Dienstag, 19. September 2023

The world, especially peaceful people, will eventually come to my decision: the world will only come to rest when tens of thousands of Germans and Austrians die. no matter how. After the Second World War, it takes the dirtiest roots to start racial torture and racial trafficking again

Show us from the Amiri family: 15 real estate plots with a salary of 1200 euros and a salary of 1800 euros! and this is not supposed to be a planned mass murder of my race, vmat2 race. Dirty Nazi animals, dirty Nazi animals.

I send my thoughts with the Grail, I am confronted with the dregs of human history, National Socialism, I demand my right, my primal right, 8000 animals, my ritual like Emam Ali time

Incompetent cannibalistic animals, scum of the history of the earth needs Jewish families again for torture business, the scum of history, second world war scum, with its related tribes. inferior scum nazi culture

As a Stasi and terror victim, 10 minutes ago I was insulted by an old Viennese couple as a wanker and a pig, listen to me: this depth and animal origin only gets one answer, you are inferior evolution and animal origin, we have always been human.That's why 8,000 of you are necessary to finally put an end to monkey fascism on this earth. 8000 exactly

آقا هر وقت ما در پالتالک حرف میزدیم قیافه کرد ها سوسیس کالباس میشد، آخه اینها از زرگری ها و دوماری ها و بابلی ها بدترن: کردستان ایران برای کولی آلبانیه، با تجزیه کردستان بزرگ را آلبانستان اروپا میکنیم، این جازمن جهود ایرانیه، ما کورد کردستانیم از این اشخاص منفور ضد کرد زیاد میدانیم این ایرانی نیه، این باربد جهود ارمنیه، ایرانی نیه! به خدا اگر به غیر از قاسملو یه مرد دیگه تو اینها پیدا میشد رژیم کردستان رو با بمب ناپدید میکرد... دهاتی سیاسی های ناسیونالیست فاشیست

I'm talking about mass murder, vmat2 hatred and racial madness, the Iranian and European murderers talk about academic education! As an admin, I had full political chat rooms every day for 15 years

no one moved for him and went to the barricades. the same as in my case only in Iran.... if I were in Iran then human rights activists would write about me, but here everyone is deaf and mute because they can do something: arrest and lock up the criminals

By that I mean: this country and the government, with Kurt Waldheim as a UN employee, was dirtier for 45 years than the Iranian regime and Hezbollah, dirtier mass murderers! Money laundering and the black market only exist for high mass murder statistics

Almost two years have passed since November 2021, and you can see how trained a country is, including when it comes to racial murder and trivialization. nobody knows anything or sees anything.

تخمش هم نیست، ستون فقرات داره

آقا این آتوسا ملکوتی رو کسی میشناسه؟ میگه: خوب حالا تو هم بیا من رو بکن، که چی حالا؟ مرتیکه عن

Montag, 18. September 2023

Austrian state is a dirty fascist and mass murderer, active in Iran for 45 years, with the justification: only an Aryan Iran is conceivable, there was nothing else there

they call our bloodline Jewish-Armenian, with religion names LOL,Well, Iran was always Jewish-Armenian

Vienna has no Iranian origin allies in Iran, only 15 million tribe members Romano Aryan race, close relatives Habsburg and Esterhazies, Romano Gypsy race Europe

Vienna has no Iranian origin allies in Iran, only 15 million tribe members Romano Aryan race, close relatives Habsburg and Esterhazies, Romano Gypsy race Europe

The world is a ticking bomb when it comes to racial trafficking, racial torture, racial espionage and racial extermination, it all has a reason: alien animals in the Vatican, UN, international authorities, in mosques and synagogues

well, you are really Christians: Jesus Christ help us against demons, we just want to destroy the race and live in prosperity, Lord free us from evil!!! LOL😂😂😂😂😂 Dirtier than Austrofascism is church anti-Semitism and colonial-style Nazis: the BIBLE gives us the right to plunder evil: he fucks whores, plays poker, he is a fraud and a satanist

I have to go, I love officer WOF as a liberator

I see every attack on international authorities, political buildings, human rights buildings as not terrorism, even on American facilities: just liberation, fight against fascism, and prevent mass murder

Do you know this demon? Spaceship enterprise officer WOF character.. not invented, just happened in Grail

Aryan race: salary of 1800 euros despite studying! smaller than 0815 beings. Earning 10 million euros is an easy way for normal people

The Austrian government has distributed money to an Aryan race that today boasts of its superiority with studies and titles. The titles are fake in whatever branch, just as fake claims of not being a fascist. The superior race needs 500,000 euros in equipment to start its projects

I took dozens of photos and am finishing posting for tonight with this photo, photo: spiritual connection. good night

and he jumped out of the water and: the seat was very comfortable, spent hours in chat rooms: he was incompetent and had a lot of debts, he owed a lot of people money, and then we said: Austrian constitution cannot organize and collect the debts, We have to make money out of the man and his family. as much as possible, then we saw there was too much money and said: we'll buy houses

سفید برفی

آقا ما همیشه یک مشکل ذهنی با این پروانه چپی اکثریتی داشتیم، هیچوقت هم این مشکل ما حل نمیشه و حل شدنی نیست. ولی بعد دیدیم این پریسا شاهی دست راستی مشکلی نیست که دست راستیه فقط از پروانه یکم  در خوار گاییدن جلو تره، میدونی چرا؟ انقدر با محبت بی رویه و عشق ورزیدن میره تو اعصاب که خودت به خودت میگی: مثل اینکه تو بری بهشت ما باید بریم از دستت جهنم، نمودی مارو بی پدر مادر، آخه دیوانه روانی حد و مرز حالیت نیست؟ خودم بلد نیستم قاشق بذارم دهنم زهرمار بخورم، تو مادر قحبه قاشق هم تو دهنم باید بذاری؟ چایی مونم که سر ساعت میاری ولی بعد  قند هم تو دهن ما میذاری با زور؟ روانپریش سفید جاکش من رو دست پا چلفتی میکنی؟ 

So now I'm going to have dinner, at 10 p.m. I'll be taking photos again, hey archeology is that a horseshoe or the sign electromagnetism you donkey

We migrated to the Scandinavian countries of Ireland and Scotland and other parts of eastern and western Europe in 3000 BC. the persuasive power was the water and grall. Our genes have been spread, hence this intellect and intelligence

Do you understand what happened in World War II? At the beginning the world was peaceful with fascism, but then the Americans and the English became evil: these Vienna and Berlin are inferior 0815 animal origin and now they say they are even higher than us! we, the special highly intelligent evolutionary animals... fuck vienna and adolf

These actions are related to cannibalism genes and race as in World War II