Montag, 31. Juli 2023

we wore these stone slabs in vienna as children of perses, there was no persia at that time only children of perses, when were we jews? you asshole nazi, you hate iran and vmat human, you animal nazi

this creature is rubbish that is worth nothing, just a killer machine, today the grandson sits on a chair as police chief vienna. can you explain it another way? vmat2 mass murder program with garbage and worth nothing

i live in a scum capital with sadistic suicidal animals.

آقا امروز جدی جدی اوا خدا مرگم بده شدیم، میترسم برم بیرون.... ساعت ده پشت دری میاد مثل اینکه، ما هم حوصله سر بریدن نداریم در حال حاضر

هرچی سرمایه داره قلابی پفیوز شیطان پرسته چسبیده به رژیم، اسمش هم هست: جمهوری اسلامی. ریدم تو اون روحتون با این بیشرف هایی که دور خودتون جمع کردید... بیناموس ها 45 سال بچه کون سرمایه دار پرورش دادید، بچه کون

i have to go, have a nice day.😇

In any case, I was in Athens, Acropolis gave me power by giving Urim and Thummim, my breastplate. LOL, I say Persia, the Persians, prehistory, that's not hostility to Israel or hostility to Jews, but the truth is purity, it was us

this joke was for heroes cosmas and damian, who sewed a black leg on a white man

I have to go, it's enough for today, but imagine this situation today: if I promise a man with a 4 centimeter penis a 24 centimeter, and let a second penis grow on his forehead, and then install this 24 centimeter between his legs, then this happens: i will fuck you in the ass with it, out of sheer gratitude barbad

This technological advance was Elam and some other native tribes, not Holywood, America, Europe, Israel, Turkey, or China (but Nepal and Tibet). in any case, all tribes were in vienna and from vienna they spread out all over the world and decided to do without technology, and then the generations after that forgot about it. the result if we remember until today

i can actually do what area 51 has been doing with hollywood for 40 years: getting ideas out of old artifacts and working on them. "The Great Thinker Potential Hollywood"

i have been spied on for 24 years, all projects and professional projects have been destroyed because vmat2 family and child needs security: capital, everything has been done in vienna to ensure that i fall into debt and do not start any international activities. with at least 45,000 euro equipment i could have reached a different level from the sci-fi movie, i need 500,000 euro equipment. this country is a ballast on god's earth, it proves it again, a ballast and unnecessary, only peace-destroying and annihilating and misanthropic tribes and beings

the viennese police and all 3 secret services are worse than the iranian regime in the last 45 years, second world war mode, with a racial program, insofar as they produce fake criminal documents for vmat2 victims, and turn stasi criminals and terrorists into heroes, with hide evidence. NS repeat with government and judges

one says: he wants to give birth to a messiah, another talks about antichrist, another says an alien child, and the more sensible ones say: the world doesn't need a pink panther anymore. none of this is important birth control is forbidden in democracy and the rule of law and should be punished

"i live in a christian occident with church, synagogue and mosque as enemy"

a spiritual union is nothing more than offering oneself as a host, this action can also happen under a tree. host not for aliens but a host for the white channel, the vmat2 pair serves as host. the problem is: paranoia even has bugs and secret cameras in the iranian forests, state espionage devices for moral guardians... and in vienna everywhere for me. what does medusa want to prevent? the police already do that, or are you suspicious of what the police are concerned

I sometimes use vöslauer sparkling, what do you use? houuuu

although I have to say, one in 100 walked by and said with her eyes: I have white suspenders, white décolleté with lace inserts and an expensive white shirt. well, the erotic friendly face of terror, forever trapped in medusa's hole and cave, and spiritually petrified

all of vienna, the perpetrators, read this page and my facebook page every day, today they walked by with glass eyes like animals (evolution origin) and looked deep into my eyes: we destroyed everything in your life, on all continents, conviction for murder is the least punishment. what do you think we did? NS and isolation repetition, forced sterilization

خلاف این پنج تن از پانصد کیلو شیشه بیشتر است، اینجاست که میگم حاجی با کون اومدی ایران و مملکت رو دستت گرفتی، میخ ضد حال عوضی، جریان پنج تن شما ها اینه

آقا ما بریم، دست پنجه این بچه هارو باید ماچ کرد ولی مملکت انقدر کیری شده که میزنن اعدامشون میکنن، تو اون سال ۵۷ تون سگ برینه که هرچی ضد حال میخ بود اومد تو خیابون... نمودن مارو

آقا من فرهاد رو تا آخرین روزهای زندگیش دوست داشتم، میدونی چرا؟ سر جنس خالص و ناب وایساد ایران این خود شادروان شاملو، هر کی اومد بیرون سر جنس ناخالص نامرد شد... والا، خدائیش غربی ها چی قاطی جنس میکنن اینها اینطوری میشن..... چجوری جنس رو کات میکنن من نمیفهمم.

Sonntag, 30. Juli 2023

i have to go, but: the column of cleaning ladies in iran, for 2500 years

Crazy fuck of Titans

exhibitions and museums are places where you can do statistical work, a month's work and then you can take stock, how much asshole psychlathy? Asian and African tribal art, or Egyptian, Persian, Iraqi artifacts exhibition are most suitable for this. the woman takes a glass of wine in her hand, stands next to a figure and throws a figure down with a random turn: oh i'm so sorry, i'm sorry, it wasn't me! no, the figures stand behind showcases and glass, she looks at the things coldly with glassy eyes at the works of art, and says: i bought the same thing at christ's a year ago, my cleaning lady, that stupid cow, damaged it

i have to go to sleep, but fascism, mass murder, anti-semitism, eugenics fascism nazi satanism only had one chance to survive to this day: founding of the state of israel, it is still heavily dependent on israel to hunt old race origins worldwide

psychopathy and lust for murder, murder and mass murder is not human it has nothing human in it, just an animal, just a deviant scum and inferior origin, inferior than anything else, the existence of these killer creatures is worth nothing, just pollution, ballast and garbage

Vienna, with its upper class, is pure psychopathy as far as our race, the old race, whatever religion or race with no religion is concerned. iranian psychopathy, the killer shows up with long-term lawlessness, when nothing stands in the way and everything is secured, both will kill us soon, because of their own inferior origins