Freitag, 6. Oktober 2023

The man with energy from a stone, Barbad's Einstein project

Do you see the situation and relationship of the state with my mother and sister? My aunt Tara chose science, she was murdered in America after her double degree and the CIA made it look like an accident. Since 1998 this state has not left my sister alone, Austrian American German killer race society Washington. Should I choose science? free Elami energy for everyone..... hoyyyy heyyyy hahahaha

Do you understand what it means when this system says to Amiris: you are human and this family with a business license and three shops is not human? 10,000 corpses within 15 years in iran. with this Viennese cyber torture system. with current fascism and anti-Semitism in Iran

Austrian secret services, judges, police and high-ranking officials: We will lose our houses! Anyone who has had no money for excessive consumption will not lose anything, you animal origin, Nazi scum. Our private life is our property..., nazi bastard, inferior subhuman you fucking nazi, bastard nazi austrians

Look at this dirty Nazi face: colored politically green for years, but a Nazi pig. This is the situation in Austria since 1946, Nazis in clown masquerade and yet in racial madness

It is Alexander van der Bellen, the Austrian president, commander in chief of the military police and secret services, who says: these two passports are not citizenship for us like Jews in 1932, but something different: honorary citizens, citizens who we paid a lot of attention to, unfortunately these children were unworthy and untalented and unable to do anything with their lives

One point before I go: Adolf and Himmler killed a lot of colobateur Jews faster and earlier than others, because family hate has limits, xenophobia knows no limits

I have to go, but right now 5 secret service agents are sitting in an office and saying: if Alexander the Animal hadn't been in office, we would have killed you long ago like your father! Because of which crime it is clear: we, children cyrus the great are the master race and the ape origin is the lower race., like the hatred of the Nazis in 1932: these oriental Jews will soon insult us as monkeys

Nobody should be offended, the majority of animal origins are responsible for the toilet of what this world has become, in every respect, food, environment, mass extinction. Austrian society and Germans in particular are heavily influenced by these bloodline tribes

When you see society's loyalty to government because of race trade, genes and DNA trade, ethnic groups and primal race trade, then you have to understand why some see the flying corpse parts as just a piece of dead animal flesh. Don't be surprised why some people see you as animals

I've been listening to Yasmin Levy very often for 2 years, almost every day for 3 months, today I remembered Tehran in 1986, when we were ready to travel, Nasser said spin the globe and wherever I happen to place my fingers, that's where we'll fly. Well, first it was chill and the second time it was Austria. LOL well, I was wondering about this big lie: wherever I put my fingers, that's where we fly. well I would have been a hero in chille! The assassin in 1986 had 4 levels less DNA than me

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023

البته این نخ اون یکی نخ نیست، واسه جن گیری هم نخ لازم داشتیم حاجی... ولی خوب خلاصه باید سر نخ داد بیا بیرون دیگه نالوطی....

everyone wants to fuck Cyrus, one says he was Aryan, the other: he was a bloodthirsty murderer, the reason lies underground and genes archaeology:, Jewish-Armenian race and creation, Cyrus was a prophet and not just a king

آقا ما بریم، میگم سردار نقدی من تو دهن هخامنشی میزنم شعار اول انقلاب نبود ها، خلاصه ما بیشتر خایه داریم و خلاصه بیشتر شهید دادیم! حسود خارکوسده وارداتی

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی جون من یکنفر یکی بزنه تو دهن آمریکا، یکی، یکنفر، فقط یکی. نبود؟ خمینی هم که مرد رفت عجب بدبختی شدیم ما! هیچکس نمونده، خوار این دنیارو من گاییدم، که فقط اون اگر بود میزد، هیچکس دیگه نیست، هیچکس نمونده

Well, I'll go to sleep soon, but this bride (Unicorn Tribe DNA) doesn't care about the statistics, her nature is love, and only demands loyalty

These women have uterus problems just like Austrians, with the worry: why will our children become nothing and the Jews become Nobel Prizes? So it happened that an Iranian muslim in Tehran with two Dr. tits becomes a taxi driver, he never finds work

The financing of the police in Vienna by international capital fascists had this purpose: kill your hidden Jews, the iranian DNA Jews in Europe too. actual iranian nazi movement:

The staffing of the Vienna police is sophisticated, more sophisticated than Gestapo, modern science with hundreds of scientists. I live in a town that no one has done anything! especially to my sister and mother

read CIA reports: 1 in 7 police officers are psychopaths, apparently because he or she is not a fascist!? Asshole CIA and America, I'm confronted with tens of thousands of anti-Semitic murderer fascists, tens of thousands of killer animals

Do you think that there are no angels present or no one watching us during the sexual act? You are dirt and not a woman who has had sex with 12 customers. Nazi whores are dirt and HARAM. Anti-Semitism and racial murder is dirt and haram, fascism is dirt and HARAM meat, dirty garbage containers, you are dirt. they earn honest money

ببین شهر حسود ما سر ۶۷۵ چیز سر نبرد رفتیم، کوسکش به توچه

We were committed to the Grail, but with Sunny Islam after Karbala we breached our duty. for equality? Fuck equality with these genetic laboratories and genetic technology. Look at the Turks and Arabs, the Sunnis, what did they see until 2018? What were they looking at?

Well, I have to go again, but we actually promised the prophet Muhammad that we would stop showing our cocks and balls next to our talents. I think that promise has expired, this Aryan race is incorrigible: 16 centimeters and unlimited talent and potential, more projects than all of you, who are you with 24 centimeters, you bum?

Today I laughed for 30 minutes, a Mussilini asshole walked past me on the street, and I thought you idiot, you ignorant ass, the difference between you and me is spagheti and ashreshte and ashreshte is magic, really only the native people in Tehran have this formula . In any case, I also thought about Kefalonia, I think at a certain minute the soldiers also thought: what is this supposed to be?

کیر فاشیست افراطی رو تو کون ما میکنن، پلیس فاشیست وین، بدون پرونده، بدون جرم، بدون هیچی.. حرومزاده های اجنبی اهریمنی

Austrian announcement: the Aryan Iranians are getting old here in Vienna, you and your sister won't, poverty doesn't get any care, not even medically. All Iranian perpetrators were rewarded from 5 thousand euros to 5 million euros

کلفت کیر ساک زن اومده خونه ما و میگه: شما ژنتیک ارزش دارید، گران‌بها هستید. کیر اسکندر رو اون زمان اومدن بکنن تودهن ما، حالا کیر سازمان سیا و ن. س. ای. موساد و غیره تو کون ما میکنن: شما ها گران بها هستید، حالا کیر فاشیست افراطی روتو کون ما میکنن