Dienstag, 15. August 2023

on the left is paul, and on the right 2nd district menashe: what are you doing there, who are you, what are you? why can you do everything, why can you do so much... where did you get this knowledge from? where are the books papers and calculations, where are the calculations and....dirty fucking envy

the proof is this stone figure from elam, paul hofer in elam or ferdinand könig, in elam... LOL

the fact is, we hadn't left any pure aryan race in iran, they either fled or were killed. Look at the Viennese women, who tolerates something like that in their own country. Pompeii was also destroyed. why do you allow yourself to use us as slaves? for art culture science and technology? it was us, we are worth it, we were it, the aryan race? the slaves are just slaves!?

the sister atefeh amiri is a court interpreter and in "close" contact with judges, the brother azim amiri is married to UNO city, his wife is "secretary for everything in upper floors", and he himself, rahim amiri, has two boobs and a hole as an investment , his daughter. that's why adolf hitler said: i don't accept any iranian as a pure aryan race

prove to be human with murder and crime, that is the goal of capital fascism, ahrimanism, satanism in israel, turkey europe, america, the command is: become cannibalists.

azadeh amiri has a collective of 500,000 austrians europeans and americans, turks and arabs behind her, the goal and the psychopathic urge was to show iranians as animals. after 45 mass murder and crime. i say we native iranian are human creation and light body, you are what you wanted to make native iranian: animal origin

the more the ayatollahs hezbollah sepah and the iranian secret service lead the people into the illegal stasi cyber torture black money system, the more the people get black darkforce animal instincts. the viennese make iran evolution animal origin, evolution non-empath beings

The root of the mask lies in religious acts (cults). Masks are still used today by ethnic groups and indigenous peoples in rituals. Shananism, let's say the sign of the mask in grail is more significant than letters and numbers, more evidence of other dimensions than alphabet and numbers in grail

every bastard nazi satanist says: we are with our best friends the ayatullahs in this action, we are the right next to jerusalem and qum, we are the right against vmat2

since the 15th century we have had an ayatollah and mullah sect formation that has produced nothing but: ordinary normal 0815! today the 40,000 families with billions in capital are still looking for targets, the specialness and purity among the people and society. perpetrators with zero potential, zero special features, zero like mojtaba khamenei

ya hagh... the melting together of two metal balls

ya hagh statement is: with death threats and blackmail from the networks, I was deprived of the right to find a vmt2 woman.they took away my right to find a woman of my choice. death threat even with murdering the woman and child

With a twist of the hand, it's the timing with ya hagh sound of two metal balls colliding that reveals what the truth is. nonsense or not?

my dirty character says: stop being a bastard. only one thing was missing, that the romano gypsy race presents itself as an aryan master race and achieves prosperity through native iranian

azadeh amiri said today: that's not a miracle but your dirty master race character, doing things that others can't.

Montag, 14. August 2023

i have also conjured up some salvador dali artworks but i have to leave the house now

this spanish song keeps reminding me of her: Loca/ chico trujillo

ELAM salam alayküm neeee. Herodotus describes these ugly elam soldiers with masks as exaggeratedly ugly. the spartana the dan tribe soldiers were uglier...

unlocked! contact with a good family. smartphone photo raw

the wehrmacht has produced tons of crystal meth, to this day 45% of austrians are affected: we have to unlock ourselves for contact with negative aliens, i.e. djinns and demons. nazis without vmat LOL

آقا حساب کن یک گرم شیشه کشیدی مثل آدولف و نشستی تو پارک، بعد این پرنده خارکوسده بیاد بشینه رو دوشت بگه: تو خارکوسده خارکوسده هایی منم باهات. لول... طرف یک لبخند عمیقی میزنه، لبخند عمیقی میزنه، یک لبخندی میزنه! مگه نه حاجی؟ زیاد داریم

all global networked secret services, military, police, judges, politicians are together in one thing: INDIGO mass murder. nato states and their friends.

ritual object, ritual sacrifice means religion, this cyber torture action is a ritual with 89% participation of the austrian population, like 1932 to 1946

ask the vatican: satanism is religion freedom, the states have turned it into fascism and nazi satanism through freedom of action, what do you want from my sister and me? are we satanists? god believers? atheists? what are we? what do you want with ayatollahs and synagogues from us with secret cameras?

the door of qum vatican and synagogues in jerusalem should be bricked up, bricked up. everyone gets a costume, everyone.no one should be in the world religion without verifiable, VMAT2 genes and dna and race, in the hierarchy. cosmic eye observes everything through the falcon

I'm back, did you also look for the code in my underpants? More than half of the world's population has a penis length of 8 to 16 centimetres, or am I the only one?or the sole antiques dealer and capitalist? in a country with over 400,000 multi-millionaires, or millions of people with a penis length of up to 14-16 centimetres

i have to go...


the state and journalism want to persuade the austrians: the high statistic of the potency problem is exclusively because of smoking and drinking beer. I say this causes the chemistry in tear sacks, lip formation, movement and neurolinguistic talent, all genetically programmed to close and blind the sexuality chakra. that was intended for my race, now everyone suffers from it.

UNO should know, this cyber terror stasi system with a girl is a cock insult, insofar as it doesn't get stiff with this idea anymore, that's body violation. I bought it last week and framed it today

a job at home is liberation, the state psychologists or private therapists tell you to be crazy, because the damages for terror, attempted murder and the persecution of minorities are too high. the drugs or psychotropic drugs are physical injury/attempted murder, and the UN says: Cyberterror has nothing to do with physical torture. mobile photo raw...