Montag, 18. September 2023

They ate the life of this girl and still say we are humane, which bastard scum are you? which dirty animals?

The slightest movement of the Viennese judges, police and public prosecutor's office against my person in this hide evidence terrorism means: death sentence is signed! From international zombie authorities, including Amnesty International and UN cannibalistic race: we will eat you and your family

کدوم جنده خارکوسده یک حرکت کرد ایران، کدوم جنده خارکوسده؟ حالا اومده خارج: من هنرپیشه، اون‌یکی: من گوینده، این یکی:، من اپوزیسیون، همه با هم: من عن من لاشی من کونی من معروف، به کوس جد و آبادت خندیدی جنده خارکوسده، حیوان آدمخوار قحبه

بابا ولمون کن یعنی بمیر، یعنی ما آدم خواریم، کوسکش همایون یکی، جنده نژاد یکی، لاشی هنرپیشه فراهانی یکی، من چوس افشار هنرپیشه هستم یکی، چوس احدی کونی یکی، سازمان مجاهدین عن یکی، بیناموس پهلوی یکی، حزب کارمندی مفتخور یکی، شاهی یکی، یعنی ما آدمخواریم، نژاد آدم خوار. ما پول خوردیم ولمون کن بمیر، یعنی این.. ما شاشخالی نژادیم

Fascism is at its highest level worldwide and international judges are publicly shouting: we are the one-legged whores

Dreckige anti VMAT2 movement, Abschaum Huankind Nazis

Anyone who wants to study has access to Qum, the title is a turban. Viennese doctors have also studied and sworn an oath.... 2017: liver damage, 117 kilos under observation and non-stop cameras

.. الله اکبر.. آره😂😂😂، یا مهدی... 😂😂😂آره، یا فلان بهمان😂😂😂آره

Anaconda is systematically and strategically different than the dragon, two different models, if one loses then the creeping quiet snake, Emam Ali killed the dragon, Anaconda stayed and became Muslim. see: Iran is collapsing and suffocating

logical story about the tragedy dragon and anaconda formation. sociobiology

I have to go again, but apparently it will end like this for me too: Mojtaba Khamenei will pursue me with a camel to the end of the world because of the Ark of the Covenant, or its storage place

When Moses asked God, "Untie the knot of my tongue so that they may understand my words, and make my business easy for me before you send me to Pharaoh." Then something happened: God himself laughed at Moses' constant jokes.How can you free slaves without jokes?

Do you want to hear the one million euro speech today? apparently the parasitism doesn't stop

ببین کیری، سایت واسه شماست، ما که شدیم ریدمون، ولی تو دیگه کی هستی...

Sonntag, 17. September 2023

«إِنَّ الَّذینَ یُحِبُّونَ أَنْ تَشیعَ الْفاحِشَةُ فِی الَّذینَ آمَنُوا لَهُمْ عَذابٌ أَلیمٌ فِی الدُّنْیا وَ الْآخِرَة»

«وَ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّهِ (ع) قَالَ قَالَ النَّبِیُّ (ص)‏ مَنْ أَذَاعَ‏ فَاحِشَةً کَانَ کَمُبْتَدِئِهَا»؛

Before I go, I never went to a mosque for 40 years, because this seating culture and miserable behavior, false inferior presentation and acting are not mine

I, in Austrian laboratory confirmed Jews Armenian, and not Iranian have to go. Iran has always been gypsy Romano Aryan, we are not one of them

This is not Iranian sitting behavior but imported sitting behavior, the Iranian parliament even the entire system apparatus consists of 95% Zargari gypsies, also known from Baghdad and Lebanon, with 15 million iranian gypsy followers from various tribes. That's why I never got an Iranian passport. I do not recognize these people in government, politics and the economy as Iranian, but as foreign invaders and mass murderers

This statement was just made on this day, Islamic Republic of Iran: We will not recognize any crimes because of garbage and will not punish anyone or see terrorism, anti-Semitism, the Nazi economic system as crimes

I have to go and I'm going to sleep soon, but apparently my hava nagila hava turns in sex and making children are better than Israel

Breaking the grail and breaking my head, shattering my brain out of hate because of gates opening works differently today. Marble cubes from Vienna with vmat2 gene characters

how was it again? an incompetent 117 kilogram man who can't find a job or doesn't want to work, simply incapable! This hatred against VMAT2 was only seen in World War II and today with my person and family

We don't have diabetes, we have good genes, we can eat pudding, eat cake, eat chocolate banana until we're 90. well, by 2017 I was 117 kilos, I ate too... apparently insulin was mandatory and secretly administered with a doctor's permission.. mm

The owner of this photo below can only be proven with these stones, in the sense that he or she also has 1478 other combinations with crystal


One, two, three, fourI will spend my whole life throughLoving you, loving youWinter, summer, springtime, tooLoving you, loving youMakes no difference where I go or what I doYou know that I'll always be loving you

I was about 19 when I took this photo, as a reminder: if you are noticeable in society, an eye-catcher, and serve as a target, then there will be two types of women at your side: one who constantly blows other cocks and one who blows cocks and By the way: the woman also licks assholes, with the second one you stay alive.

During the Sasanian era, people came to the decision: the only option for cannibalistic psychopaths is the sword, hence the alliance with Islam, look what has become of the world: we will not rest until we have caught the last seyyed, the old bloodline

آقا امام علی اومد ایران میدونی چرا عاشق ما شد؟ گفت ببین ناسوت، ملکوت، جبروت و لاهوت، ما هم دیدیم پس اینه گفتیم باشه: جمالت رو عشق ما هم هپروت و شپروت و ملکوت و زپروت هرچی تو بگی نه تو بشو کبود نه ما میشیم کبود. حالا چپ خارکوسده میگه لمپن پرولتاریات، برو بینیم بابا کونده کون گشاد خارکوسده

I feel like Alfred Kubin: 4000 works for a minimum pension. This time they steal directly from the cell phone, I give it to Facebook, who owns the photos?

All figures that work in Amnesty International Vienna are Austrian secret service branch, UN employees CIA and NSA branch, international courts MI6 branch, Mossad and Vatican Ahrimanism branch. all with one goal: racial extermination