Dienstag, 26. September 2023
For decades people around the world have been wondering about the perfect resemblance of Ayatollah Khomeini and Sean Connery, but since 1979 many have claimed that the Ayatollah are from England. The reason is: they were brought to Iran as the leading tribe (Freemasons) to lead other tribes in solidarity and unity, with Zargari as Hezbollah, Domari as Sepah and others as Basij
Iran has so many crazy murderers, torturers, psychopaths, cannibalism potential that in 1996 I gave up on it and stopped going to iranian discos, clubs and concerts. Something like that happened with uncontrolled population growth: around 35 million in 1979 and over 85 million today. Everything can be assessed statistically for Europe insofar as genetically everything has developed and will develop in Iran. In 1988 they killed over 38,000 in just a few weeks, how many can they kill today? and what does Vienna want to establish with cybertorture? wich goals?
Montag, 25. September 2023
This National Socialist from Iran currently lives in Vienna, or let's say 500 of her networks, works with Rahim Amiri and Viennese judges together and argues: We don't want to be killed because of racial hatred and the Jewish Armenian trade, we want to live, we say yes to life and prosperity . A million Austrians repeat this statement: we don't want to die because of race trafficking, which means: eliminate and kill the victims for the general interest
Aryan racist anti-Semitic pan Iranism currently has freedom of action, I made the acquaintance over the years in chat portals, especially in Paltalk. I was even invited as a guest to several rooms and to discuss the “extraordinary nature of Iranian national socialism”.Since I was insulted by Iranian communists as a National Socialist, because as a "socialist" I criticized Marx when it came to nationalism, I related deeply to Ireland's divide: we are different, higher beings just like Prophet Muhammad said LOL.
I live in a situation: 5000 Iranians living in Vienna have motivated normal citizens to murder: in such a way that in networks these people see themselves as power, as authority and government: if even the diabetes has recovered then we kill him and his family. this is injustice and discrimination. We are disadvantaged and do not allow ourselves to be insulted
آقا مملکت ریدمون شده رفته، میدونی: بنده خدا رمضون یک سال پول جمع میکنه که صورتش رو با سیلی سرخ نگه داره! سر ماه رمضون آقا رمضون عشقش با زنش و بچش به اینه که چند روز نذری به مردم بدن، بعد میبینی کونده از بالا شهر اومده پایین شهر و خونه به خونه میگرده قیمه نذری حاج رمضون رو بخوره، زمانی هم که سه تا پرس گیرش میاد میگه: ای سگ برینه تو روحت رمضون، بدبخت بیچاره، گدا گشنه، باید برینیم به پیکر خودمون، خودمون رو ریدمون کنیم که سه پرس بگیریم تا گوشت قیمه واسه یه پرس تکمیل بشه خارکوسده با اون زنت، با اون قیافه کلفتی کیریش! جریان دختر دادنشون هم همینه، آخرش همینه: برو آقا برو آقا کیرت تکمیل نبود، دوتا دیگه لازم داشتیم. نشد واسه این دخترمون یه شب گریه نکنیم چرا زیرت جیق نمیکشه! آریایی اینه دیگه کاریش، نمیشه کرد!
We have Indian and Pakestani facial features, also Indo-Pakestani Sinti Roma tribes origin, that claim: we have no real humans in Iran and Vienna, we are Aryan, and those here (like Barbad and his family) are something like garbage. This is current Iranian anti-Semitism, racism and fascism in action
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