Donnerstag, 14. September 2023

آقا ما بریم، ساعت ده هم یک دونه عکس آخر زمونی میذارم بعد میرم میخوابم....ذلیل مرگ بشید الهی، واااا!؟ هی میکشن

On Saturday the regime will kill Protestants with Ali Gharib Hussein Gharib and Azadeh Amiri and Rahim Amiri and Soroos Shams, here in Vienna these tribes are doing everything else on behalf of the state, police, judges and secret services. on behalf Austrofascism

Hague should understand one thing if EU represents the opinion and takes this position: we have not done that with this VMAT2 family, then 1% capital fascism will torture and kill all VMAT2 families with masses of the networks without mercy

hey KIWARA I have a very firm stiff cock again... what was that about sterilization? The sperm load is also okay. these earthly chemicals and poisons

For those who haven't guessed yet what these two Darkforce urns mean: life reduced to ashes

Turning someone's life into ashes is an old Persian saying, it usually ends in death and the urns were made right at the start of the action

There are racial laws in Austria, not secretly and hidden, but Austria admits to them: we have racial laws! if not from 1998 to 2017 then from 2017 to today

میگم جنده خاک تو سر رو بعد از نیم ساعت دوباره بری سراغش میگه آره، ولی بعد از دو ساعت بری میگه نه، دیگه دیره. جریان جنده بابل هم همینه، میگه او موقع آره الان دیگه دیره

Do scientific work and compare all murdered people, at least in the last 10 years, not a single one has Gypsy Aryan facial features or European Romano race facial features, all are Persian facial features

That's why I say: rebellion, and resistance is character and personality, personality formation is based on genes and DNA. Iran has experienced racial murder, racial torture and forced starvation for 45 years. In Europe, this personality and character is being thrown to the wolves without any rights with American support. Mass protests will begin again next Saturday: watch

I posted this (basic rights of citizens) in August 2017, the opinion that there is no racial madness, VMAT2 madness, anti-Smitism and fascism in Austria is worth as much as toilet paper

The theme of the black channel: enslavement and mass murder, the theme of the white channel is resistance and rebellion. This article has nothing to do with Marxism, just Mazdakism, the truth! I'm not a dirty Marxist-Leninist with glorification discussions and ostentation because of 27,000 murdered workers

حالا چرا آخوند تا به امروز دمپایی های زنش کوکب رو سر ما پرت کرده به جای گلوله میبینی دیگه، میترسه، خرافاتیه، میگه امام زمان میاد قصاص مون میکنه....

Starting in 2002, I tried to convince many people that armed resistance would be the only way to get Iran free. And today I see the children of the 1968 intelligenzia, sitting in various human rights organizations saying: We must listen to the people of Iran and spread their voices. In return, the children of former revolutionaries receive a salary of 3,800 euros warm, without tax of course

Mittwoch, 13. September 2023

I have to go, but replacing us with genetically modified false lights should come to an end. media advertising and advertising campaigns amounting to millions of euros!? They should only be able to do one craft, divine talent doesn't need a million euro advertising concept and budget. Abolish neurotoxins and secret reduction of intellect and intelligence. What did Heinrich Gross research? Mr. judge

I think I have around 10,000 photos of the water, smartphone photos, and Vienna is trying to turn me into a 0815 Luigi Kasimir: he has made thousands of things, the market is full of them... valuables starting at 10 euros

Americans never allow old Iranian psychopathy to fall down, whatever crime, whatever atrocity, Americans never let old Iranian psychopathy fall down, or allow evidence of crimes to be provided. This is an old European tradition in contact with Iranian psychopathy networks, started before Alexander

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی حاجی جون تو اگر روزی دو بار صدا ویگن تو گوش ما نبود هرچی خارکوسدست میزدم میکشتم، اینم خدادادی بود... جلومون رو گرفته

This scene with the imam and gate is very important in metaphysics, especially when it comes to religious research, mythology and folk tales, unfortunately unclear

Many Iranians, despite millions of euros in capital, luxury living and wealth, do not have Iranian roots. Vienna and America have taught them: we will show you what the old Iranians do at home and how they live, so it will be easier for you to kill the old race.why do you still feel empathy? They see themselves as human and you as a monkey

آقا این تماشاچی های ما از ایران چنتاشون از رو بدبخت بیچارگی نگاه نمیکنن ها، عین حرومزادها خیره شدن به ما. لول. مادر جنده کوسکش کوسده، دستم بهت نرسه حیوون بیشرف

For moving scenes like water turning, you need a strong camera lens that can record sharply in milliseconds. With a smartphone, unfortunately everything is a bit blurry and weak, like the conversation in the crystal, but the demon on the branch can at least be seen clearly


why are you looking at me like that, I live in a society influenced by capitalism, look at the shock banana Marxists today, where do you think we are? or will you give me a super weapon?

some photos from yesterday

My mother and sister are two women (bloodline: Jewish Armenians) who are tortured by women and are in danger of murder because of millions of internet cybertorture deals. read about women against women in ravensbrück.

Nobody believes me where the deep psychopathy of the Viennese police is, I mean of normal officers, criminal police and patrol car drivers. deep black gray absurdity. This filth is so twisted, evil, sophisticated, and clever. To answer the question why, you should dig deep in Austria, up to 40 meters.the pairing of paranormal animals with monkeys. cybertorture against my mother and sister:...

Austria has organized 5 million such Iranians into networks: we have the right to observe private life and earn money, look at their faces

Viennese streets passers-by today: we can watch the private life, business life, sex life of VMAT2,Because we, as inferior 0815 people, are worth more than Jews and Armenians, Arab Semites VMAT2