Freitag, 18. August 2023

i will give you the proof: three austrian secret services, military and ÖVP/SPÖ, have been involved in systematic genocide and ethical cleansing in iran for 45 years, also outside of iran, with CIA NSA MOSSAD and MI6 support. otherwise it would not be possible to kill 45 years without an international reaction

the dirtiest blood is the blood where someone said it is the purest blood. dirtiest blood. it is always and forever on mass murder and torture

I habe to go. social engineering:

I have to go, but how the viennese iranian adapted tehran to crimes against humanity as far as my mother and sister are concerned, is also researched social biology of European scouts and pioneers. my sister has been suffering from severe panic attacks since 2002. with 6 years of drug therapy..

i watched 16 minutes of the movie the brothers of leyla to date, i will watch 8 minutes every night. the director was arrested and imprisoned. the reason is also as regards the first 16 minutes: what is the driving force of adjustment as far as parts of iranian society are concerned? this phenomenon and social behavior has ruined us throughout history

Donnerstag, 17. August 2023

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، کیری ترین ها و بدبخت ترین ها هم اونایی هستن که علی دایی علی دایی میکنن، فقط طاقت نیاوردم نگم، کیری ها. شب بخیر

غلام... آقا من یک یک سالی بود در پالتالک تاپیک اتاق رو میذاشتیم: مدیریت مملکت چرا باید چاکر مخلص و نوکر و غلام مردم باشه، چند سال بعدش دیدم همه ریدن به ما رفت، مجاهد، شاهی، چپ راست، آخوند حزب‌الله..... لول.. آخه کوسکش ها چرا یه عنی میذارین اون بالا به عنوان بت و بت پرستی راه میندازین، شاهزاده شاهزاده، مریم مریم، حمید حمید.. گوه بگیره همتون رو...

آقا ما بریم هشت دقیقه بعدی فیلم بردران لیلا رو ببینیم، میشه دقیقه شانزده، بینیم سوژه چیه این بنده خدارو گرفتن

a project with real equipment releases photos that make hollywood look like poor. the construction of a grail the size of the star gate and equipment costs several million euros. especially the hi-tech that needs to be invented for...... (...)

آقا ما هرجا میریم کار داریم یاد زمان شاه می افتیم و تف میکنیم به این سرنوشت، والا به ما ها قبل از انقلاب وام 300 میلیونی تومانی میدادن الان با اون انقلاب کیری که شما کردید ریده شده به امثال من رفته... والا اشرف هم که دیگه نیست سرش کلاه بزاریم بگیم: یه جارو انتخاب کن بعد از مرگ زورکی بفرستمت از سوراخ سفید اونور، شاید رد شدی....

French histricians puzzle to this day because of the massacre, mass murder and ethnic cleansing during the french revolution. why so many? They didn't understand the deeper meaning of this slogan: equality, brotherhood, justice

stones from vienna, prehistory

deep states mean nothing other than satanic lucernerian governments, state within state. no matter iran Türkiye arabic countries, western countries or asia. prehistoryphobia prevails everywhere, which is why satanists are also supported by three major regions of the world: we only create peace with equality, brotherhood and justice, we are all of the same origin and creation. evolution.
our murder is "ancient racial origin" silent murder, with this statement: you never existed, you don't exist

Et si tu n'existais pas 😇😇😇

Et si tu n'existais pasDis-moi pourquoi j'existerais?Pour traîner dans un monde sans toiSans espoir et sans regrets
Et si tu n'existais pasJ'essaierais d'inventer l'amourComme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigtsNaître les couleurs du jourEt qui n'en revient pas
Et si tu n'existais pasDis-moi pour qui j'existerais?Des passantes endormies dans mes brasQue je n'aimerai jamais

you understand, the vienna police are old in the business of killing people in a cell. without traces and proof, until now it was the case that because of topicality few greens and leftists showed their foot toe thumbs to the police until everything is forgotten. and all for one reason: we want to show that we are still human, we don't let innocent people be killed because of vmat2. 6 years is enough?

