Mittwoch, 16. August 2023

i have to go, but the actions of the uncles against rana have to do with manipulation techniques of two governments, arrests and death sentences 1980-1988 are of the same nature

No one should be arrested or humiliated for art, especially for socially critical or politically critical art. since 1979 creativity has been forbidden or innovation has been punished. these roots in iran, everyone says: this origin is not right, as you can see in vienna. my movie: rana's uncles would probably end up with the death penalty in vienna

صحنه بعدیش هم حق داری، اگر بعد از خمینی آیت‌الله منتظری کوسخل رو تو کون ما کرده بودن بهتر بود، والا تاحالا مرده بودیم خیالمون راحت میشد، این یکی تدریجی مثل کمپ های هولوکاست میکشه: پشم و پیلت ریخت؟ ریخت؟ یا که نریخت؟ تموم شدی؟ تموم شد؟ پشمات ریخت؟ آورین آورین خوب حالا بمیر... لول..... یزیدتو

خوب آقا شش دقیقه گذشت خاموش کردیم و بریم بخوابیم، یخ کنی بچه، تراپی درد جنگ مسلحانه است، ما سال 2002 پیغام دادیم، خوار مارو گائیدن تو هم برو بخواب زندان... تراپی ونگ ونگ ونگ راه انداخته

آقا ما بریم فیلم تماشا کنیم بینیم مخ از کجا گوزید، بد بید یا فیلم خوب بید، کجا گفت آخوند گودید

before we came to vienna, mr jodaei jabari taught my mother how to restore antique textiles. this iranian website is the proof of 18 years work in iranian culture ministry, master zahra khonjmanesh textile department. the only capital she took with her was 50 to 100 euros per hour of work. since 1998 the iranian and ayatullahs have been a compromise: money without work

ayatollah khomeini still has lovers today, not former intellectuals, but new iranian, the poorest moves in europe with 10 million dollars, the poorest. nouveau riche and our enemies abroad

money also means compromise. look: my mother and sister are both iranian citizens. not me, but my mother and sister. by that i mean this hostility, compromise and capital

کافه نادری

as a child i was an attraction in cafe naderi, i was there with my aunt tahere and showed my best side in the society of the revolutionary intellectuals: they said: he won't become a president but just as famous as a president. apparently it was vmat2 fortune tellers. i imitated ayatullah khomeini and made a comedian out of khomeini LOL. Ultimately, these revolutionaries knew more about my fate than their own fate

there is an illegal potency drug cobra, LOL that's also illegal cobra LOL for stiff penis

the viennese police have a bigger problem: why does he still get a stiff penis? after sterilization with poisons and drugs he should be impotent! Do you know why? Making people sexless with cyber torture (vmat2 race) is 350 million euros in damages

this whore and her pimp father and pimp mother should explain:what is this shit worth that you brought into my company with company key theft, this shit origin

we have been confronted in iran for 45 years with genetic deformity, murder rape torture. that was never religious behavior or god faith behavior, but an alliance with animal kingdom vienna, evolution animal kingdom. for both an amusing scene and economic idea... vienna is worse than the torturers in evin prison, iran is still austrofascism playing field

this genetic malformation can no longer be corrected, it has nothing to do with being human anymore... 90 years after national socialism, this behavior is proof enough: we do not let vmat2 live without torture

i went for a walk in vienna today, for two hours, the street theater was looking me in the face and laughing, or showing teeth like animals, about 87 passers-by out of 500 or 60? we know nothing and see nothing vienna. this vienna has murdered children like cucumbers, also with friendly faces and smiling faces

آقا چرا یه شعر از این ابوالقاسم جایی پیدا نمیشه؟ لول نکنه اینم گفته:، تتق تق تق تتق عینکی رو باش ویلون زنه ی عینکی رو باش... مشکوک این نقاشی دست اتریشی بوده

ask the austrians: what do you want from these siblings? the sister came to vienna when she was 3 years old, the brother when he was 11, in 1986. they will answer: we don't want anything. the illegal secret state cameras have been running since 1998.

we didn't do anything statement has been around for almost a century to this day: we didn't kill 1.5 million children, it was the germans. who is jeroboams? what is the race? our jewish friends say he was a satanist LOL

Anyone who never recognizes anything in the photos is also the one who sees no violation of human rights in cyber torture and ignores it

Dienstag, 15. August 2023

i have to go, but in austria there are 400,000 multi-millionaires, numbers that increase every day. and in the last 50 years there have been no breaks and break throughs. Anyone who has read 52 volumes of Marx knows what I mean. negative capital is monkey capital and needs discussion, possitive vmat2 and old race capital will be killed without discussions

as for anastasia and my sister : both have feudal genes. So they (the leftists, socialists and communists) make money through human trafficking and privacy trafficking, persecution, torture, humiliation and misogyny

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی چپ سنتی گوز مشنگ هم الان میگه: ژن فئودالی قدیمی اومده میگه ما آدمیم شما میمان زاده، ژن فئودالی پفیوز، آناستازیا هم از شما بود نه؟ آنستازیا رو نوبتی از کون میکردیم، ژن فئودالی جنده رو، ما آدم نیستیم؟ لول۰۰

i have to go, but today's viennese leftists and greens are more fanatical than turks in armenian massacres, and worse than nazis in jew mass murders as far as vmat2 and race are concerned., viennese stone favoriten


کونده خوار مادر جنده که میشه پدر مادر اخلاق، در هر جامعه ای یک جور میرینه این مادرسگ مادر کوسکش، هر جامعه رو یک جور تربیت میکنه، در هر تربیتی هم میدونه چجوری باید حرف بزنه که جامعه بیفته به کوسکشی و مادر قحبه بازی و کیر بزنه به خودش....  بفرما: من اگر این رو نکشتتتتتمممم، اگر نفهموندم به این که من نبوووووودم، اگر نفهموندم بهششششش که ما آدم بودیم و ما نبودییییم. شاشیدم تو حلق ننه جندت روانی کوسکش که تو نبودی مادر کوسده حرومزاده

It's a lie that science isn't advanced in the field of sociobiology, it's the same as the black hole is proved but the white wormhole is unprovable. all social types have been genetically screened and their social behaviors assessed. only with this calculation is this worldwide mass murder stasi system possible

what was the genetic behavior during armenian massacres was worse behavior compared to germans against jews, maybe more cruel

ERDOGAN: Türkiye'de de fabrikamız var,(karkhaneh),ama fabrikamız (karkhaneh) elhamdülillah temiz, bizim türk erkekleri de temizdir

turkey alone has millions of guest worker children in europe, with supreme commander erdogan: elam iran zarathushtler shaytanler, bende kirimiz zirmiz: sana ne yapman gerektiğini söyleyeceğim: ermeni kanı yahudi kanından beterdir,yüzüm riskin altından konuşmam gereken öfkeden kıpkırmızı

stopping this pairing or sterilization doesn't work with mass murder or concentration camps today, but with 100 million networked assholes worldwide. Schooled assholes with all sorts of Stasi techniques