Dienstag, 5. September 2023
قدمت تاریخی میلیون ساله داریم، کوسکش دوربین مخفی از ما گذاشته واسه مردم که یعنی: نیمه ی پنهون ایشون اوشون است، یعنی کوس کون کردن زن و بچه مردم. لول. از خشایار محسنی سوال کنید: تو با علی دایی از کی تا حالا در کمین لیلا و مرجان بودید که کجا به ما یواشکی کوس داده. سال، ۱۹۹۸ نبود تخم حروم زاده های اجنبی
Montag, 4. September 2023
there are hundreds of thousands of pages about career potential, job and money, with the topic: how deep can you dig into yourself, what else can the body and psyche do, to exhaust all your talents to earn more money. what does vienna do with opening pandoras box is: what do you find in your depths to earn money: how much more can you do to rana to get more consumers to earn money, how to exploit her panic attacks with more torture
Sonntag, 3. September 2023
the austrians, the viennese send the iranian perpetrators to flea market, carla, or street sidewalk. they want to find out if i kill or injure ali or azadeh or others. it all relates back to this mindset: we want to hurt and kill without being hurt and killed. i said several times i'm not a jew in 1932 and your blood stinks more than iranian perpetrators, you understand?
then world fascism and satanism say: messiah belief and delusion is religious (vmat2) fascism. asshole in amnesty international, uno, in international authorities, international courts you cross all red lines and shit on human rights and civil rights, and you sit next to genocide and torture, what is so bad about your end and extermination, what is so bad? Armageddon? fuck yourself
darwinism should be erased from school books, it doesn't affect every child, why do you force our children to believe that they are descended from the primate? a constitutional state and human rights fails: i am an international judge and say this is ours, cyber torture money is ours! as a child i shared my lunchtime sandwich with 4 others, in minoo and kalantari elementary school, i usually went home half-starved, but not as a monkey origin. you are scum with torture money, you were scum even as children
the international officials in internarional courts don't want to lose their jobs, like others in UNO, amnesty international and other organizations who have only one wish: will you finally kill someone? a judge or policeman or iranian or austrian? your father, or azadeh and ali, or your uncles? so that we dig all the financial projects and evidence under the ground?
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...