Sonntag, 3. September 2023

Scarecrow Fridolin and farm dog Huckleberry are good friends! do you know the story? they do everything so apolitically and childishly

i have to go, but these characters and screenplay is worth 5 million euros, including conversation and speech text. I suffer from severe schizophrenia

Lao-tse said something about water, character and personality formation, presumably that was an allusion to: genes are responsible for personality and character formation. ahrimanism and black luciferian darkforce says to turkey: yasasin Cumhuriyet, yasasin Demokrasi...

For 20 years the police have had the task of preparing society for genocide and regarding it as a necessity, with the catchphrase: HOUSE! I explained to you which breed

ما بریم بخوابیم، به جون تو اگر با لهجه گیلکی علمی بیایم توضیح بدیم سر چی این آب رو ما در حمام کنار دستشویی میچرخونیم، دو نفرتو یوتیوب آمار بیشتر بالا نمیره. اون دیوونه خونه کارش بیشتر داره تا دیوونه خونه ما.....

آقا ما از این برنامه ها هم نگاه میکنیم ها، حوصله ام از سینمای ایران سر رفته:، ما زیر فشاریم، همینه که هست

the austrians, the viennese send the iranian perpetrators to flea market, carla, or street sidewalk. they want to find out if i kill or injure ali or azadeh or others. it all relates back to this mindset: we want to hurt and kill without being hurt and killed. i said several times i'm not a jew in 1932 and your blood stinks more than iranian perpetrators, you understand?

بچه کیری بزرگ هم بشه باز آدم نمیشه، همین دیروز خسرو اومد شنبه بازار جلو ما مانور اومد با یه دختره، منم محل سگ نذاشتم بهش رفت، والا، مگه تو بچه بودی ساندویچت رو با ما نصف میکردی حالا اومدی با این جلو ما رژه میری تحویلت بگیریم و بگیم سلام

then world fascism and satanism say: messiah belief and delusion is religious (vmat2) fascism. asshole in amnesty international, uno, in international authorities, international courts you cross all red lines and shit on human rights and civil rights, and you sit next to genocide and torture, what is so bad about your end and extermination, what is so bad? Armageddon? fuck yourself

darwinism should be erased from school books, it doesn't affect every child, why do you force our children to believe that they are descended from the primate? a constitutional state and human rights fails: i am an international judge and say this is ours, cyber torture money is ours! as a child i shared my lunchtime sandwich with 4 others, in minoo and kalantari elementary school, i usually went home half-starved, but not as a monkey origin. you are scum with torture money, you were scum even as children

stupid idiotic world fascism, also in international authorities: we just want to destroy vmat2, that has nothing to do with national socialism or a repetition of concentration camps, in the sense that vmat2 is just a gene and not a Jew.

the international officials in internarional courts don't want to lose their jobs, like others in UNO, amnesty international and other organizations who have only one wish: will you finally kill someone? a judge or policeman or iranian or austrian? your father, or azadeh and ali, or your uncles? so that we dig all the financial projects and evidence under the ground?

that's why i'm talking about animal origin and animal instincts, austrofascism hasn't had a single criminal act, files or convictions from me and my family since 1986, the idea was ali gharib and inferior networks tehran, nobodies with clips of the soles of my feet for international vmat2 murder project

the Vietnamese claim that rhinoceros horn cures cancer, so prices have risen to hundreds of thousands of euros. what do you think healed buddha's callus? or the old prehistory bloodline cornea?

do you know buddha's footprint? I never tell nonsense, no comments without proof

austrofascism, the viennese judges established with iranian: pure white healthy soles are human. I say I'm human, I need this hole to draw secondary energy from the earth and direct it towards the brain, also: my watergate program, Aktion Wunderland is a dozen million euro project, with this cornea, you foot sole you, you purity and human

passive aggressive animals, animals, scum origin uses stasi murder money, cyber torture money, in the hope that the active aggressive will end everything through arrest and murder.

anyone who is a cyber terrorist and torturer says: "i"! that means my existence and being and continuing to live is productive, the life and existence of the victims are worthless, we make it valuable! we invite hundreds of millions of viewers and show the interesting things about this family. with fake material rumors and lies!?

what is important is a second high-quality lens, focused on the crystal for sharp images, 85,000 euros. Anyone who illegally earns money through cyber torture in Austria has been saying since 1998: "I"! go to fuck "I". inferior useless animal.

بینم حاجی صادرات نطنز نیست سرراه ما گذاشتی امروز؟

buying a few kilos of walnuts for 5 euros in vienna is like finding and buying magic beans, although i don't know why it was offered to me at the flea market, the color is weird

Samstag, 2. September 2023

I have to go you animal and come later you animal

don't stand in front of me and say what and who i am, "special you" also has the behavior of denial and hide evidence. the doctor was very lucky that he was marked with the seyyed line, not mahsa amini, you animal, you torturer and dirt

I have to go to sleep, but these monkeys have been imitating us for hundreds even thousands of years. as if they were human, as if they were like us. nothing will ever change and no law will work: animal origin remains animal, like modern cyber torture terrorist animal today

don't stand in front of us and don't say who we are is a very old story, it was the case with taraneh mousavi too: at some point she lost her nerve and insulted the scum animals in my way, she was burned alive in acid. ali daie's scum society and network, big djinns and demons and little lackey djinns and demons. tribal relatives austria

آقا هر عکس یک صحنه، یعنی جون تو اگر انقلاب نمیشد ما میموندیم ایران فوتبالیست میشدیم و میشدیم این: هر شوت یک سوت و یک گل. به علی قسم اگر من منت سر این مردم میذاشتم: 300 بخیه خوردم، از اون بچه ای که با نارنجک رفت زیر تانک بدبخت تر شدم، من مردم برای این مردم، من 300 بار زنده شدم برای این مردم، فوتبالیستم، آی فلانم آی بهمانم