Donnerstag, 21. September 2023

Nobody will file criminal charges against Austrians and Viennese because of the anti-human actions, in the sense that all layers of society can be used for racial extermination, especially the left-wing Green Party and officials. This is a global network action against VMAT2 from the Orient

The stopping of the union and mating (woman's head is upside down version) is because of Dennis, the creative unstoppable goat Dennis, alone at home LOL

آقا جریان میدونی چیه؟، طرف میشینه جلو ما ده تا آبجو میخوره، ما هم هی نگاه میکنیم میگیم:، کونده خوار حالا که گوه زیادی میخوری خوب حالا یکی هم بده به ما، شیشه میکشی خوب یه پک هم بده به ما، تریاک که نمیدی، کافر مادر جنده هیچوقت بیشتر از دو بست جیبت بیشتر نیست، مادر قحبه. اونوخت این سیاه جاکش نشسته ببینه کجا ما چه گوهی خوردیم مارو بکشه، به علی غریب که کاری نداره یا به رحیم، به ما کار داره، واسه همین هم مسلمان شده که بگه تو سفید مسلمان جرمت چقدر است نا مسلمان

I think Kabbalah theologians and philosophers know this strategic crescent movement from history.

أسلافه هم عملنا ولا يهمنا إلا نحن..... the meaning

حاج سید علی میای پایین ما به کارمون برسیم یا نه؟ تو خودت آخه...... 😉

This is evidence of history in Elam: snake anaconda formation against VMAT2 and Grail race

ISRAEL: we join fascism and second national socialism Iran Austria, but if someone reports us then we will file a criminal complaint because of anti-Semitism and Jews hate

I'm sending you something different. your destruction and extinction. for the crime against my innocent sister when she was a child. 1998. magic against magic?

Who is an anti-Christ and DAN tribe origin and Ahrimanic origin is proven: we join fascism and second national socialism Iran Austria, but if someone reports us then we will file a criminal complaint because of anti-Semitism and Jews hate

The good thing about this apartment is: I need 6 weeks to find this one stone again, the reason is that every single stone should be put back in the water and photographed from the right angle

Surroundings Our apartment has been a construction site for years and everything is being covered over, our traces! The church has been involved in these activities for centuries, today MOSSAD next to vatikan. viennese stone 5. district

Do you think that after ruining my life I want to create jobs or show you a better way? or get millions of euros for orthodox state science? LOL My other projects serve this purpose: fascism and anti-Semitism and xenophobia always act from a position of our testicles, because it automatically feels like it is from a position under our testicles. The Jews didn't know that back then or didn't think that a tooth that hurts should get a root canal. the root is the pain, the root

I won't stop until I'm the phenomenal outsider, really the biggest outsider. I'm waiting for real equipment for phenomenal projects

I have been walking past many streets and alleys and squares for years, there have been regular places for beggars, for decades, young girls, old women and men. mostly from Eastern European countries. I have known a pair of young siblings and two girls for 3 years now, they always get money of whatever amount, from Viennese, Austrians, not from foreigners. The facade is perfect, no murderers, torturers or poisoners. nobody has the feeling for it. until: someone from the laboratory reports in networks: we have outsiders, not from us, sitting in......

Our race is the goal, whether Muslim, Jew, Christian, Baha'i, Zaroshti, or Buddhist. Do you understand? our genes and DNA are targeted in laboratories, and we are all equipped with GPS

electronic offer, the auction house even didn't take 20,000 euros antique piece. Total auction value is 120,000 euros. that was manipulative austrofascism. Money and capital means demanding rights with lawyers

I have electronic invoices and offers, my email file is full of them, fascism says: this is fake material, we had an unemployed and incompetent vmat2. The statement is made by the Viennese together with the Aryan Iranian

Corporate espionage, company ruin, ruining existence, burning lives, does that mean I am humane? The perpetrators are working class and civil servants, with a salary of 1200 to 4000 euros. including UNO city employees. Isn't this a repeat of national socialism?

The Aryan origin Iran is favored in Vienna because of dozens of human rights violations and attempted murder and Vienna still screams: we are not National Socialists

My race was never this: National Socialist Mina Ahadi, I think she is the great aunt from Kurdistan

It is an insolence and insult that Iran is being downgraded to the level of ape origin by claiming to be Aryan. What? who is evolution origin? you or I? Was that you 5000 years ago or me?

Iranian fascism enjoys immunity in all western countries as long as they comply with mass murder statistics correctly, including when it comes to cyber torture and silent murder

Sepah, Hezbollah, Ayatollahs, Imam Ali Mosque, Iranian Embassy all enjoy immunity when it comes to VMAT2 terror torture murder in Europe and America.

I'm not talking criminal or lying, it's the truth, Austrian politics and all three secret services protect terrorism against vmat2 families, women, children, men, young or old. This has been happening in Austria for at least 7 years

Before I go: the Grail doesn't like the smell of meat and the smell of corpses in mouth, I clean my mouth with Listerine Mentol until I give up eating meat

well, I have to go, the healing power was good, 10 hours of sleep was good. Apparently my liver is working fine again, I usually get up at 5 a.m. alarming because of liver

The Asclepius Ritual

There are many good things about excavating old technology: we help suffering people and make penis to genital area vagina. uterus follows

VMAT2 folter, Cosmas und Damian morde Österreich/Israel in Syrien: Es geht in der Sache um Khaled A., einst ein General der syrischen Armee und Leiter eines Gefängnisses in Ar-Raqqa.