Donnerstag, 7. September 2023

Please note that for the meeting of the white and black channels for the Yin Yan method, the handle and lower part of the grail should also have a hole, otherwise how can you open holes? LOL the grail needs a hole🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Everything I want to do internationally, the 38 projects are ruined, including inventions, because 4th class people want to become house owners, 4th class. We live in a system that someone is called into the third layer of society if there is a capital property and existence worth at least one million euros

house means property, private life is property, but there is a difference in saying i own property and i own private life. i own private life or private life as property is 4 years of law studies and hundreds of books, starting with roman law. Financing property through illegal cyber torture means: you don't own anything and nothing belongs to you.... you don't own anything, nothing belongs to you

millions of people live in rented apartments and apartments made available by the state, buying a house is not a necessity, but a question of performance, who does how much and earns how much.This serious criminal is the reintroduction of national socialism

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، حاجی وسط آهنگ تیکه کلفته ها، از کجا اومدی جون حاجی؟ نا مهربون

I now listen to Yasmin Levy for 2 hours and then go to sleep. A double-sided metaphysics photo costs over a hundred thousand euros. Science should explain why! good night

This is the flipped version of the last photo posted, also a full scene with 40 pages of one to one explanation from the mythology. one photo and two scenes, double is better

what does a scenario and eyes on metaphysics photos mean? Did an Austrian take the photos or a mullah? or ayatulah? or bari"ol taalla", son of god

The Austrian government even wants to steal and loot photos of me, since 1946 Nazi plunder and looting has never stopped thanks to Israel and America

I send the smartphone photos to my tablet via Facebook messenger, raw and also post it raw, all photos are 100% honest and truthful

آقا دیشب از اون پشتی سوال کردیم جریان ما چیه وسط این دوتا، جواب داد: شدی یاخچی یاخچی بدبخت! بعضی وقت ها از این صدا ها نمیخوام بشنوم، نمیدونم چکار کنم....

Austrians are sick and the foreigners who were ordered to Vienna are even more sick: We hide evidence until the victim or perpetrator dies: we didn't make any money through cybertorture and secret cameras

Inferior bastard, I was 26 here, with no capital, no help, no credit, that was potential, intellect and intelligence, who were you in 2002?

It's a huge insult, the expectation was at least 15 dead during or after this action, not only the Esterhazys and politicians and the deep state is insulted, but also this bitch: you are honorless and unworthy and a wretch, die vmat2, you honorless bastard. Thou shalt not kill had a deeper meaning, but was removed from our world with Islam

In fact, I had a dream in 2019, she chased me to the third floor with a knife, and I stood there without kungfu or weapons... something stopped her from catching me under the bed and murdering me. This love is great, we have been together for 26 years... until today

i really have to go now, but in vienna the brothels and erotic studios card casinos and casinos are in the hands of viennese jews, a small proportion of christians are involved, i'm evil because i take the cards in my hands and lick the pussies. fuck yourself viennese police

this tombstone in vorarlberg still sends rays and reports... there are many in austria

this is not a new world order but the old order from prehistory: if VMAT2 rises high and takes a position and talks to us from a higher position then we kill him, today it means: we do not allow existence and life, killing is irrelevant. they wanted to kill me in my business

سال ۲۰۰۴ ما چکاره بودیم اینها چکاره، اینا یه یک تومنی رو با تیر میزدن، ما با چهار گرم دماغی میرفتیم سر خوراک چهار گام، حالا میگه من آدم بودم ما آدم بودیم. آخه این فیلم..... یعنی واقعا، هنر پیشه بودید، جون من؟ آدم بودید؟ اینم فیلم بود. مغازه من میدونی چقدر ارزش داشت دوزاری هنرپیشه

In 2005, Vienna police judges Amnesty International and UNO City saw no goods worth 250,000 euros in my shop, today they don't see any valuable metaphysical photos either. are you wondering why i call you primitive ape origins? No conscience, pity, empathy, no humanity, just killer races in all sorts of costumes, UNO is a zoo, Amnesty is a toilet and Vienna is a sewage canal

this tombstone from prehistory in vienna should actually be for: you will never be forgotten... in the zodiac sign lion

Mittwoch, 6. September 2023

جنده اهریمنی از رو هم نمیره، الان گفت: من مار تو دهنم میکنم نه دودول

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i have to go jendeh ajnabi


i went into this valley, a deep dream, a necessity, one told me what women and girls from iran did to my sister rana, another told: because they wanted to die. both showed the command center where the girls get the order: die. an ahrimanic command center for: worth nothing, no idea, empty bodies, zombies, only extras in the war show. Fucking a one-legged whore in a Autobahn toilet for 50 euros is more honorable than putting the cock in this dirty mouth

Photo 5 minutes ago. no comment and good night

The photo is from the beginning of the 20th century iran, after 10 million people became sick and died from starvation, half of the Iranian population, this was imported in hundreds of thousands, every year like in the 16th century, today we have 15 million pure blood and 35 million mixed blood: 45 Millions are of the opinion: the country has been ruined for 45 years, our only way out is cyber torture, murder and genocide economic. we don't need native Iranian. Vienna was the organizer

it feels and sees nothing, no warmth, love, voices, no connection and no....