Freitag, 25. August 2023

god gene has abilities, it starts with water ritual and this self-knowledge leads to infinite realizations, to renewals to fulfill the universal tasks. I will take new photos now. ELAM/LURISTAN rock art 5000 B.C.

all current networks of the iranian nazi movement and eugenics fascists have their headquarters in UNO city, racial madness and mass murder house, as in the year 1992 balkan war: god gene annihilation, mass murder, child murder, no matter which religion

این جند دهاتی با این کوسکش بابلی حقوق 1200-1800 بودند، میاری بیرون یا نه؟

آقا ما از بچگی هر کجا شیر و شمشیر دیدیم فقط کوسکشی ازش زد بیرون، حالا میخواد جبهه ملی باشه، شاهی باشه، مجاهد باشه یا میانه رو یا اصلاح‌طلب، یا چپ نما. ما فقط کوسکشی از این شیر و خورشید دیدیم، کوسکش سیاسی

the only thing the international court has to do is: to publish the illegal money from race trade vienna and tehran, the stasi torture race trade money of the police apparatus secret services, politicians and judges. without murder, without taking hostages, without 9/11 actions no chance. this is a global vmat2 mass murder plan

what the aryan iranian movement in vienna proves: german empire is fatherland, iran motherland, we will win. what you actually win is this: a stone on your head dear monkeys, evolution fanatics and nazis, eugenic fascists

it has been a daily conversation with my mother for 18 years, every time she cooks she first thinks of iran, today for example: people have to pay a million tumans for a fish like this, a million tumans with a 6 million tumans salary. then she goes back into the kitchen, bent over and worried. homeland love and connection to iranian soil was never aryan. insofar as emathie gene cannot be found in this breed

i always emphasized: the country must be liberated from the hands of foreigners, europeans and balkan immigrants, and scum in parties and groups or organizations present themselves abroad as islam critics, history critics, Mosadegh critics or Mosadegh advocates or human rights activists. in iran many have 6 testicles for armed liberation but no leader...

everyone who knew jazz from 2002 and visited his political chat rooms daily, came to vienna, collected money and left vienna again. the money was paid out by hezbollah through vienna's town hall and mayor

that's the back of the stone, parviz! the nuclear medicine doctor like my murdered aunt in america tara

آقا ما بریم، ولی حاجی خودمونیم خیلی لر بازی از ما یاد گرفتی. کیر مارو میخوان ضربه فنی کنن ما هم برای دفاع مقدس هی میگویم: ما زمان شاهرخ و شاهپری در گابون نوکلار فوزیون و پلانتاژ داشتیم، شما هم که هچ، سر پاسپانی از شیعه ناسیونالیسم بوق میزنی: ما زمان امام علی پیتزا هم داشتیم. لر بازیه دیگه

shahpari and shahrokh were from atlantis you nazi europe, and the spirits in gral gate a reality. lava stone from gabon, where was atlantis?

shahpari and shahrokh.... LOL

that's what they say in austria: if you don't have a vaccination pass, you're not a human being, you're a fascist. according to the motto: equality fraternity justice, we all have monkey origins

the answer from animals in international authorities, UNO, amnesty and human rights watch is: nobody is dirtier than you! after 45 years of ethnic cleansing and mass murder in iran

Donnerstag, 24. August 2023

Every dirty animal that screams: "there was nothing" is a racial hygiene nazi, a mass murderer and dirty animal origin, mass murder Junkies with inferior genes and dna. listens to UN, amnesty and international courts

i have to go, but parts of austrian society is convinced and has visions and lives in fantasy world: we will cleanse iran from elam, jewish armenian race, and other native races. we have the final solution: hezbolah and iranian nazi movement

the society supports the government because of stalking and voyeurism and not azadeh amiri, since 1998 it is the austrian government and not a gypsy family from iranian province

i wanted to buy sex today, then i found out that this spirit hadn't found a suitable body, in vienna there aren't any good gene hosts anymore. after the vaccination at all. but the dog told me a story and i thought: joe, who cares about your script if no one even cares about your photo and your face

i have to go, but parts of austrian society is convinced and has visions and lives in fantasy world: we will cleanse iran from elam and jewish armenian race, and other native races. we have the final solution: hezbolah and iranian nazi movement.

iran has been suffering from torture for 45 years, the psychological-strategic long-term torture, namely poverty and hunger, is the worst. the new idea from austria/vienna, cyber torture and silent death is a worse slap in the face than the last 45 years: we work with current fascism in iran and with exile iranian, the aryan iranian! fucking austrofascism and iranian nazis

the desire to torture others, to ruin them, to drive others into poverty and suicide, to lead people into deep depressions are hereditary diseases, the self-enrichment and self-reward through torture money is even sicker than the implanted parasite

even as a primate it was an asshole and enslaved apes, apes enslaved other species of apes to appear human, humans like atlantis people LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

the urge to torture has existed since prehistory, what the 7000 police officers in vienna carry is a disease that carries and affects a part of evolutionary tribes. Sexual torture, sex deprivation, financial harm, family emotional harm, deprivation of security, inducing paranoia, fear of death and depression. all this is the neanderthal ape: genetic invalidity and defect. inferior development to human

This event and encounter has a character 5000 B.C. ELAM/LURISTAN

Austria's income from race torture, persecution of minorities, ethnic research and genocide is in the billions, a capital amount that nobody wants or will work internationally, including international judges and authorities. the distribution of black money is the second mauthausen project

In the last 20 years we have seen no persecution of minorities, no racial torture, gene fanaticism, ethnic hatred, terrorism and NS repetition: exploitation of other races. that's why we don't see water, grail, art and phenomenon. I'm talking about a fascistic international authority with mass murder intent. insofar as they practice ahrimanism and satanism on an international level