Dienstag, 12. September 2023

Ali and Azadeh and their gang are also stars....

After 20 years, even the Austrians are surprised: we have proceeded systematically, point by point, for 20 years and no one has said anything? Did something, wrote something or reported a crime? Today even a child realizes: everyone hates this breed! And I say: how else was it possible that the Iranian regime kills masses and is still celebrated as stars on red carpets in the West today

Why this empire fell has a lot to do with: secretly building up everywhere else. Architecture is proof

no idea what the two urns on the metal table (alien brutalism) mean, who knows?

Unfortunately not sharp enough, the inside of the crystal would be interesting, and not just for these Anunnaki giants. lol


I'll send another photo then I'll go to sleep, india spirit :)

I'm going to take photos again, metaphysics photos are actually very valuable, but if it has my name on it, not a single person has seen it, the Austrians thought: if he's retired, he can't claim compensation from the country, but because of his business and career It was different but in retirement he's worth nothing... LOL

ما بریم عکس بندازیم، جریان دیلدو حل شد؟ لول

پاراسایکولوژی باید خونده باشی تا بفهمی از کدوم توحش من دارم حرف میزنم، حافظ هم میگه:

ایرانز گات تلنت هنوز هست؟ یه کاری دیگه بکنم که کسی تا بحال نکرده؟ کسی هم بلد نیست، جون تو یک سری تازه میفهمن معنای توحش چقدر عمیق تر از این حرف ها هست، خود مهناز داد میزنه: مرتیکه تو گوه خوردی آدمی، تو دیوانه ای تو استرس روحی بهم دادی، یعنی من آدم نیستم، تو آدمی؟ بیشرم عوضی تو کثافت چه جوری این کار رو میکنی....

کاشکه همه زشتی ها و بدی ها این شکلی بود، از چیزی نمیترسیدیم، والا به خدا

Iranian artifacts also say: We don't have an Iranian here but an aggressive sick animal that only disturbs peace, do you see Iran's politics from 1920 to today? Do you see the situation and conflicts in Iranian opposition? These are not Iranian, even those who support Austrofascism...

This race is a killer race, a mass murderer, defective genes and invalid brains

fuck this killer nazi race: "courage instead of poverty", sells race, sells vmat2 have courage and kills race, fuck this nazi race in vienna

Baba go to neighboring country, Baba fuck this Nazi race

With a nuclear bomb on Vienna, 47% of the world's problems will be solved: crises, conflicts, wars and economic crisis.If the radioactive facilities in the neighboring country explode by then due to a landslide, that would be fine. but an atomic bomb would be necessary.

Humans are confronted with animals in international authority buildings with animals in human rights costume: mass murder for real estate purchases

Ruining these three businesses brought the starving people in the first world, UNO city employees, 2000 euros to 50,000 euros in salary billions of euros, mostly for real estate purchases and because of homelessness

It's so cheap to deal with such topics, but Vienna and Berlin killed because of this topic and still persecute us as a race, ethnicity and minority

hide evidence is also because: SPÖ has even trained the lowest layer of the police hierarchy: this breed is dangerous, why our mothers monkey? and why were their mothers always human?

My smartphone has a magnetic part, sometimes I think that some of other dimensions merge into the internet or into the smartphone, because I have a question: wasn't this Monkey evolution a terrible development?

After 45 years, Europe, along with Vienna and America and Israel, are saying: we will get Elam to bow down and listen to us: behave like animals

monkey mother, evolution origin can you prove anything other than that your mother is of monkey origin? you hate, you envy, you greed, you inferior Nazi? can you?

More than half of this society are dirty killers and dirty Nazis and have leftists and greens in their pockets because of vmat2 murder, they will kill us shit international court Amnesty and UN

I gather an army from other dimensions, let some natural disasters stop mass murder? or stock market crash? acid rain? you bastard scum killer race

Based on what did any people earn money from our private lives? race? social status? or simply: shit genes and origins?

I think an underwater city model of a newer version would cost as much as an expensive car, let's stick with VMAT2 characters goats and mermaid

Well, I don't know who I was more afraid of in Kefalonia, Darkforce Peggy or the mermaid Nelly. Peggy would take me prisoner, Nelly would turn me into one of her kind LOL

خلاصه طرف ما کسی نیاد، چومبول مومبول هم خبری نیست، دیلدو هم حوصله ندارم ببندم جلوم، فقط اگر خیلی فشار اومده میتونم دیلدو رو ببندم در کونم و خلاصه با کونم بچرخم و عملیات انجام بدم، لاشی های سایبر تروریست