Samstag, 5. August 2023

ببین از کی تیله باز بودیم

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

خوابم نمیبره هنوز، الان میرم: آقا بچه بودیم دیدیم چنتا آدم بزرگ دارن تیله بازی میکنن و در حرف زدن بدبخت بیچارگی از خودشون نشون میدن و هی بهم میخندن، بعد تازه فهمیدیم در تاریخ ما تیله باز ها چقدر بدبخت بیچاره بودن و چقدر خندیدن به همه، خلاصه ما هم یکی. تیله باز قدیمی، لول به همتون بدبخت ها بیچاره ها، فلک زده ها، من خودم دارم به خودم میخندم خنگ خدا، تو به چی میخندی.... ١

آقا ما بریم، ولی یه روز نشسته بودیم مغازه اومدیم چهار خط بزنیم و دیدیم نه یه ذره جوش شیرین بریز توش تا ته خط خارکوسده بازی دنیارو شفاف ببینی، حالا ببین ما چی دیدیم این چی میخونه، خوب بابا دهاتی درست بزن....

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین خواری که عرب از ما گائید فقط یک دلیل داشت: خوارکوسده مادر جنده تر از شما ها کسی وجود نداره "جمهوری آریایی اسلامی"، قیصصصصصر اینم زدن کشتن، هنوز هم دارند میکشن

Old School Workshops: Blackmagic Ahrimanism Rome. Ass Fuck

iran has worse and older satanism,namely Ahrimanism. always in the service of rome, still in the service of rome.. in the name of islam

i just came up with this idea: if terror murder doesn't become murder but ass fuck, then a "woman" will be pelted with stones, and so the woman will be sent to the sacrifice or pushed to the sacrifice: oh my saint!. well, he also said: better torture and death than this ass fuck

آقای آتیلا پستیانی ما که اینجا گائیده شدیم و گوز هوا از آب دراومدیم، فقط قبل از اینکه بمیریم یه پیغام جان جدت به ما بده بینم: تو با این سوسن کوری، خاله آزاده خانم رابطه جنسی داشتی یا نه؟ آخه اونشب باهم نشسته بودیم کافه چایی میخوردیم، سوسن بعدش گفت: من هنوز باکره هستم، ولی حیف از مرد خوشم نمیاد، خیلی مرد است این کوه مرد آتیلا. لول

iiiiiiiiiiii, i'm thinking a lot about this visual message today, the cell phone photo is a year old and i still don't know what it's all about, what is this diana head or diva from another dimension? I didn't want to post it as long as I don't know, but anyway I'll post it now

آقا ما باز برگشتیم به خانه:، منننننننننن، خالی از.... لول

Freitag, 4. August 2023

I am a victim of terror and for 6 years under constant torture, on the streets and in public places, I have been called a depressive, paranoid patient. a whole city with street theater. iranian opposition doesn't know me since 2002 since it heard: he is old vmat2 breed from luri/elam crossbreed.

I have to go to sleep, but for 15 years the psychopaths said: he died, he died, look at the sick whore, he fucks and licks without a condom. LOL he died. That's how I survived 15 years. since 2018 after a health check they really want to kill me. israelis, iranians and wieners want to kill me every day, they try LOL, every day is a danger. somehow. that's why i write every day

capital fascism also has another problem: from the age of 45 it pays 12,000 euros a month for a total health check so that it has a healthy tongue like my tongue. (How many pussies did I lick with it? You ass. Are you scared? ) Let's see if I can keep it up from 60, with a salary of 900 euros

seyyed (prophet lineage) bloodline is a minority in every religion, vienna creates an uprising of the masses in every religion: seyyed should not rise, he or she thinks he or she is better or higher. an austria with 435,000 multi-millionaires

the ruining of this existence and business has to get an answer in that all prophets even jesus were businessmen. their heirs and tribes too, or a part of it. world economy excludes vmat2 from all economic sectors. it happens so fast that everyone is in bankruptcy trauma and comma, with glorification: "economic crisis". a lie. all have been genetically excluded

Negative Aliens – These are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on mind principles. These beings have been manipulating human world through Mind Control for thousands and thousands of years for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many manipulation methods to manipulate human race. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods

only dirty and contaminated blood lives with this philosophy of life: families with children should die for our prosperity! an end of the world is an option that is still being considered, this way of life is a virus that should not live on and survive


these are my posts from yesterday and today, in summary it means that international authorities including international courts in europe and america say:does not approach us about political genocide. in the case of my family and my person it is worse than terror murder

as a child i grew up in a society that celebrated the singer vigen, a christian, as a national hero and when he sang of the pure healing hands jesus christ the nation wept with him. this is the cultural genetic heritage that should be destroyed

Donnerstag, 3. August 2023

آقا این ناپدر ناصر بیناموس هم احسان طبری خون بود، ولی خارکوسده از بس خنگ بود نفهمید جریان چیه، واسه همین فقط یوژنیک فاشیست نشد.. و همین

to detect iranian sumka nazi networks in vienna and investigate their mass murder plan in iran you need to find nasser alizadeh and his global networks and tehran networks, viennese leftists are involved

before i forget and before i go: at some point i will prove, according to the inscriptions, that cyrus the great freed elamic sudanese and ethiopian jews from babylon, the others were more the slave drivers, the white tribes

In 2013 it was clear to me that butchery place for me is Strasbourg, the formulation fascism and nazi satanism and iranian austrian solidarity means two shots in the head or hanging in a cell, portrayed as suicide. 2 prosecutors were enough as a killer

i have to go, but iran should remember one thing, especially the native tribes: laughter, our conscious laughter is a victory when others start talking about stuff that carries with it fascism and antisemitism. I like standing in the rain

they brought me to 117 kilos with constant insulin poisoning, although my bodily functions do not allow more than 80, but I was still 117 kilos political ambitions LOL

eternal stasi camera torture with the whole society and state is a worse psychopathic hatred than 37 knife wounds.

Elam, son of Shem and thus grandson of Noah, he is the forefather of the Elamites (Gen 10.21 EU, 1 Chr 1.17 EU)

i have to go to bed, but 37 knife wounds in the mouth and throat area is pure superstition because of resurrection, that can only be an austro nazi satanist or german nazi satanist. fereydoon farokhzad spoke to me once when I was 16, I just said LOL: there is my father, look at him! he nodded, he was silent and went away, he never said goodbye

the german police never took care of this important person, never investigated the background of the terror and those involved. and federal republic of germany considered this murder with dozens of stab wounds as an ordinary average murder case. because the killers were german and austrian nazi psychopath networks together. fascism was protected again, as it has been in vienna for 20 years now

Elam, son of Shem and thus grandson of Noah, he is the forefather of the Elamites (Gen 10.21 EU, 1 Chr 1.17 EU)