Donnerstag, 21. September 2023

I have electronic invoices and offers, my email file is full of them, fascism says: this is fake material, we had an unemployed and incompetent vmat2. The statement is made by the Viennese together with the Aryan Iranian

Corporate espionage, company ruin, ruining existence, burning lives, does that mean I am humane? The perpetrators are working class and civil servants, with a salary of 1200 to 4000 euros. including UNO city employees. Isn't this a repeat of national socialism?

The Aryan origin Iran is favored in Vienna because of dozens of human rights violations and attempted murder and Vienna still screams: we are not National Socialists

My race was never this: National Socialist Mina Ahadi, I think she is the great aunt from Kurdistan

It is an insolence and insult that Iran is being downgraded to the level of ape origin by claiming to be Aryan. What? who is evolution origin? you or I? Was that you 5000 years ago or me?

Iranian fascism enjoys immunity in all western countries as long as they comply with mass murder statistics correctly, including when it comes to cyber torture and silent murder

Sepah, Hezbollah, Ayatollahs, Imam Ali Mosque, Iranian Embassy all enjoy immunity when it comes to VMAT2 terror torture murder in Europe and America.

I'm not talking criminal or lying, it's the truth, Austrian politics and all three secret services protect terrorism against vmat2 families, women, children, men, young or old. This has been happening in Austria for at least 7 years

Before I go: the Grail doesn't like the smell of meat and the smell of corpses in mouth, I clean my mouth with Listerine Mentol until I give up eating meat

well, I have to go, the healing power was good, 10 hours of sleep was good. Apparently my liver is working fine again, I usually get up at 5 a.m. alarming because of liver

The Asclepius Ritual

There are many good things about excavating old technology: we help suffering people and make penis to genital area vagina. uterus follows

VMAT2 folter, Cosmas und Damian morde Österreich/Israel in Syrien: Es geht in der Sache um Khaled A., einst ein General der syrischen Armee und Leiter eines Gefängnisses in Ar-Raqqa.

Mittwoch, 20. September 2023

you won't find anything dirtier than this Austria anywhere: we pay for it, drive your Jewish Armenians vmat2 to suicide,

I will post the photos of what I took today tomorrow, but you won't find anything dirtier than this Austria anywhere: we pay for it, drive your Jewish Armenians vmat2 to suicide, we also launder all the black money for your prosperity. This is Adolf's legacy, and the final solution of the 21st century

Every Iranian gets money in Vienna because of: either our suicide, murder, amok or lynching

The truth is that between 5,000 to 10,000 people in Iran think about suicide every day, and between 500 to 1,000 commit suicide. How many die as a result is unclear, but look at the regime's statistics on suicide and also consider the gray area black numbers, the hidden

It is not illegal if i claim that Vienna has been involved in mass murder in Iran for 45 years: an inferior accountant with a pension of 800 euros gets 90,000 euros once, he puts it into renovating the house, 40,000 once for renovating the garden, another 150,000 euros, and again the house was renovated. The money is for this: drive mother and daughter into poverty, psychosis and suicide

In Iran, 89 percent become rich without any particularity, own ideas, inventive potential or intellect, with a snowball system, air management, or genocide trade like the Viennese Iranians: accountants, lowest class, salary of 1,800 euros, and you know the rest....

I didn't want to write anything until 10 p.m., but there's no other way, some Iranian nouveau riche write threatening letters in chat rooms. Look: when I opened an antiques shop, I was aware that my mother was an official in the Iranian Ministry of Culture, and my father was a contractor for roads and bridge construction. But if my father was a watermelon seller and my mother was a watermelon seed seller then I would open a vegetable shop, nothing sits in its right place in Iran! Today's capitalists have mostly become rich through banana and melon price inflation and behave like superhumans

Before I forget, in my life I only experienced 3 girls that were capable and had the potential: I think I called them Fifi Fafa and Fufu when the three of us were in a room in Fortuna Bar

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m., but this world will never reach the maturity to make contact, in the sense that people sit on the top or people are raised up that are only filled with hate, anti-Semitism and xenophobia and garbage

An eternity with white panthers and the bear would also be an option. The trio walk with the old druid in time and space.

بیا حالا یارو بهش برخورد، زنگ زد به دوستش که: این جام رو باید توش فقط آبجو تگری خورد، آبجو بریزی توش یک حالی کنی یک حالی کنی، این عن رو باید جام رو یکجوری ازش گرفت! مردشور برده اجنبی جاکش خفه شو، بیشرف بی همه چیز لول🤣🤣

آخه یکی از این طرف سوال کنه: تو چنتا کار بلدی که فقط این یک دونه کار رو بلد نیستی؟ کوسمیک پاور مگه نمیگی بده، مگه نمیگی آبش بده، مگه نمیگی کوسمیک پاور نامرده.. خوب ما جام رو با کوسمیک انرژی پر میکنیم به تو چه... بیشرف! ما میک هم میزنیم ازش، یعنی از جام... همون...

اومدی تو حریم شخصی ما؟ تجاوز به حریم شخصی میکنی؟ بیا واست برینم جمع کن عزیزم، انقدر از کونم بخور تا سیر شی خارکوسده

I would never bring up this topic if these animals hadn't hunted us. The country is so sick, so in deep hatred that every single citizen is checked because of genes and DNA: who is new like us and who is old and our natural enemy

vienese stone from the prehistory when monkeys were still monkeys... or there were no monkeys yet, just us. Asian and Elami, also, today's Dervish and Sufis

The Austrians, with the help of many networks all over the world, have fascists that can be bought, or they breed fascists, even in Mongolia, with this tongue: why are your shamans different than you? Did you know that these people have different origins than us? Do you want to be insulted as a monkey? from this inferior grubby mumbo-jumbo?

To get the Ark of the Covenant, I first have to visit the Chingizkhan grave and get the key from his left trouser pocket, which fails because the shitty Americans and Austrians also have their lackeys there