Samstag, 9. September 2023

What the Viennese leftists and green psychopathy have done in Austria: we will attack the human immune system head-on with corona vaccination, anyone who refuses will pay a fine and be arrested, fines of up to 8000 euros. Everyone should become susceptible to HIV, that is our revenge, nature and ideology

Dozens of thousands of HIV sufferers are in a blood rage: why has he lived for 15 years without getting sick, without HIV hepatitis and other infectious diseases. During the establishment of National Socialism, Vienna even turned HIV sufferers into psychopathic killers.

In today's Vienna the issue of race is worse than in 1930, only those of animal origin are allowed to have a career and a good life. More radical dariwim fascism, worse than all are first the green party and then the leftists, they genetically control all citizens.

Everything that Vienna, together with the Ayatollahs and Hezbolah did to my sister Rana, with cyber terrorism and cybertorture, and the current Stasi system enjoys no statute of limitations because the government wants to maintain this racial torture forever with glorification

ببین آزاده خوارت گاییدست، ناموست گاییدست اگر بمیری و بری اونور: میگه مادرقحبه این عن رو نتونستی با بابات بکشی و شرش رو از سر مردم کم کنی؟ کونده جنده، آفرینش، تو از آخوند کمتر بودی، از اون عن؟ عن تر از باربد

آقا ما بریم تاباک بخریم شما هم بشینین حساب کنین: ۶۱۷۸ و ۷۸۱۷. این دوباره میتونه یه کوسکش به ما وصل کنه یا نه؟ همون پستون خوشگله

And actually, today a princess was very inviting: come into my kingdom Barbad!?Well, it would be nice warm times, but I'll never grow old in your kingdom! Do I want to grow old? yes, of course you warm killer. Oh my god the tits, LOL

Freitag, 8. September 2023

Last photo from 76, I have to go to sleep, ask the Illuminati or Freemasons what the scenes mean, I have to go to sleep. only vatican won't answer questions because it doesn't have thousands of secret books in the basement. They also know nothing about ethnic groups and races from ancient times

well, I drank from the pitcher, spirit Elam

sexy... 💋

In National Socialism, race was forced into slave labor, today into secret camera and torture slaves, the government screams: in the name of democracy and the constitutional state we have done nothing!, listen to the Viennese leftists and green girls and women in chat rooms: the Jew is collecting for his sister showcases LOL

بیا حاجی باز شدیم یاخچی یاخچی

I have to go and come back at 9 p.m. with new photos, but first this statement: Anyone who was still human in Vienna died without a wife and children, the result is what you see today, this thing

Vienna is the dirtiest villain city ruled by charlatans, thieves and murderers. Vienna is a theater stage where anti-Semitic animal origins (a branch of evolution) act as actors in all political colors and ambitions, these villains and Nazis in the UN, in Amnesty International, in Greenpeace, in international authorities, in other organizations. This rubbish (by which I mean his philosophy of life and racial madness) has only meant suffering, misery and torture for this world, at least in the last 150 years.

As part of the Stasi torture (current Stasi torture) I constantly receive notifications: you were unable to run a business and antique shop, you owe the state 12,381.02 euros. There was no cyber torture and Stasi system economy, you are incompetent, inferior and can't do anything, you are good for nothing. you are vmat2 waste

worse than Nasser and the ayatollahs is a second district, Austrians in the post-war period provided a lot of space for collaborators race in the second district. Azadeh also symbolically bought an apartment in the second district, close to an old friendship

I was 6 months old and conveyed my thoughts to him: fuck off pepsi bottle, piss off. he went and got divorced. When I was 7 he came back and threatened my mother: If you don't marry me again I will take him away from you (according to Islamic law). Today he sits next to Viennese ayarullahs and says: I am koskesh, your koskesh

Not a single Austrian of any rank has ever complained that dozens of Ayatullahs in Emam Ali Mosque have earned millions of euros from Austrian citizens, not a single Iranian or Austrian. darkforce ali in emam ali mosque

Darkforce victims, cyber torture victims and minorities that are persecuted and hunted by animal scum should build an emergency exit in the apartment, an open gate....

Donnerstag, 7. September 2023

Please note that for the meeting of the white and black channels for the Yin Yan method, the handle and lower part of the grail should also have a hole, otherwise how can you open holes? LOL the grail needs a hole🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Everything I want to do internationally, the 38 projects are ruined, including inventions, because 4th class people want to become house owners, 4th class. We live in a system that someone is called into the third layer of society if there is a capital property and existence worth at least one million euros

house means property, private life is property, but there is a difference in saying i own property and i own private life. i own private life or private life as property is 4 years of law studies and hundreds of books, starting with roman law. Financing property through illegal cyber torture means: you don't own anything and nothing belongs to you.... you don't own anything, nothing belongs to you

millions of people live in rented apartments and apartments made available by the state, buying a house is not a necessity, but a question of performance, who does how much and earns how much.This serious criminal is the reintroduction of national socialism

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، حاجی وسط آهنگ تیکه کلفته ها، از کجا اومدی جون حاجی؟ نا مهربون

I now listen to Yasmin Levy for 2 hours and then go to sleep. A double-sided metaphysics photo costs over a hundred thousand euros. Science should explain why! good night

This is the flipped version of the last photo posted, also a full scene with 40 pages of one to one explanation from the mythology. one photo and two scenes, double is better

what does a scenario and eyes on metaphysics photos mean? Did an Austrian take the photos or a mullah? or ayatulah? or bari"ol taalla", son of god

The Austrian government even wants to steal and loot photos of me, since 1946 Nazi plunder and looting has never stopped thanks to Israel and America

I send the smartphone photos to my tablet via Facebook messenger, raw and also post it raw, all photos are 100% honest and truthful

آقا دیشب از اون پشتی سوال کردیم جریان ما چیه وسط این دوتا، جواب داد: شدی یاخچی یاخچی بدبخت! بعضی وقت ها از این صدا ها نمیخوام بشنوم، نمیدونم چکار کنم....