Mittwoch, 27. September 2023

National Socialism was always the mother in society: we have garbage containers between our legs and only produce: 0815 monkeys

I have to go, but there are fathers in Iran who would eat vmt2's daughter's meat in front of the camera for a hundred thousand euros, for a hundred thousand, that's second National Socialism Austria, with attempted mass murder

All the Austrian women that took care of Nasser Mansour and Ghassem Farahani turned these brothers into scum wrecks, scum wrecks and murderers. with millions of euros. earned by attempting to murder my mother and sister.

The Austrian state has made the Nasser Farahani a psychosis patient with ayatollahs.Someone with whom I have had absolutely no contact since 2002 was given 5 million euros in black money, what he is currently doing: I don't know what to do with the money: do you need a necklace, bracelet and ring? This mentally psychopathic wreck gives gifts to random people on the streets, complete strangers. Two carat diamond ring to a man, who is this man? a man who has evidence of his collaboration on the internet with ayatollahs

Forced sterilization and BEIDL as stasi hostage ....

My level is therefore cheap, below the belt and worth nothing. mumbo jumbo "Hirngespinst"

You can also take the time and go to the museum, there is currently an exhibition by Viennese mythology painter Gerti Fröhlich, the painting reminds me of: we need a clean environment, the only thing that is important is the environment... nothing is more important

Another photo for venal Christians in churches and the Vatican, Baphomet slaves

I have to go to sleep, I'll send the rest tomorrow,Come up with a mythology story by tomorrow

I'll go now and take photos from 10:30 p.m., but disenfranchising the race and giving special rights to others and excessive wealth with millions in capital is just as dirty as in 1932, which Adolf didn't dare to do: mass murder in Iran

حاجی دارم استخاره واقعی میکنم، امشب با مهره ارمنی عکس بندازم یا با مهره جهودی، بینم کی به اون یکی میگه زکی، مهره مسلمونیم رو هنوز ندیدی ولی خوب بماند، جامش رو هم ندیدی....، ولی اینطوری که بوش میاد با مهره زهر ماری، لامصب از عرق سگی بدتر آدم رو نعشه میکنه آبش...

So in 2018 I started: hey Ötzi Alfred Kubin has secret messages in his paintings, did you know? These tablet editing are like grail photos, smartphone work no fake possible. Well, today I'm going to tell you a secret: you can use Grail water like mummy blood for painting. From where Kubin ordered it, no idea, maybe it was a hidden friend, Jew Barbad Farahani, hiding at his house

Disenfranchisement is murder, so far not a single Iranian woman has complained, as far as my mother and sister are concerned. If I hadn't written from 2017 onwards we would all be dead

Islamic government and these women (strategic enemies of Ayatollahs) only find viewers and investors for vmat2 people and families, for torture deaths there is a bonus of three times the revenue. These staged protests WOMAN LIVE FREEDOM are opponents organized by the ayatollah himself. like hamas for israel: baba abdullah fart a few bang bombs on our side, otherwise we won't get any money for iron dom from america

This disenfranchisement has other goals too: these women are a piece of Europe that they have stuck to us, disenfranchisement vmat2 man and woman, Suhrawardi's light body man and woman is the goal, the future of Iran with women, the black mothers or madonnas in society

1991 was a year where I decided to go to private school to get my high school diploma. It took two and a half years and I studied but never took the high school diploma exam. The reason is this: I looked at others and laughed: get your degree, I'll be successful without it. Well, now I have a blueprint for a Stargate, and today I have exactly these others as enemies, as the stalker animals and murderers.

خلاصه حاجی سقا خونه...، گیر کی افتادیم جون تو

The money gained from vmat2 torture and ruining the existence of vmat2 is religion. an old, unforgettable religion: Ahrimanism also called satanism, i.e. Nazi satanism. Stone from 10th district wienerwald. That's why Austria is ready for martyrdom and sacrifice so that the money ritual will be sealed with Aryan blood

In the post-war period, garbage thought about how we earn money through race so that we make ourselves more valuable, garbage in clothes and fashion

Disenfranchisement is calculated and planned looting and Jewish gold system

The only place where there is currently more garbage than this Austria is Iran, garbage and dirt. and both piles of shit are supported by America, Israel and Europe, Turkey and others, bastard nazi animals, bastard scum evolutionary nazi, animals

austro fascism proved: we are the dirtiest animals, today 80% of society as far as vmat2 is concerned, dirtiest animals, masculine or feminine, and the remaining 20% are dirtier than 80% because of black money and wealth

The racial ideology of the Nazi dictatorship never referred to God genes, although the artifacts point to this even before Christ. 80 percent of the Jews in Austria Germany were from the Orient and Middle East, more than half were VMAT2 type people, deeply religious people. At that time there were no gene laboratories for precise target searches. That's why Ahrimanic state Israel and Mossad are actively involved "it's about genes and not against race" or Israel

خلاصه، ما رفتیم: گفتم به اون زیارتی که رفتم.... قسم به اون عبادتی که کردم... قسم به اون قفلو دخیل که بستم.... بعد خدا من تورو میپرستم

Joy and hope life and energy, laughter, is in our history as in our genes and DNA. fucked Europe America Israel, fucking Nazi Networks

آقا ما بریم، ولی دیشب حاجی باهم دست جمعی رفته بودیم زیارت: میگفتتتت برووووو بروووو بهش بگوووو...! راز دلم رو گفتم جون تو چی چی جواب گرفتم

Archaeologists are also in the cyber torture system, the linguistics are somewhat banal and just as insignificant spectators. Watching the private lives of the old breed has at least one satisfaction: we understand! What do you understand, you asshole, fucking orthodox state science, you trash: the language is on a scale of 7 and level, Hafiz was on a scale of 4

I come from this area