Dienstag, 12. September 2023

I gather an army from other dimensions, let some natural disasters stop mass murder? or stock market crash? acid rain? you bastard scum killer race

Based on what did any people earn money from our private lives? race? social status? or simply: shit genes and origins?

I think an underwater city model of a newer version would cost as much as an expensive car, let's stick with VMAT2 characters goats and mermaid

Well, I don't know who I was more afraid of in Kefalonia, Darkforce Peggy or the mermaid Nelly. Peggy would take me prisoner, Nelly would turn me into one of her kind LOL

خلاصه طرف ما کسی نیاد، چومبول مومبول هم خبری نیست، دیلدو هم حوصله ندارم ببندم جلوم، فقط اگر خیلی فشار اومده میتونم دیلدو رو ببندم در کونم و خلاصه با کونم بچرخم و عملیات انجام بدم، لاشی های سایبر تروریست

I will introduce my race and vmat2 from the oriental area 12 secret projects, works in a group and keeps the secret. The international anti vmat2 networks, murderers and torturers, scum and fascists will talk to us or make comments from the position under our testicles.This scum society should suffocate, filth society

With a crystal clear city scene photo, the photo would come to 250,000 euros.in that detailed technology information can be retrieved

این رو دیدم یاد ایلول افتادم، شیطنت بود ولی یه ته معرفتی داشت، والا، سال 1999 از این جریان ما و یهودی های وین و دولت اتریش خبر داشت... البته در بازار ایتالیا خودش رید به ما: ازش فرش نخرید ها اینجا اومد، هیچی نخرید ها، ما خودمون میخریم ازش و میدیم به شما....!ته معرفتش هم این بود: یه هفت هشت هزار یورو پول کمتر میداد، ولی میداد، نمیذاشت جنس دستمون باد کنه.... لول


آقا سال ۲۰۰۶ رفتیم مغازه یکی و یک فرش اوشاک ترکی خریدیم شش هزار یورو، دیدیم فرداش رامین و ارسلان و بهمن و قاسم و فرزین و کیکی میگن: ایلولیان فرش رو گذاشت سر قیمت رو زمین موند بعد این بچه کون میره پونصد تا دیگه میذاره روش میخره، یعنی میخواد بگه من؟ من آدمم، من بزرگم، من...
خلاصه ۵ روز بعد رامین طاقت نیاورد و رودررو صداش درومد: آقا باری جریان چیه؟ ایلول نمیخره پنج و پانصد تو میری شش هزار یورو میخری؟ یعنی چی؟ بنده هم پاسخ دادم: آقای ایلولیان ده هزار تا هم میخرید اگر دلش میخواست، فقط میخواست ببینه شما چقدر گاومیش هستید و بنده چقدر نوک تیز، میخواست ببینه میفهمی ما کی هستیم یا نه؟ میگیری جریان رو یا نه. با گاو طرفی در این وین. خلاصه دشمنان ما، چی بگیم دیگه آقا بهمن حیدرزاده 

I repeat again: 80% of the Jewish population in Nazi Austria and Germany were emigrants from the Orient and Middle East, hundreds of thousands of European Jews helped in the Wehrmacht and camps with extermination: it was about the vmat2 gene and race not about this religious affiliation

It's not true that in Europe the networks just want to manipulate and end VMAT2's career plans, there is torture, psychological and physical suffering and silent death by doctors and nurses, failure to help or false diagnoses for even more laughter and fun

although fist in my fist is an even more difficult matter

If you choose 6 stones from a thousand stones in a stone and minerals store from different showcases and compartments and create 156 scene combinations, then you will also successfully complete 38 projects. This logical test is a gift and inheritance from prehistory, to self-knowledge

dirty austrofascism, looting, race trafficking, torture, silent death must be stopped dirty international judges, amnesty international and other animal origins in internarional authorities. you bastard, mass murder, vmat2 murders must be stopped you bastard animal origin

They are pursuing a course of mass destruction, annihilation of the vmat2 race, with plunder, robbery, murder, and silent death, and I show why, also with prehistory stones where the vmat2 comes from: prehistory and a million-year-old history. Society sees nothing but this: We make billions just with one family

UN, as commander in chief of the romano aryan nazi tribes in Iran, was more of a fascist than a dirty Nazi officer in 1938. with Viennese leadership

Iran has 3 million Domari gypsies, it is said that Arabs and islam are killing Iranians, Iran has 5 million Zargari gypsies, it is said that Arabs are killing Iranians, Iran has over 15 million gypsies, it is said that Arabs and Islam are killing us, 80% of the authorities in Iran are occupied by gypsies and it says Arabs and Islam torture us. LOL a Viennese story started in 1979 with azadeh and rahim amiri

read Haaretz, if everyone in Vienna says we don't work for this inferior race then Israel is behind it and then others like Ayatollahs

I have to go, but didn't you know? DAN TRIBE was a monkey fucker for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years. Then they stationed themselves in Sparta, had fun and insulted Persians and laughed about it: look at our creations

you dirtiest branch of evolution you bastard, you DAN tribe production, you antichrist race, you dirty nazi and fascist race

Can killing my relatives, father and uncles stop the VMAT2 mass murder in Iran? or outside Iran? If so, then even the grandchildren. Because this Europe will not rest until all of the race is destroyed

Nazi animals, scum origin

With its participation in mass murder, millions of women, girls and children, this country is a piece of shit, world fascism has infiltrated itself into all international authorities over the last 80 years and says: we have happy, decent, funny Europeans that have fun with private lives Normal citizens

Austrians have deep sadism and illness, with deep hatred against VMAT2, and listen to what the UN says: we had nothing, we had no action in Vienna. even deeper scum than Austrofascism and anti-Semitism

I can take perfect photos with good equipment, everything is possible. I only do that because: we are the original race, you are newly human, actually no problem, but the opinion: why the world should only consist of evolution is your genetic and biological defect and invalid brain function. Your extinction is much more important than ours.

Austrian psychopathy and animal instincts "the mass murder program" never improved, it got worse with playing field and space in Iran and holocaust setup in Iran

And so it happens: the Balkan gypsies open a Persian culture center in Vienna, talk about an Aryan Iran and culture.The result is money laundering, state funding for the institute in the millions of euros, and the establishment of cybertorture and race trafficking of the native race

As far as the political problem besides personal Austrian Nazi problem is concerned: only Aryan immigrants race and tribes are a privilege to say I. as far as Persian history is concerned, as far as archeology is concerned, as far as homeland and soil are concerned, as far as economics, construction and progress are concerned. and look what has become of the country after 45 years!

or this mask?

I kept the water from yesterday evening to take a sip sober, I was interested in which face mask it would give me, a mask with scale skin or cow leather