in vienna there is a gang of crooks and bandits that calls itself leftists, it has been fighting for decades for the legalization of hashish and marijuana, otherwise in this matter it says: if someone betrays us and demands that we justify cyber torture, then we will kill the traitors and victims

Austria's euthanasia program was developed with absolute calm conscience, with women collective statement: vmt2 means suffering, torture and misery, vmat2 is torture for life, we have to free the children from it, this deformity is incomprehensible, it causes schitzopherenia and paranoia and other psychological torture and suffering... LOL

apparently a lot of people have been reading my website and facebook for a few days now, and are asking: what happened to first human and vmat2? religion kills, were first humans killer machines? LOL no we were sadists and passive aggressive and we let evolution continue until it speaks many languages and annoys us and fucks us like plato in the brain. parrot idiots

this idea, story and movie is worthy to say i. to say I need a lot. "I need a house" "I need wealth" "I need money" says who in vienna?...... smartphone photo raw!

if the societies in the west join in the mass murder joy of the austrians and related tribes in iran "the iranian" because of vmat and old race, then there are actually 5 billion too many living on god's earth

The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse: STALKER, Cybertorture terrorist

Mittwoch, 16. August 2023

i have to go, but the actions of the uncles against rana have to do with manipulation techniques of two governments, arrests and death sentences 1980-1988 are of the same nature

No one should be arrested or humiliated for art, especially for socially critical or politically critical art. since 1979 creativity has been forbidden or innovation has been punished. these roots in iran, everyone says: this origin is not right, as you can see in vienna. my movie: rana's uncles would probably end up with the death penalty in vienna

صحنه بعدیش هم حق داری، اگر بعد از خمینی آیت‌الله منتظری کوسخل رو تو کون ما کرده بودن بهتر بود، والا تاحالا مرده بودیم خیالمون راحت میشد، این یکی تدریجی مثل کمپ های هولوکاست میکشه: پشم و پیلت ریخت؟ ریخت؟ یا که نریخت؟ تموم شدی؟ تموم شد؟ پشمات ریخت؟ آورین آورین خوب حالا بمیر... لول..... یزیدتو

خوب آقا شش دقیقه گذشت خاموش کردیم و بریم بخوابیم، یخ کنی بچه، تراپی درد جنگ مسلحانه است، ما سال 2002 پیغام دادیم، خوار مارو گائیدن تو هم برو بخواب زندان... تراپی ونگ ونگ ونگ راه انداخته

آقا ما بریم فیلم تماشا کنیم بینیم مخ از کجا گوزید، بد بید یا فیلم خوب بید، کجا گفت آخوند گودید

before we came to vienna, mr jodaei jabari taught my mother how to restore antique textiles. this iranian website is the proof of 18 years work in iranian culture ministry, master zahra khonjmanesh textile department. the only capital she took with her was 50 to 100 euros per hour of work. since 1998 the iranian and ayatullahs have been a compromise: money without work

ayatollah khomeini still has lovers today, not former intellectuals, but new iranian, the poorest moves in europe with 10 million dollars, the poorest. nouveau riche and our enemies abroad

money also means compromise. look: my mother and sister are both iranian citizens. not me, but my mother and sister. by that i mean this hostility, compromise and capital

کافه نادری

as a child i was an attraction in cafe naderi, i was there with my aunt tahere and showed my best side in the society of the revolutionary intellectuals: they said: he won't become a president but just as famous as a president. apparently it was vmat2 fortune tellers. i imitated ayatullah khomeini and made a comedian out of khomeini LOL. Ultimately, these revolutionaries knew more about my fate than their own fate

there is an illegal potency drug cobra, LOL that's also illegal cobra LOL for stiff penis

the viennese police have a bigger problem: why does he still get a stiff penis? after sterilization with poisons and drugs he should be impotent! Do you know why? Making people sexless with cyber torture (vmat2 race) is 350 million euros in damages

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...