Montag, 25. September 2023

I have to go now and won't take any more photos this evening. But the new wave "woman freedom life" has its roots in Indo Aryan Nazi movement, an organized criminal gang with the intrigue: we replace Jews and Armenians freedom fighters. We replace unbearable resistance, on behalf of the ayatollahs

خلاصه زن زندگی آزادی! یعنی ما تک خال تک کوس خاور میانه هستیم و تو هم بشین نوحه بخون واسمون... 👍

میگم حاجی جون تو کوس کلک بازی قدیمی در نمیووردیم یه ریش میذاشتیم نوحه خون میشدیم، اوطوری خیلی حال میکردی آره؟ ایطوری کپک زدی، ها؟ آره؟ ،

They are actually more afraid of the water than the smoke. it's interesting

Having fun costs a lot of money, a minimum of 50 euros per night. How is that supposed to work with a salary of 1200 to 2200 eueo? wirh vmat2 torture and murder! especially so-called leftists, are worse than neo-Nazis

Austrians are bloodlines and race fanatics, racial madness, then as now: who is animal who is human! dirty american state and networks pour gasoline on the fire: iranians are unhappy jew armenians in iran... with vmat2

The Viennese says like an animal, like a dirty scum: people's decision like in 1932, like in 1932, because it has these women on its side. I shit on your fascist Europe and fake democracy, dirty blonde blue-eyed Nazi animals, evolution origins, bastard animals

This woman goes on street protest here in Vienna to hide her murderous instinct, Exactly this woman says to Viennese women: kill him first, we want to live in peace, we will take over the mother and daughter...

I live in a situation: 5000 Iranians living in Vienna have motivated normal citizens to murder: in such a way that in networks these people see themselves as power, as authority and government: if even the diabetes has recovered then we kill him and his family. this is injustice and discrimination. We are disadvantaged and do not allow ourselves to be insulted

Controlled healing, the Cubans also treat cancer with a special type of scorpion venom. Who feeds the cat is important... because the rat shouldn't crawl around for long, if two argue then the third will be happy


آقا مملکت ریدمون شده رفته، میدونی: بنده خدا رمضون یک سال پول جمع میکنه که صورتش رو با سیلی سرخ نگه داره! سر ماه رمضون آقا رمضون عشقش با زنش و بچش به اینه که چند روز نذری به مردم بدن، بعد میبینی کونده از بالا شهر اومده پایین شهر و خونه به خونه میگرده قیمه نذری حاج رمضون رو بخوره، زمانی هم که سه تا پرس گیرش میاد میگه: ای سگ برینه تو روحت رمضون، بدبخت بیچاره، گدا گشنه، باید برینیم به پیکر خودمون، خودمون رو ریدمون کنیم که سه پرس بگیریم تا گوشت قیمه واسه یه پرس تکمیل بشه خارکوسده با اون زنت، با اون قیافه کلفتی کیریش! جریان دختر دادنشون هم همینه، آخرش همینه: برو آقا برو آقا کیرت تکمیل نبود، دوتا دیگه لازم داشتیم. نشد واسه این دخترمون یه شب گریه نکنیم چرا زیرت جیق نمیکشه! آریایی اینه دیگه کاریش، نمیشه کرد! 

Everything I did to him he has to go to prison. so? without remorse, without empathy and pity? with the help of American and European networks? with the help of the Austrian Gestapo? because vmat2 has to suffer and then die? in a cell? strangled or stabbed? come on.

If the body is poisoned by eating meat, your cock is not afraid of a beak to be bitten, and you enter into a romantic relationship with an Anunnaki, then your shamanic spirit will go on a journey. This journey has had a meaning for 24 years: which one?

It doesn't cost the Austrians a cent of money to stand in court for years, because the billion-dollar project is my property and our property, our private life

Viennese police, the state police are with politicians, judges and dozens of thousands of officers in dirtier mass murder attempts than in 1932. In the sense that vmat2 is not reduced to 15 million but hundreds of millions are distributed worldwide

We have Indian and Pakestani facial features, also Indo-Pakestani Sinti Roma tribes origin, that claim: we have no real humans in Iran and Vienna, we are Aryan, and those here (like Barbad and his family) are something like garbage. This is current Iranian anti-Semitism, racism and fascism in action

به جون تو خر پدیده ایست، معجزه است. حالا روانپریش کیری صبح تا شب بگو ایران آریایی، ایرانی آریایی بوده وهست وبعد کون بده مثل رژیم به اروپا و آمریکا و اسرائیل و بگو: ما از این آشغال ها مثل باربد و خواهر مادرش زیاد داریم، ای آریایی منش، ای ایرانی آریایی ای کیری تر از آخوند

