Sonntag, 6. August 2023

viennese stones

Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down

michael is a born bastard, the society is worse than michael. michael the benefactor

don't come to austria! so it was also said in 1920 to jews, 85% of the austrian jews were from the orient, iranian origin. don't come to austria is not only because of the dirt core fascism in their biology, but because of your history under austrian soil

second hand shops are very popular in vienna, you can buy all kinds of political ideas, philosophy of life and political colors graffiti, i'll prove it to you: the old cancerous growth of separatism, from the Basque country. although i am a persian mazdak nationalist and vmat2 master race and you a fascist

before i go: whoever sets up extermination camps for races and today sees the need to use cyber torture against races is genetic garbage, lower beings, the swear word that fascism developed for other races: subhuman! subhuman is the killer race, mass murderer and race annihilator

I have to go, the two paws are there to trample down, just like alfred kubin's opinion about it

آقا امروز از یک بساطی یه مجسمه خریدم، دیدم امضا هم که نداره، گفتم آی نالوطی، یعنی لره شخم ایلام رو خورده اومده هلند یا پاریس؟ آره؟ دیوس بی ناموس، انقلاب کثیف فرانسه هم که بله....

belief in god was never put in people's heads in churches, mosques or synagogues, instead only charlatanism and exploitation were put into people's heads, in the name of religion. insofar as only the collective primal race can prove god, and no buildings with cultivated adaptive evolutionary monkeys

many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]

The word magusmagicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.

Then too many people in the Hellenistic world called themselves magoi when they had no real connection with Persia. These people always courted the epithet , a less ambiguous term usually meaning "quack." Though in the Symposium (202e) Plato grants magic a measure of efficacy as a function of Eros, almost all the other uses of the term are derogatory.[31] The problems of candidates for the title "divine man" was to convince the world that they were not magic and certainly not ; as detractors might have called them.[32]

The three magi, who came to Palestine from a distant oriental country to offer their adoration to the new-born child in Bethlehem, are represented as monarchs and as wise men.

Zoraster, Ostanes, and the three magi mark half a millennium. During that time and for centuries to come, the Western World associated Persia with magic and secret lore

we despise everything that concerns smoke, water, earth, fire, stones, gate, magic and god's faith, this is today's austria that are worse evolution animals than in 1932. do you know why? no jews or gypsies or africans are being killed en masse, the animal is only looking for certain breeds in laboratories for death and torture: the breed that has no evolutionary origin

These gene and racial delusional psychopaths can't remember anything, but the aggressive and animal behavior is actual, daily for 6 years

Samstag, 5. August 2023

I have to go, but even if plato said: don't be afraid of persian magoi, nevertheless, the evolutionary society was afraid of existence. magic worker means money and higher status in society...

In 2010 I had electricity and gas bills of 3800 euros for a 79m2 apartment, my apartment. protesting against murder, torture and persecution in the first district brought me: home loss. the others with a salary of 800 euros became prosperous: owners

ببین از کی تیله باز بودیم

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

خوابم نمیبره هنوز، الان میرم: آقا بچه بودیم دیدیم چنتا آدم بزرگ دارن تیله بازی میکنن و در حرف زدن بدبخت بیچارگی از خودشون نشون میدن و هی بهم میخندن، بعد تازه فهمیدیم در تاریخ ما تیله باز ها چقدر بدبخت بیچاره بودن و چقدر خندیدن به همه، خلاصه ما هم یکی. تیله باز قدیمی، لول به همتون بدبخت ها بیچاره ها، فلک زده ها، من خودم دارم به خودم میخندم خنگ خدا، تو به چی میخندی.... ١

آقا ما بریم، ولی یه روز نشسته بودیم مغازه اومدیم چهار خط بزنیم و دیدیم نه یه ذره جوش شیرین بریز توش تا ته خط خارکوسده بازی دنیارو شفاف ببینی، حالا ببین ما چی دیدیم این چی میخونه، خوب بابا دهاتی درست بزن....

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین خواری که عرب از ما گائید فقط یک دلیل داشت: خوارکوسده مادر جنده تر از شما ها کسی وجود نداره "جمهوری آریایی اسلامی"، قیصصصصصر اینم زدن کشتن، هنوز هم دارند میکشن

Old School Workshops: Blackmagic Ahrimanism Rome. Ass Fuck

iran has worse and older satanism,namely Ahrimanism. always in the service of rome, still in the service of rome.. in the name of islam

i just came up with this idea: if terror murder doesn't become murder but ass fuck, then a "woman" will be pelted with stones, and so the woman will be sent to the sacrifice or pushed to the sacrifice: oh my saint!. well, he also said: better torture and death than this ass fuck

آقای آتیلا پستیانی ما که اینجا گائیده شدیم و گوز هوا از آب دراومدیم، فقط قبل از اینکه بمیریم یه پیغام جان جدت به ما بده بینم: تو با این سوسن کوری، خاله آزاده خانم رابطه جنسی داشتی یا نه؟ آخه اونشب باهم نشسته بودیم کافه چایی میخوردیم، سوسن بعدش گفت: من هنوز باکره هستم، ولی حیف از مرد خوشم نمیاد، خیلی مرد است این کوه مرد آتیلا. لول

iiiiiiiiiiii, i'm thinking a lot about this visual message today, the cell phone photo is a year old and i still don't know what it's all about, what is this diana head or diva from another dimension? I didn't want to post it as long as I don't know, but anyway I'll post it now

آقا ما باز برگشتیم به خانه:، منننننننننن، خالی از.... لول

Freitag, 4. August 2023

I am a victim of terror and for 6 years under constant torture, on the streets and in public places, I have been called a depressive, paranoid patient. a whole city with street theater. iranian opposition doesn't know me since 2002 since it heard: he is old vmat2 breed from luri/elam crossbreed.

I have to go to sleep, but for 15 years the psychopaths said: he died, he died, look at the sick whore, he fucks and licks without a condom. LOL he died. That's how I survived 15 years. since 2018 after a health check they really want to kill me. israelis, iranians and wieners want to kill me every day, they try LOL, every day is a danger. somehow. that's why i write every day

capital fascism also has another problem: from the age of 45 it pays 12,000 euros a month for a total health check so that it has a healthy tongue like my tongue. (How many pussies did I lick with it? You ass. Are you scared? ) Let's see if I can keep it up from 60, with a salary of 900 euros

seyyed (prophet lineage) bloodline is a minority in every religion, vienna creates an uprising of the masses in every religion: seyyed should not rise, he or she thinks he or she is better or higher. an austria with 435,000 multi-millionaires

the ruining of this existence and business has to get an answer in that all prophets even jesus were businessmen. their heirs and tribes too, or a part of it. world economy excludes vmat2 from all economic sectors. it happens so fast that everyone is in bankruptcy trauma and comma, with glorification: "economic crisis". a lie. all have been genetically excluded

Negative Aliens – These are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on mind principles. These beings have been manipulating human world through Mind Control for thousands and thousands of years for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many manipulation methods to manipulate human race. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods

only dirty and contaminated blood lives with this philosophy of life: families with children should die for our prosperity! an end of the world is an option that is still being considered, this way of life is a virus that should not live on and survive
