Montag, 21. August 2023

if life is reduced to this demand: how do i finance 30 euros a day for a visit to a restaurant and good food, then i'm talking about animal existence! How does that work out with an academic salary of 2000 euros? I see you every day in the restaurant. I need a camera with 70,000 euros lens and 500,000 euros equipment for sensational important work, the state only finances animal stomachs

these women are 0815, normal and of no importance for this world, but since 30 years of war, before and after, until today these women are the Hyenas in this world, as bertold brecht describes it

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als
rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen
entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts
sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die
bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird
dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“

when i get up just before six i look like the world is mine, cheerful and happy, 2 hours later when i'm out and about in vienna i'm getting old again, vienna makes you old, vienna makes you sick, vienna is a disease, because of the psychopathic racial madness sick nazi women and their international tribal relatives. they will follow me to Madagascar, of course when I leave the country: which hole which BABY LOL

خواهر مریم فاشیست جنده ریدم به کوست خارکوسده لاشی آمریکایی

austria also had this fascist movement in ukraine, so the russian invasion is a right. without the anti-semitic movement in iran and the gypsy aryan nazi movement, there would be no chance for vienna with this action in tehran

خواهر مریم شاشیدم به کوس اون جنده خارکوسده ای که تو رو در مملکت من زائید.... مادر جنده های مفتخور تر از آخوند

today, after instigating two world wars, vienna has also managed to do this today: kill your original race and native race in iran and earn millions

this capital sum is for ethnic cleansing, it is intended for: genocide bring you money and prosperity, first in iran with presence of ayatullah, current fascism and gypsy aryan movement

Do you understand? the achieved capital, the total is mass murder, in iran and the middle east with our genetics dna and race. the billion sum, race trade and race torture is NS repetition and attempted mass murder

i looked today when i started with the grail and water LOL, november 2021. I'm taking new photos again today and will drink again. the earned race trade money austria with ayatullah regime and israel was how high? ? 60 billion? with hundreds of millions of consumers it is possible


ما بریم تا عصری، خلاصه: دو تا هشت دقیقه فیلم برادران لیلا رو نگاه کردیم و گذاشتیم کنار، بقیه اش به درد ما نمیخوره، فقط ببین 4 سال بعد از انقلاب نصرت چسبیده بود به رادیو بی بی سی و رادیو اسرائیل هی میگفت: باری، باری، باری شاهزاده فردا با میگ بر میگرده، گفته برمیگرده با ارتش شاهنشاهی همه بر میگردن با هم، شاهزاده ام رفته خلبان شده. باقر هم هی داد میزد سر عزیز: من میشاشم تو اون سماوری که تو میخوای ازش جلو آخوند هفته ای یه بار چایی بذاری، خونه من آخوند دعوت نکن، مادر قحبه رو. صندلی نداریییم.. لول... کونده این فیلم چیه درست کردی رفتی زندان بدبخت بیچاره... 

دنیا خارکوسده شده سر این دو ابرقدرت، تو اون روحت دنیا! سر باقر قصاب از تیر دوغلو و نصرت‌الله فراهانی از شهرری کامیون رون شرکت پل سیمان، حاجی دیگه نداریم از اینها یا داریم؟ داریم یا نداریم از این ابرقدرت ها؟ دمبش کو؟ نوه نتیجش کو؟

Sonntag, 20. August 2023

آ موجی، پسر حاجی، ده بیا قر کمرو اداشو، جلب

من نمیتونه بگه، میگه ما، همون مار

i have to go, but 15 million gypsies and 30 million new iranians, even with iranian and arabic names, have nothing to do with this ICH, you can only be identified with sinti and roma everywhere like in any other country in this world, immigrants!

the austrian says ICH so that it gives itself the right to ruin existences, to torture and kill after causing three world wars (i have an explanation for the current third). i come from tehran, and i say ICH for life and believe

the austrian in particular says that every day: every additional and new proof and photo of the grail is one more reason to kill you, en masse

What this wall relief from Elam Iran 5000 B.C. emphasizes is grail and water tradition and culture, it shows in the middle a spawned race arisen by different DNA stripes, genes and races, below the middle person is the water sign. iran and iranian are endangered as this race is on international terrorism list, terrorist for atheists satanists and communists

it's not just austria or ausrrian society, it's international: azadeh amiri is aryan, romano aryan from iran, the victims family native, or jews armenians. everything is a lie, a veil. it is the preparation for international vmat2 mass murder and torture business.

I have to go and won't write again until tomorrow, but as for magic numbers and what's behind them, I will create innovations and provide proof, I just need a camera...

آقا مداح های پفیوز حزب اللهی لات تهرون خواهش میکنم نخونن این سایت مارو، این چه وضعشه آخه جاکش صدات تا اینجا میاد: یک دو سه برو خوارننه کوسده، چرا زدی تلمبه تو اون کوس های جنده، تو ای جادوگر کونکش، تو..... لول لول مادر قحبه ها

one means primordial beginning, two means pari war bepari, three means all trinity is perfect, study numbers mysticism. what it actually means one two and three is no joke

I've had the confirmations from the AKH and another hospital and two doctor's offices for 6 years: I'm perfectly healthy

sex without a condom is not just hiv and hepatitis disease, there are dozens of other dangers, soroor didn't feel sorry for azadeh for a second, neither did she for herself. apparently only I had empathy and concern

they just don't understand it, the feelings of vmat2 mothers to their children is a phenomenon, it's different than non vmat2 mothers. how often do the children come to visit you?


Feminism in iran is shaped and influenced by envy, which is also the case in austria. this statement: it is the fault of the naive women (vmat2) that women are exploited and seen as sex objects, we, the strong women, have to set limits and distance ourselves from these women. this shit, this masquerade is only because of one thing: your child and my child, you and your child are ruining the future of my child. How? your child learns faster and makes faster progress, your child makes a career and raises itself even without studying. your children are ruining my child's life and disrupting my child's life

there was a reason for the hate towards my mother: 10 hours of work a day for success, 18 years in tehran and 15 years in vienna. the iranian leftist women are worse than all fascist groups combined, in tehran and abroad

والا این اتحاد عن رو تو کون من هم آلاسکا کرده، منی که وین نشستم، حالا رژم بماند....

around 2010 i was sitting in a stop the bomb group at a party, suddenly azadeh started telling jokes: barbad smells his socks every time he takes his socks off, none of these jews in stopthebomb were not enthusiastic about it, everyone laughed. i bet jesus also smelled his socks every day because of the chemistry of the smell: how many times have you poisoned me? 18 times? three times it was certainly the Bavarian Roman soldiers. on this beach in kefalonia i thought: my socks opened a path to the ocean for you, or am i paranoid?

I've been a political activist in various portals since 2002, against the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Vienna I've been confronted with killer women because of my race genes and DNA, these women are worse than the Hezbollah and ayatollahs