خلاصه مثال عکس پایین و آب سمی اینه که هر چی خریت انسانی در ماست طلاست، یعنی خری که طلا میرینه، خر طلائی، داستان خر طلایی پاردوگسنیست که(...) 🤣🤣🤣هیچی خلاصه ببینید نصف بازار تهران دست کیه, بیش از نیمی از این جمعیت ژن خدا پرستی دارند.... لول

Sonntag, 24. September 2023

آقا ما بریم، و: کولی بازار رو جمع کنید از ایران برید،

انقدر خارکوسده شدید که آدم رو وادار به کارهایی میکنید... جاکش ها

- در ایة 38 از سورة محمّد(ص) می خوانیم: « ای مسلمانان! اگر به نعمت اسلام ارج ننهید و از آن روی گردان شوید، خداوند، این مأموریت (پاسداری از اسلام) را به گروهی دیگر می سپارد؛ آنان که همانند شما نخواهند بود».

- اکثر مفسّران شیعه و اهل سنّت، در ذیل این ایه نقل کرده اند که پس از نزول این ایه، جمعی از اصحاب از پیامبر(ص) پرسیدند: «این جمعیتی که خداوند در ایه به آنها اشاره می کند، چه کسانی هستند؟». پیامبر(ص) به سلمان، که در نزدیکش بود، نگاه کرد و دست به زانو (یا شانة) او زد و فرمود: «منظورخداوند، این مرد و قوم اوست. سوگند به آن که جانم در اختیار اوست، اگر ایمان به ستارة ثریا بسته باشد، گروهی از مردان فارس، آن را به چنگ می آورند».3

In 2022 I had lead poisoning, well, so I lost another 14 kilos and got to 67 kilos. Just a headache, brain and nerve function and personality change in a case of lead poisoning is one thing: paradox must be calculated, because I sometimes have a paradoxical reaction when I drink coffee: I faint, I sometimes get so sleepy and sleep for 10 hours, that's why I drink never coffee at night. The only thing I wasn't sure about was Vigra 2017: does it supply blood to my cock or the brain? then I saw the brain, combined with (...)

They want to kill us all, on all continents with house building plan financing. In the 20th century these scum killed millions with the position of "master race" today from subhuman position and glorification: these are genetic miracles, we feel diminished, we feel inferior. This is true discrimination. Why?

I've been waiting for this encounter for a long time because of HAGH. The life of a magoi is sacred and the security of his private area and life is firmly anchored in the country's laws,, in constitution, in democracy and the rule of law. Austria sees the billions earned from his ruined life as a right. like Jewish gold

The confusion attempt and accusation of manipulated photos are worthless, not even Bill Gates has the technology to fake water grail scenes with smartphone. good night. My protective shield guard 😇

Everything that God created they do genetically manipulate, food nature human. Only vmat2 cannot be changed genetically, it is the resistance. They will kill us all with: house building financing

I've gotten to the point where I actually say bravo to every attack in Europe and America, and I think with followers. BRAVO!, but please don't forget the UN, especially Amnesty International and international authorities officials in Geneva and Hague/Strasbourg, we are facing mass extinction and mass murder as far as our race is concerned. photo: August 10, 2023

جریان آدم هیچکاره میدونی چیه؟ یکی رو انتخاب میکنن، یه کم زرق و برق بهش میزنن و میبرنش کجا؟ حالا بگیم بی. بی. سی! به به، به به، عجب سوادی، عجب ابهتی، عجب پشت کاری، عجب شجره نامه ای، خانواده، پدر مادر، عجب تاریخچه ای! خلاصه، یکی از اینها رو دیروز دیدم خندم گرفت، اومدم داد بزنم بهش: خارکوسده هیچکاره اوسکل چرا شکل جنازه مومیایی شده شدی؟کوسکش ابهت ن. ن. ن. ن.ه. ه. ه.. زرق و برق بید حالا چی بید؟ جریان چراغ نفتی مصنوعی اینه جناب هیچکاره!

Trivializing, diminishing, not acknowledging my work are several dozen other human rights violations. Because of race, ethnicity and racial madness, reduction politics is used because of the glorification of current cyber torture and Stasi system in the city, and further devaluation of the race because of bloodline

why I show the ring is: seyyeds' rings are very popular because event sets, also called event spaces: P y or P vmat2 event sets are very expensive

I'm going to sleep now, it takes more energy out of me than this stone gives me. I bought it from the flea market today, it said hoy bari, I said hi baba, I'm not sure I think it's jasper, or emerald? Definitely a “god” from Central America