Freitag, 1. September 2023

headlines from the grail water gate: UNO statement: world fascism will assert itself against vmat2 and win, all viennese secret services police and ali khamenei have our full support. international courts agree with us: vmat2 magic worker race will be exterminated

آقا ما بریم، اینکه شد جناب رهبر بقیه اش به به

This action is a huge thank you that Iran took you in as children and called you Aryan Iranian, Arash Amiri, Azadeh amiri, Maziar amiri and the whole tribe thank us with this action: Thank you for prosperity

the worst thing about this demon is that it lurks and has long patience, i feel him every saturday at the flea market, he found a human host from the same tribe of amiris shams and gharibs.... all the killers in the city are activated

when i was 18 there were many around me, i soon noticed that they were enthusiastic about everything i do, they were also enthusiastic about azadeh, at 20 i left everyone and blocked all contacts, i never went to a club or disco again. because at that time I was aware: even if I jerk off in front of a donkey ass if I got a stiff penis, then even everyone would try that. so idiotic but it's true, all idiots with azadeh. lol

پر پر پر پریدم سربه هوا کشیدم رها شدم ز دستت به ارزوم رسیدم

من دیگه بیپناهم عشق تو شد گناهم رسوا شدم خدایا فقط تویی گواهم
دل شکسته من به دامه تو اسیره با این همه بدیها بازم واست میمیره
دیگه بازیچه دستت نمیشم عاشق دو چشم مستت نمیشم
دیگه از عشق تو دم نمیزنم دیگه شادیم و بهم نمی زنم
پر پر پر پریدم سر به هوا کشیدم رها شدم زدستت به ارزوم رسیدم

آقا ما بچه بودیم روزی دو ساعت فتانه گوش میکردیم، فقط نفهمیدم چرا همه به این بنده خدا هی فحش و بد و بیراه میدن، مثلا اینکه رگ و ریشه ایشون هم بله، ها؟ .. مثل اینکه

austrofascism and ayatollahs want to eradicate our race in the 21st century, en masse, with the help of israel and america, that's why the billion euro project design: nobody will report anything, it's about a lot of money

It must be about several billion euros that have been distributed, that up to now nobody has reported forced pornography, human trafficking, vmat2 beings as commodities and economic boom, race as slaves and his private life a property of the state. in the West.

after these mass murder scenes and this history, vienna isn't worth a cent to start trading in racial torture again, whatever the race. because of NS repetition, this time with cyber torture, international judges, prosecutors and UN employees should first be arrested and punished, this value (Aryan master race) gives this scum to vienna:, amnesty international employees, humanright watch employees, geneva and others

Donnerstag, 31. August 2023

NARNIA WORLD, magiiiiiccc

That's why the Vatican insulted Hollywood instead of "Three Hail Marys". go the hell hollywood: golden compass

understand what vienna has become after 80 years of national socialism: we will investigate this race with friends around the world and observe and kill it, that is reasonable, we want to live in a rational, scientific and reasonable world without silliness

i have to go, ollllleeeeee wepppppaaaaaaa

hostility because of race, ethnicity, bloodline, dna and genes is not human. Michael häupl has been saying for 24 years: my vienna is human! like Himmler and Adolf Hitler

plato said don't be afraid to normal development of evolution, nazi and fascists animals will be afraid forever because of us, animals, abnormal development of evolution

the viennese secret services and austrian state wanted to arrest me on behalf of the world fascism and americans with hide evidence and torture me because of information: what do you plan to do in life, what do you want to do? and all this with the presence of amnesty international, international judges and the UN

i have to go fuck you

Magicians have secure programming in the sense that they never study and learn your science, never study earthly knowledge. they just act instinctively and innovatively, it just works. you can torture a magician for a year, he can't report or calculate or explain anything, he can't, he doesn't know the academic language, he never went to your shitty universities

well, the answer to so many cartoon scenes is: children's world jazz

i have to go and take pics today, i'm just sending jazz through transmitter to other side... LOL🤗🤗🤗

darling we need help on this earth....

austrian state is the biggest nazi dirt pig of the 21st century, as army it has current iranian "aryan movement", current fascism tehran with holocaust denial conference on the shoulder

in fact i am a seer: thousands of austrians and iranians are at risk of being burned in buildings like 9/11. because they cannot stop with race torture and mass murder.

the three children arash/maziar/azadeh come from the working-class district, 21st district, with 1200-1800 euros salary parents, a state-sponsored apartment for workers. iranian regimes, america, vienna and israel enabled arash amiri to get 18 million euros. 18 million euros, protected by CIA. cyber torture money 1998 to 2023

Well, as a day trader I could quickly earn 800,000 euros for one piece of equipment, but the risk of murder was too high: he knows everything beforehand through telepathy, he is a seer, he is not aryan the jew, he embarrasses our race. fucking civil servants and established middle class

everything that happened in vienna because of my family is because of race, viennese mothers, daughters, sons and fathers insult us next to european romano race iranian (the old and new gypsies) as jewish armenians, jewish armenians vmat2

most of the pseudo-left iranians in exile voluntarily helped in the mass murder in the 80s and were then released, almost all "tawabs" including rahim amiri (8 months in evin prison) . killer breed is the blood, it doesn't happen overnight because of money

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