Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2023

I have to go and come back at 12, but vmat2 and grail scenes is a sign for old Jews, the mixed race. That's why I say real Jews have become Christians, then the many more real ones have become Muslim. without fear of taking an African woman as a wife and licking her pussy 5 times a week. far away from racism and xenophobia

I took several photos and am going to sleep now, but apparently it was a shaman's formula that I took a sip of: turkey, dragon spit and rabbit juice! I'll post the rest tomorrow

Hafiz wrote again from the tavern, he said:

I'm preparing for the grail, I hope for clear photos. YA DONA.. for DONYA

I'm going to take care of other things and come back at 10 p.m. with new photos. Today I'm going to turn the Grail water again

Who will notice me if I become an oddity after a year of piano and music training? Can you actually concentrate on music? or rather the memory of jerking off doesn't leave you alone. 13 birds for 13 tribes

I have to go to sleep and come back at 6 p.m

Photo from the same apartment as the art piece below, purchasing art was self-awareness? no, a self-reward

I had to laugh today after buying this piece of art, in every 500 collective there is number 172 that is well equipped... fuck yourself even in the international court you boss in the network

Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023

Consciousness of the New Time - Merging of the Poles... - Avalon channel

آقا ما بریم بکپیم، ولی جون تو شانس اوردیم حالا آخوندها همیشه بالا سر ما بودن و به خاخام ها رو ندادن، والا، دختر که به ما نمیدن هیچی، تازه بفهمن چجوریه جریان ژنتیکت به دختراشون اینطوری میگن: هرجا دیدید این دست زد نه دست بزنید نه بشورید، آلوده میشید! لیوانشون رو بندازید دور نشورید، پاشون به زمین خونتون خورد 3 هفته خانه را ترک کنید.... لول

They stole genes and DNA from us and produced hybrid children, in that sense, Europe is a miracle! kill your own children, not the original... do you hate super power? your children first. I blindly draw 4 aces from 52 cards, your hybrids can't do that. I am the original

they even force us to walk on the water, and who is canonized? Mary Magdalene!, she managed to show us what we don't want, who we don't want, this holy Magdalene

Do you understand? What should you say to a society that wants to say psychopathically "we are human and you are subhuman". with all his might.

Does anyone want to know what I did today? the headlines? I don't think anyone living in Vienna reports anymore because it's no longer profitable, who pays for it? Ok, I'll report it myself: I drank two Kamagra today and went to a brothel, I took a 63 year old woman into the room, there was younger girls, but the 63 year old was suitable for this: kamgra is pointless! l, no chance, prefers to take Viagra...! That's the sadomasochistic relationship with my penis, right Azadeh!? no secret cameras for you there?

It is a shame that this country causes tribal wars for the purpose of mass murder, in Iran and outside Iran, by leading the Romano race to wealth and the native race to poverty. 45 years of oppression and murder were not enough. Now it is America, Israel, Austria Israel and the EU themselves at the helm: torture, kill and make money

Freitag, 6. Oktober 2023

I have to go and come back in the afternoon, look at the Grail photos from the last 6 weeks and listen to Austrians: how is this possible, this race is dangerous, this is the genes of terrorism

Before I close my eyes and sleep, Richard is Garry's son, a secret affair production, actually the father doesn't have a son or wife, but a horrible theater. But that's not the mystery of the film...


I have to go to sleep, but first another story:, about the script:
Richard, the pyramid head, heard something from his father when he grew up about why his father let his mother get fucked by Garry:
A woman never wants her husband to find out how she gets an orgasm with a penis over size 22, in the sense that she is insulted: I get a different orgasm with you than with someone else, not that you're not a man, but you shouldn't experience. So Richard's mother killed herself instead of killing her husband as usual.
wich loving man wants to watch his friend fuck his wife? you?

Three millennia before Christ, this statue (especially the hands) was sanded with something, a grinder or palier? The Grail with holy altar signs too. Today you have to study for 5 years at a modern art academy and make it. especially learning to make the hands and arms. for dummies! why was my aunt killed andwhat's that supposed to be? this international action with my mother and sister?

This symbol giving birth meant peace and love and joy until you developed further, one scum sits in America, one in South Africa, one in Australia and the rest in Europe, what has spread around the world? or let's say what distributed his genes? We are NATO states, fuck yourself NATO state

The man with energy from a stone, Barbad's Einstein project

Do you see the situation and relationship of the state with my mother and sister? My aunt Tara chose science, she was murdered in America after her double degree and the CIA made it look like an accident. Since 1998 this state has not left my sister alone, Austrian American German killer race society Washington. Should I choose science? free Elami energy for everyone..... hoyyyy heyyyy hahahaha

Do you understand what it means when this system says to Amiris: you are human and this family with a business license and three shops is not human? 10,000 corpses within 15 years in iran. with this Viennese cyber torture system. with current fascism and anti-Semitism in Iran

Austrian secret services, judges, police and high-ranking officials: We will lose our houses! Anyone who has had no money for excessive consumption will not lose anything, you animal origin, Nazi scum. Our private life is our property..., nazi bastard, inferior subhuman you fucking nazi, bastard nazi austrians

Look at this dirty Nazi face: colored politically green for years, but a Nazi pig. This is the situation in Austria since 1946, Nazis in clown masquerade and yet in racial madness

It is Alexander van der Bellen, the Austrian president, commander in chief of the military police and secret services, who says: these two passports are not citizenship for us like Jews in 1932, but something different: honorary citizens, citizens who we paid a lot of attention to, unfortunately these children were unworthy and untalented and unable to do anything with their lives

One point before I go: Adolf and Himmler killed a lot of colobateur Jews faster and earlier than others, because family hate has limits, xenophobia knows no limits

I have to go, but right now 5 secret service agents are sitting in an office and saying: if Alexander the Animal hadn't been in office, we would have killed you long ago like your father! Because of which crime it is clear: we, children cyrus the great are the master race and the ape origin is the lower race., like the hatred of the Nazis in 1932: these oriental Jews will soon insult us as monkeys

Nobody should be offended, the majority of animal origins are responsible for the toilet of what this world has become, in every respect, food, environment, mass extinction. Austrian society and Germans in particular are heavily influenced by these bloodline tribes