Freitag, 22. September 2023

آقا ما بریم، هوا بارونیه و عکس مکس خبری نیست، ولی خداییش نسیم بختیاری، وکیل دادگستری، نیای بگی من نه امیری هستم و نه شمس، من خودتم از خودتم. عاشقم ولی هیچوقت دوست ندارم و نخواهم داشت، فقط عاشقم. والا، کونده میاد چهار تا بچه هم میندازه، بعد فکر کرده ما خریم نمیدونیم با بچه ها چجوری مارو میکشه و تو مستراح چال میکنه. با عشقاش...

هوشمند همراه

آقا یکی فیلمنامه مینویسه، بعد خوب یک نقشی برای یک هنرپیشه مینویسه دیگه، فرض مثال: خانم مهناز افشار دندان پزشک فیلم "ریشه نفرت" میشوی یا نه؟ بعد میبینی ایشون شد دندان پزشک و هنگام بازی ریشه دندانی که درد میکند هم میکشد، بعد میبینی: اه اه اه اه مریض جاکش چقدر ریش داره،، پفیوز نفرت، درارررراززز یک ریش دارد پر از نفرت. خلاصه مردم خوششون میاد از این نقش و ریش دراااز نفرت و سالهای سال هر وقت صدا و سیما ایران برنامه ای که به بهداشت و نظافت دندان ربط دارد خانم دکتر را سفارش میدهند، کی رو؟ خانم مهناز افشار. حالا بفرما: تو چت روم های ایرانی وکیل مادر وخواهر ما کی نشسته؟ وکیل دادگستری نرگس شوشتری از فیلم: هوشمند همراه

I alert all Iranian women, the original origin, do vmat2 and DNA test, you are all in danger, in the sense that your uterus is the main target, perpetrators: American Austrian european Israeli Turkish Arab women

Austria is not supposed to have been involved in mass murders in Iran for 45 years? since 1979? Look at Vienna today: your father financed 4 properties through your death, we are worse than your father!

پیر کفتار خنگ خرفت خارکوسده، به کوس اون جندت با ننت مادر کونی، کوسکش با رفیق های آخوندت.. مادر سگ های قاتل، کوسکش ننه های قاطی.. عشق پول های بی عرضه، ارازل اوباش، هیچکاره های خرفت شهر. مادر کوس کون درشت ها آدم شدن، اتریش میگه تو آدمی، آره، تو آدمی قاتل کوس ننه جنده، مادر سگ های شاشخالی عشق پول....

three austrian secret services, legacy gestapo and nsdap, post-war animals, scum meat and nazis, fascists, remember one thing, one step in my direction and i'll fuck you, bastard nazis...

genetic data storage, sacred knowledge elam...🤔

As an intelligent vmat2 child, you stop "learning" as a child. This grandmother was a school supervisor for a decade, in kindergarten I knew 4, in high school in Iran 12. Austrian schools are full: 99.9%: where is the Jewish child, vmat2 child. Well today, I'm no longer a child, but an international vmat2 target. without a school leaving certificate or a degree... LOL

I was 5 and collected up to 5 dollars a month from other children, with palmistry. I went to elementary school at the age of 5 as a brilliant child

Do you understand? This woman of this movement will kill me, then my sister and then my mother because of National Socialist Stasi money. This is proven, this woman is a killer, woman murderer, anti woman movement

UNO city should explain what your ideological thinking or ambition is based on, what is your cooperation with Ayatullahs against my person and my family, political activist from 2002 and vmat2, registered businessman September 2002

Most of the mullahs are also dudul, so they also wanted to make me a dudul, with azadeh. But none of them are like me: kir royal. there is the chest

I never get tattoos, but I love this one song like these two rings: Michael Kiwanuka - Love & Hate

Everything this country does since 1998 only serves one purpose: this race will never get full citizenship rights in Iran and certainly not here. I am a genetic minority in that my blood is called Jewish Armenian

LOL on January 17, 2022 I bought a rattan shelf, is anyone interested in this story?because apparently everything I do is recorded with secret cameras for posterity

آقا جریان اجنبی شاشخالی میدونی چیه: سرشو میندازه پایین با اخم و حرف هم نمیزنه(یعنی من باسواد) ، بعد تازه چند تا سوال کلیدی میکنی اخمش باز میشه میگه: جواب ابلهان خاموشیست.... جون تو، مدرک ها قلابی، ایرانی بودنشون قلابی، زندگی پول سرمایه همه چی قلابی، فقط یه خمینی اومد ایران و اینها وضعیتشون عوض شد، با کشتن ما! وگرنه از دم شاشخالی کیری بیسواد آکادمیک

Many races were said to have criminal origins, they said this breed was an imposition and a crime. Because of ethnic origins because of genes DNA because of facial features and body structure and anatomy. a criminal origin. Started in the middle of the 19th century until 1932. From 1938 everything was implemented according to plan: the crime was to be burned, after looting, torture, humiliation and human experiments. Today Vienna and its allies are in worse mode when it comes to Iran

We are the Grail race with primal natural rights. These monkeys are once again spreading incineration plants, this time with allies Israel, Turkey, America and England

It says: enter at your own risk! I think my joke has become a hit in the other world: I went into many holes at my own risk, I came out safely

I took dozens of photos last night I'll try to find a clear photo and post it before I go

Well, I have to go, but with this spread to Latvia the monkeys have a lot of plans. the millennium empire europe: europe is clean of christian blood

In any case, I am a vmat2 water ARI, my blood donation is even refused in Israel, and my blood plasma will not be accepted in Israel either. In Vienna I am in mortal danger even in hospitals, and the police officers take their children to McDonald's three times a day at a salary of 1400 euros

IRAN/Luristan: I'm not a Nazi Ari, I'm a water turner Ari