Mittwoch, 6. September 2023

I'm an endangered breed, we're only a handful now, and an 80 IQ accountant and his wife inform the networks: we want to go out for dinner tonight, please text us if Barbad is near the district we want live in peace and eat well. (both 800 euro pension) for 10 years. but more important than javad zarif and his gang for this city

An Asian scene from mythology, With the highest quality it would cost 45,000 euros. This isn't a John Capender Mars story, it's my kungfu...

SEHR, white magic formula.

these immigrants since the 16th century have nothing to do with islam, islam and shiaism is not their history, not a european affair, insofar as we adapted islam as a showbie.. as a primal race. the european gypsy government of iran and the iranian state apparatus should imagine it like this: you are just uninvited guests, ajnabis on the lookout for races and mass murder

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

new iranians have no relation or connection to iranian soil and history, so they are morally unchaste and do everything for money. there are more than 45% antisemites fascists in austria with a deep psychopathic hatred against ancient persia and its native race, worse hatred than against jews. our abilities are known since ancient rome and greece, no iranian knows it, only the enemies know it and look for genes dna ethnicity and abilities (phenomena). from 1998 to 2018 i never did anything extraordinary, they only had our genetic code

many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans.

these photos are more important than harry potter, but i will patent the actual other projects, who wants to become harry potter? this world needs 5 million harry potter: fuck the system, revolution my friends, the real gandalf revolution

Unfortunately, it was not possible to photograph a deeper insight into the crystal, the camera lenses for this cost 85,000 euros.I could have earned the money myself in my business and fulfill my life's work and task. fuck genes manipulated monkey origin, nazi character

almost all iranian leftists are in murder business with viennese police, so it was before revolution and after revolution, the schemers killed the immature naive light tribe by the hundreds of thousands in the iran iraq war, the rest in prison

I have to go and will come in the afternoon and post some photos

the photo is a long-term strategy, marxism and revolution, martyrdom is at the forefront, ahrimanic martyrs

everything before 1979 was poetically hopeful and instinctive, the silence 1982-1989 the ecstasy. like today in vienna afterwards show: silence

معنی عکس یعنی کاشف، شاملو هم گفت: کاشفان فروتن شوکران هاااا، و رید به مملکت رفت، تو اون روحت

Dienstag, 5. September 2023

apparently max spiers was also paranoid three days before his death, no one was allowed to work on the case after his death. hospital report is enough

a mediocre photo of me is worth 10,000 euros, i take 50 a day. fuck off monkey, dirty origin

Everyone in the world knows it, not a single state police officer or secret service agent is allowed to approach me with handcuffs, it only means murder in a cell, I immediately stab him in his neck and neck, during this Nazi action, without hesitation the fascist and animal will be thrown down. bastard animals.

last photo, when some voice said drink, i drank, it tasted like vodka and was bitter, let's see if i wake up tomorrow as a goat or as a camel with perfect Arabic language

So, the surprise was too big, i'm going to sleep now, with an investment of 120,000 euros for equipment you could have seen a spaceship live.shit happens

حاجی ما بریم تا ساعت ده، دوتا عکس هم بیشتر نمیذارم، ولی جون تو این جریان وین مثل خبر خرمشهر آزاد شده: باری گم شد! خارکوسده ها هرجا مارو میبینن یه تق میزنن رو جی پی س، همه از منطقه در میرن

i'm going to open some gates today, a dancing mermaid would be great, i'll send kel assouf song through the gate, maybe one will come, or emam zaman personally?

EU is rubbish Europe was rubbish and will always remain so, also the European invaders in America and Canada, Australia. this is what i'm trying to do all the time: to srop race/gene/dna hunt, target search and mass murder, in an EU country, in the 21st century, EU statement: if this family dies then we will be the legal homeowners

i have known two ukrainians in vienna for 24 years, one is over 70 and no longer talks to himself and has moved away from the stasi system, one is 52 still talks to himself and is trying to assert himself as a stasi agent. the cause of the ukraine war is also based on this sick self-talk: EU is good, EU is ours, EU is freedom, EU is fraternity, unity and security.

house means property, private life is property, but there is a difference in saying i own property and i own private life. i own private life or private life as property is 4 years of law studies and hundreds of books, starting with roman law. Financing property through illegal cyber torture means: you don't own anything and nothing belongs to you.... you don't own anything, nothing belongs to you

my mother could open five shops with me from 2002 to buy four houses. soroor shams was an insurance agent until retirement age, with a salary of 1200 euros, and rahim amiri was an accountant with a salary of 1800 euros. aryan race was never more than a thief charlatan murderer and scum in iran and austria

iranian government and austrian government have fillings in chatrooms, show extras.they fill the chatrooms with 0815 beings and worth nothing, opinions worth nothing, life worth nothing, talk worth nothing, just to establish mass murder and genocide, with zero and worth nothing, 0815 opinions in chatrooms, worth nothing

What are you looking for? what is the difference between smoke illusion and water illusion? what does this phenomenon have to do with? what law and order is that? what does mastering elements mean? fire water Earth Air

In a wave and re-formation of fascism worldwide, these genes and DNA research are only for more efficient people searching for mass murder. ELAMis were Semites but close relatives of the Berbers and Tuaregs from Atlantis. With the fall of Ghadafi, fascism has pushed the race down the stairs. So, it doesn't just affect Iran but the entire Middle East and North Africa...

آقا ما آرزومندانه به بازگشت و سرنوشت مرتضی عقیلی توجه کردیم، دیدیم این احمد خیلی واجبه به ایران برگرده، حالا داریم میبنیم بچه های احمد زبون نفهم تر از اونن که ما فکر میکردیم، خدا بیامرزتت بهمن مفید، خدا دایی مارو هم بیامرزه، خدا دایی های همه خودی هارو بیامرزه

قدمت تاریخی میلیون ساله داریم، کوسکش دوربین مخفی از ما گذاشته واسه مردم که یعنی: نیمه ی پنهون ایشون اوشون است، یعنی کوس کون کردن زن و بچه مردم. لول. از خشایار محسنی سوال کنید: تو با علی دایی از کی تا حالا در کمین لیلا و مرجان بودید که کجا به ما یواشکی کوس داده. سال، ۱۹۹۸ نبود تخم حروم زاده های اجنبی

i just came home for a tea, and remembered a funny story: if you are under stasi terror and private life espionage then you should never fuck wives and daughters of other men, the police apparatus is the informer, a gossip aunt and cunt, who grant murder licenses to husbands

I really have to go now, but what the world really should be doing everywhere is: stick your finger in journalism's ass and take the journalists for a walk on the streets.where there are no testicles to press then the only option left is the asshole.