Dienstag, 22. August 2023

i have to go, the big question is: what did the SPÖ and övp government found in us in the 90s? the BSA and Heinrich Groß have produced neuro poisons since 1946 that reduce intelligence and intellect, it also affects the penis and makes childless, but what can these poisons not do michael häupl? to stop phenomena? damage bone crystals and left hand biophysics?

a bit blurry because of camera quality, but enough, i have mythology with me, the lady is a nightmare and scary for some, for me a conversation partner, like lady susi at afternoon tea

the murder of 1.5 million children is not everyone's ability, this mechanism and driving force and ambition and ignition power was vienna, alien vienna with its garbage in politics, alien gene garbage is called government, politics and the rule of law

I took dozens of photos and am only posting two today, with the reasoning: what would the esterhazis be without the Dan tribe in the second district, a pact of the DAN antichrists with the devil and his demons

the message was so important that i can't wait until tomorrow: the organizer is the chief of the esterhazy clan. the goblin and monkey origin, what do you do with so much gold pots? with our blood and life?

before i go to sleep: the money from the stasi pot and torture, ruining 3 existences will cost the lives of 5000 austrians and 10,000 iranians if nobody, absolutely nobody will be punished for race trade vmat2 trade

آقا ما بریم، عکس هارو هم فردا پست میکنم، ولی شاه ایران رو کی به این منظور میشناخت؟ هیچکس! این جنده از اول کیر بود، ارتش رو هم کیر کرد، شاه رو هم کیر کرد، مارو هم کیر کرد، اینم آخرش: شما هم بمیرید مثل شوهر نامردم، به کیرم... لول

for racial murder in prison by suffocation, strangulation or poisoning, the viennese police need a collection of 5000 iranians in austria, nobody is there, or there are a few dozen, everyone is afraid of iranians in iran... otherwise these aryan iranians abroad have no problem with genocide

امروز داشتم فکر میکردم: داش به چه درد ما میخوره این ترانه ها؟ جون تو ایرانی آریایی این متن ترانه رو از آن خود میداند، ما که آدم نیستیم، میدونی یعنی چی؟ یعنی میگه سرزمین یعنی آریایی، مادر یعنی آریایی، خون یعنی آریایی، خاک یعنی آریایی، بعد سوال میکنی پس کی داره کی رو میکشه؟، میگه عرب تازی آریایی رو! لول.

I wanted to take pictures last night, but I'm doing it today, something is wrong, a lot is not on its place,I feel like something bad is about to happen

it's pretty much the least interesting and cheapest thing a human can do. a shame and embarrassment for iran and its native race. the only interesting thing is: how does he fuck a 140 kilos discus thrower woman with 14 to 16 centimeters cock length. LOL fucking monkey evolution origin police vienna

every iranian who got money in this cyber torture business and attempted murder has become a mass murderer. wealth through murder

as soon as you are marked as a vmat2 immigrant, as a vmat2 carrier, you only get third-class treatment in terms of medicine, what law and order prosecutors and lawyers are concerned, what your job and career is concerned. Even if you invest a minimum of 50,000 euros in a doctor's office or a lawyer's office

Montag, 21. August 2023

grand piano and her 18th birthday, a multi-talent who played chopin at the age of 14 and the viennese secretly listened

The Viennese police with NSDAP and Gestapo history has not reacted to any crimes for 20 years until today for one reason only: the Aryan race of whatever branch should live in prosperity. sausage and bread are not enough

In 1999 they had access to my mother's apartment by stealing the key: the vmat2 jews have a 160.m2 apartment with paintings worth 80,000 euros, the daughter plays the piano on a grand piano for 12,000 euros. that was rahim amiri with his daughter. courage for this action was given by the state of austria and ayatullah

i have to go but the rock is a project, concept, strategy and belief. one is for the first. tablet editing

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی عجب پدر مادر عنی دارید بعضی هاتون، عنوناکی ژن و دراکونی ژن و نمیدونم بی پدر مادر ژن و! والا، بعد میگن چرا امام علی رو آوردید ایران

I have to go to sleep. but in Rouffignac cave cannibals were also bred like on easter islands, what would the world be without the saoshyant race, the cleaner. open your notebooks and calculate the number code with characters. I edited it in 2018

it has to be proven archaeologically, vienna was a monkey plantation and breeding factory, worst branch of evolution, 70,000 years ago was a bigger wave of gene manipulation. dig deep to find origins of this master race where their biology was touched, by whom!?

this country is not ashamed of anything, not of concentration camps, not of mass graves, they are not ashamed of the hundreds of mass graves that still exist in austria, and they are not ashamed of gas chambers, back then they quarreled about a sausage, today about prosperity and going to restaurants, they argue about money, the stasi torture money that was earned by ruining and torturing my family

i have to go again and will be back at 8 p.m., that's why brecht says hyenas: houuuuum mmmmm hammmmm hummmm muaaa, muuuua, mmmmmmmm. and for this human life shall be destroyed

if life is reduced to this demand: how do i finance 30 euros a day for a visit to a restaurant and good food, then i'm talking about animal existence! How does that work out with an academic salary of 2000 euros? I see you every day in the restaurant. I need a camera with 70,000 euros lens and 500,000 euros equipment for sensational important work, the state only finances animal stomachs

these women are 0815, normal and of no importance for this world, but since 30 years of war, before and after, until today these women are the Hyenas in this world, as bertold brecht describes it

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als
rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen
entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts
sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die
bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird
dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“

when i get up just before six i look like the world is mine, cheerful and happy, 2 hours later when i'm out and about in vienna i'm getting old again, vienna makes you old, vienna makes you sick, vienna is a disease, because of the psychopathic racial madness sick nazi women and their international tribal relatives. they will follow me to Madagascar, of course when I leave the country: which hole which BABY LOL

خواهر مریم فاشیست جنده ریدم به کوست خارکوسده لاشی آمریکایی

austria also had this fascist movement in ukraine, so the russian invasion is a right. without the anti-semitic movement in iran and the gypsy aryan nazi movement, there would be no chance for vienna with this action in tehran

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...