSDAP formations since 1954 under the guise of democracy and the rule of law. all three nazi animal organizations want to attack me and arrest me because: the truth nazi crimes against humanity, against my family

iran has been exploited with all my resources, gas oil resources, and everything else, the only option for billions of business is vmat2 organ trade, private life trade torture business and ethnic cleansing. only for a handful of people

a true shiite (so I don't mean his son and wife and grandchildren) said: i will make iran the switzerland of the orient within the next 20 years. everything else until today was national socialism and genocide

the meaning of the holy grail was: contact! that's how it would be in the bible if it were 30% original instead of 20%. anyway, fascism (actually nazi satanism) has been trying to make contact with negative aliens for two centuries, stupidly the nazis don't have hazrat abbas hands, only monkey circus raghas hands

German-Austrian-american and Iranian NAZI esoteric society has specialized in vmat2 espionage with secret cameras: in order to circumvent all laws it leads all layers of society in torture app development and race sales, illegal pornography and private life trade, a race extermination program with forced sterilization, preventing sex life, free choice of partner and starting a family