Montag, 11. September 2023

The Viennese and almost all Austrians burned vmat2 en masse, today this deep dirty hatred and psychopathy are greater than in 1938, look what the Viennese are still doing to my sister, especially the sick Nazi women and their daughters

This one photo, I have to go to sleep, I will send the rest tomorrow, I have to make a long trip with the buzzard to my princess and lord

Do you understand, we are old nationalists and not new nationalists, what does today's monkey art academy call this work and hands? 4000 B.C. jiroft. Austria has a political problem with me, not just a personal one

No matter what I do and which path I take, this truth will not change: Austrians have been race killers for 30 years alongside the Ayatollahs in Iran. with international support also international judges and more than others they are supported by the UN. The Austrians are along with Iranian immigrants tribes and ayatollahs race killers. Look at my mother and sister case

ببین نیای بری تو اعصاب ما ها ، من از یبس دهاتی با ادب خوشم نمیاد، چنتا کونده خارکوسده میگم دعوامون میشه، کار خودت رو بکن طرف ما نیا گوز فضایی. آقا ما بریم تا ساعت ده عکس بندازیم....

this will soon be a luri bakhtiari crossed with elam, stronger than me, unknown and stormy😇😇😇😇

i have to go, but: Understand: Vienna, Germany, Europe and the CIA have all the rights in Iran to control minorities and ethnic groups. for more than 30 years...... in return the Iranian government has received special rights in the West, immunity and whitewashed capital investment opportunities

Austrian nazis have in iran as much freedom as the Ayatollahs have in Vienna

three austrian secret services the heirs of the gestapo and NSDAP not only have a personal problem with VMAT2 but also a political problem. All are active in mass murder in Iran and the Sepah and Hezbolah helpers during Iranian protests, Austrian nazis have in iran as much freedom as the Ayatollahs have in Vienna

Building Mauthausen and burning children was inferior dirt, cyber torture is even inferior dirt and existence, even inferior than back then, this Austria: inferior existence

inferior nothing, inferior dirt calls itself the master race and says to other races slaves, inferior evolution monkey nazis, inferior origin worldwide

this origin says slave to me, this animal origin, animal origin, genes manipulated sick nazi pig animal origin says slave to me

Austrian government is with Ayatollah regime in NS repeat, Ethnicities, Semites and races trade, forced labor and for 20 years international courts have had no time. This is a mass murder plan by Europe America Israel

Ayatollahs and Vienna kill masses in collectives and the global community remains silent alongside society, you should burn

They will come soon, you should all be burned for the Ahrimanic massacre plan and the lies and denial. I mean the society

For large projects you need a sensible concept with detailed explanation, evidence and proof of preparation, practical experience evidence. The concept of racial exploitation in Vienna in the 21st century was: nobody will talk and provide evidence, as in the post-war period, which also affected Heinrich Gross: nobody knew 800 children or ever saw the corpses...

what the Austrian parliament and government has been doing since 1998 and is making a statement: you in Vienna are inferior to everything we have had up to now. with distribution hundreds of millions of euros?such sick heads in Vienna, such sick evolution animal origin heads

I need a lot of platinum for the mechanics of a device so that I can turn a gate with a diameter of 21 meters with thousands of liters of water. plus high technology for small camera probes gun production. Mineral water from Norpol is also expensive. these are my goals... to protect people's lives. Who do you kill every day in Iran?

میگم کله کیری، نزنی حالا سر مهسا امینی مردم رو بیشتر بکشی و یعنی که یعنی:، ما فاشیست تر از اونی هستیم که فکر میکنی

Austria should be destroyed and burned in the 21st century, reduced to ashes. because of repeated mass murder attempts, with Ayatollah regime

Shame on putin and the white house only for tolerating nazi robbers with this statement: we have been living well and in prosperity for 20 years through racial looting. Although from 1946 onwards there were treaties based on ethnicities, races and ethnic groups: no more racial plundering. "Because of the repetition of the Nazi regime, Austria loses all rights to found a state"

monkey origin, I need 500,000 euros of equipment, for research for experiment and evidence, for our race, the creation, the master race, "Jewish Armenian race" you monkey origin you evolution

iran always slaughtered aryan race, their existence was only society damage, before islam after islam, see aryan vienna and aryan iranian today, killer race like 1932. native iranian slaughtered them for 5000 years because:..... l! see today the iranian arian girls in vienna and tehran

I'm talking about an Iranian killer race that still kills today, but this killer race abroad promotes the sale of races and racial murder as a necessity for general prosperity. When has this not been the case in the last 45 years?

I'm talking about VMAT2 and the genocide program with the help of new Iranian on a global level, in Middle East and North Africa with the support of the Turkish government. See what the Turks are doing in Libya and next to Libya how they are behaving against Armenians. NATO state

anything that denies the crime against mother and daughter, rana and zahra, is killer race iran.... with hundreds of thousands of corpses on their shoulders

anything that denies the crime against mother and daughter, rana and zahra, is killer race iran.... with hundreds of thousands of corpses on their shoulders

Most Iranians who came abroad after 1988 and are employed in the human rights sector and opposition are well-trained manipulative killers, race murderers like Mina Ahadi refugee 1988 Vienna, Ahmad Hashemi refugee 1988 Vienna and 15,000 others. I ask you: how did they kill 30,000 men and women in Iran within a few weeks? with thousands of helpers in prison

Austrians are seriously ill, psychopathically ill because of vmat2. hideously sick, paranormally psychotic. This proves their behavior: we help humans (new Iranian) to their legal position, higher position, also when it comes to jobs in human rights organizations UN and Amnesty International.Viennese Iranians are all perpetrators, race murderers and Ayatollah government agents, everyone, including the family Hashemi, Ahmad Hashemi