Freitag, 4. August 2023

Negative Aliens – These are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on mind principles. These beings have been manipulating human world through Mind Control for thousands and thousands of years for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many manipulation methods to manipulate human race. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods

only dirty and contaminated blood lives with this philosophy of life: families with children should die for our prosperity! an end of the world is an option that is still being considered, this way of life is a virus that should not live on and survive


these are my posts from yesterday and today, in summary it means that international authorities including international courts in europe and america say:does not approach us about political genocide. in the case of my family and my person it is worse than terror murder

as a child i grew up in a society that celebrated the singer vigen, a christian, as a national hero and when he sang of the pure healing hands jesus christ the nation wept with him. this is the cultural genetic heritage that should be destroyed

Donnerstag, 3. August 2023

آقا این ناپدر ناصر بیناموس هم احسان طبری خون بود، ولی خارکوسده از بس خنگ بود نفهمید جریان چیه، واسه همین فقط یوژنیک فاشیست نشد.. و همین

to detect iranian sumka nazi networks in vienna and investigate their mass murder plan in iran you need to find nasser alizadeh and his global networks and tehran networks, viennese leftists are involved

before i forget and before i go: at some point i will prove, according to the inscriptions, that cyrus the great freed elamic sudanese and ethiopian jews from babylon, the others were more the slave drivers, the white tribes

In 2013 it was clear to me that butchery place for me is Strasbourg, the formulation fascism and nazi satanism and iranian austrian solidarity means two shots in the head or hanging in a cell, portrayed as suicide. 2 prosecutors were enough as a killer

i have to go, but iran should remember one thing, especially the native tribes: laughter, our conscious laughter is a victory when others start talking about stuff that carries with it fascism and antisemitism. I like standing in the rain

they brought me to 117 kilos with constant insulin poisoning, although my bodily functions do not allow more than 80, but I was still 117 kilos political ambitions LOL

eternal stasi camera torture with the whole society and state is a worse psychopathic hatred than 37 knife wounds.

Elam, son of Shem and thus grandson of Noah, he is the forefather of the Elamites (Gen 10.21 EU, 1 Chr 1.17 EU)

i have to go to bed, but 37 knife wounds in the mouth and throat area is pure superstition because of resurrection, that can only be an austro nazi satanist or german nazi satanist. fereydoon farokhzad spoke to me once when I was 16, I just said LOL: there is my father, look at him! he nodded, he was silent and went away, he never said goodbye

the german police never took care of this important person, never investigated the background of the terror and those involved. and federal republic of germany considered this murder with dozens of stab wounds as an ordinary average murder case. because the killers were german and austrian nazi psychopath networks together. fascism was protected again, as it has been in vienna for 20 years now

Elam, son of Shem and thus grandson of Noah, he is the forefather of the Elamites (Gen 10.21 EU, 1 Chr 1.17 EU)

iran politics is a big show on the world stage for a century. who has died and who is alive is proof of the spectacle: everything is race dependent

مثل اینکه منم دارم سوپرانو اذان میخوانم؟ مادر قحبه ها انقدر از رژیم پول خوردن ریدن به خودشون رفته با مینا احدی. جاش های خود بخته پولکی

there are almost 500 fine print points in international law and human rights regarding the criminal complaint and the crime nazi austria. it is enough for a punishment 60 billion euros. alone as far as Vienna is concerned. without this and without the willingness to work of the international lawyers and public prosecutors, the international judges show themselves as comedians, as charlatans, as fraudsters and as jokes

i was and am a political activist with 15 years of internet actions and activism in the city of vienna. I am a victim of terror and am under torture! What Vienna and Austria make of it is: more persecution of minorities, more murders of minorities, more racial torture with the stasi financial system, and more family murders, more forced sterilization. this is why i make these works and photos: you are animals, animal origin, unnatural development from monkey to human and cruel unnecessary existence

آقا بخدا این قریب غربتی های آریایی از 60 درصد خون ارمنی ما بیشتر بدشون میاد تا چهل درصد خون جهودی، ریدن به تهرون رفته جون تو، یکی شده علی یکی حسین یکی رضا یکی مملی، تاززز ه ه ه ه مکامبیز بالا شهری هم داریم، یکی...... لول

stones have many spirits or only one spirit, the hair around my navel is the main discussion? this unification of the stones is a sensation, I left my hair for your hate propaganda, for nobodies

Mittwoch, 2. August 2023

almost all hospitals and doctors read my page every day, the funny thing is that this germanic looting law has gained more ground among doctors than among others: these stones are a new area in the ocean of science, maybe we can do something with radiation therapy and radiology with energy mineral stones , for a nobel laureate for austria

انشاالله که بزودی صبحانه چای و عسل کره خواهیم خورد، بله حاجی، اینم از ما: یا امام زمان به دادم برس

I have to go, but: loyalty to ayatollahs and hezbollah is because of: vmat2 child murders and vmat2 mass murders. with money laundering service globally

Elam, son of Shem and thus grandson of Noah, he is the forefather of the Elamites (Gen 10.21 EU, 1 Chr 1.17 EU)

I take current photos once a week, actually for genetic bastards and Stasi perpetrators, killer (kiri) race and torturers, that at 50 look like 70, I'm noah race maybe I'll stay like this until 80, without surgery and botox. photo 5 minutes ago

the iranian government kills every day, iran is a dictatorship country and the only thing the viennese police and secret services have to say with the support of the judges and state is: we are dealing with jewish armenians vmat2 race family in vienna

loyalty to ayatollahs and hezbollah is because of: vmat2 child murders and vmat2 mass murders. with money laundering service globally

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین خارکوسده، مهدی ابریشم چی، موسی خیابانی شش تا خایه داشت ها، تو کوسکش از دهه شست تا امروز پنج تاشو سر آمریکا و سیا گذاشتی تو فریزر دیوس

all chatrooms and portals of cyberterrorists mullahs, ayatollahs and hezbollah should be given to me, nazi state of austria says: we know nothing we have nothing, there was nothing. until 2017 nothing conspicuous could be observed

خبر ملکوتی از جام آب: آخوند خره! اشک اوغلو عوضی فکر میکنی رضا شاه چرا هی میزد بیخ گوشت؟