Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023

One shit calls itself with intrigue Allah's party HEZBOLLAH, the other shit calls itself Allah's theologians and religious scholars AYATOLLAH, deep rooted satanism prevails in all three regions of the world

the right way and barekat, you sick origin, you sick biology

I actually have to go now, but Nazi Austria is deeply dirty with its churches, with ayatollahs and synagogues rooted in satanic racial extermination rituals, with torture and humiliation. deeply dirty satanic. all three houses is like: to eat pizza capricciosa in restaurant capri. If you're unlucky, the Egyptian chef comes up with the idea of mixing egg yolks into cheese to save money. You die of salmonel poisoning because nothing is on its right place. like in vatican

حاجی "د" بده


 اَلإمامُ الصَّادِقُ عَن أبیهِ عَنِ الإمام عَلِی:

مَنْ وَجَدَ مَاءً وَ تُراباً ثُمَّ اِفْتَقَرَ فَأَبْعَدَهُ اللَّهُ.

قرب الإسناد: 404/115، ووسائل الشیعة: 13/24/12.


امام صادق از پدر بزرگوارش و آن حضرت از امام على علیه السلام  نقل مى‏فرماید:

هرکس آب و خاک داشته باشد ولى فقیر باشد

خداوند او را (از رحمتش) دور کند

Well, I have to go, Israel and Vienna and Berlin can best explain why in concentration camps only water and bread were given, and Palestine is condemned to only water and bread. what kind of fucking religion is this? what a shitty attitude and philosophy? also in Iran. also in Vienna with us

Bread and water also have an important role in my suffering. The perpetrators say it's pitiful, the poor man, what we did to him. It's not necessary to write a book, just this is enough: sick biology, you asshole creature

Shit Nazi Austria and Austrofascism, friend Israel

Forget the photos, because of the ruining of my business and the theft from me twice, I have been in debt since 2005 because of the business. 35,000 euros and there was never any possibility of getting rid of the debt. The perpetrators, most Iranians, were rewarded with millions of euros in this shitty Nazi country, Nazi shitty country, friend Israel

The dirtiest capital with 85% anti-Semitism is a Vienna where the doctors work on mass murder and mass destruction, as far as race and vmat2 are concerned.

Nazi doctors bastards, women and children murderers, racial madness you dirty hospital doctor

I have to go and take photos of the Grail in an hour, I'm expecting new messages. But this Nazi country Austria is next to Berlin the bigger evil in racial murder and vmat2 hunting, the doctors are the dirtiest racial madness and torturers. the medical community

Do you understand? Ali atomic noon khamei, and netanyaboo the great yaboo are of the same descent, DAN tribe antichrist race

Racial torture business has existed for thousands of years, Cyrus the Great killed more DAN Jews in Babylon than Adolf Hitler! Xerxes in Sparta, and Greece even more so. Today the rusltat of racial torture business is the bomb attack what you see. the answer to racial torture business. My answer from 2002 was organizing and armed struggle against ayatollah regime, Israelis and Viennese Jews fucked me and destroyed me and tortured me for ayatollahs, even my mother and sister

hey wehrmacht bastard, race dealer next to austria, vmat2 murderer in solidarity with vienna, mumbo jumbo stuff, you financial genius and race dealer

inferior mumbo-jumbo stuff, fucking israel, race trader vmat2 killer

inferior mumbo-jumbo stuff

I am hidden Jews, Jews DNA and blood, confronted with Wehrmacht Jews 3rd and 4th generation. the majority of power in Israel, fascist women and men in sect formation against old race and vmat2, jeroboam's race. I posted hundreds of smoke photos from 2019 until today. The reaction of the Israelis: inferior mumbo-jumbo stuff

When Israelis in Vienna cry for victims in Israel, then I show this photo: Stopthebomb Mossad, Israeli cultural community Vienna and Zionist women. what was wrong? what about my sister and mother? you race trader, you vmat2 business

From 1998 to 2017 this was a serious crime against citizens. Repeated National Socialism because of genes, race, DNA and ethnicity. As of 2017 there is serious suspicion of attempted murder, manslaughter and silent racial murder

The proof: Vienna and Wehrmacht Nazi Mossad Tel Aviv have their racial murderer rates everywhere, including in Iran, also many emigrant tribes in Iran. They do anything for money

Austria is a network and channel of bastards, no better than 1932, a bastard that never stopped with racial murder and mass murder. today internationally networked, in Israel and also in Gaza or Lebanon and in Syria

Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2023

louvre museum future vision, aqua gate and all fucking cities...

I have to go and come back at lunchtime, but the stone found in Vienna's 10th district shows the root of psychopathy: the floor plan of all mass murders.The natural growth of the stone is two-dimensional. LOL

Wars and rocket fire are caused by psychopathy, humiliation psychopathy... no matter whether it concerns individuals, families, groups or entire society

Dr. Alice Jill Edwards (Australia) is the seventh – and first woman – UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment appointed by the UN Human Rights Council. Her appointment was announced on 8 July 2022 and her tenure begins on 1 August. A highly skilled lawyer,

Everything that is unconstitutional is sick, sick flesh and blood, sick biology. good night

I have to go to sleep, by the way, Austria and Israel have also produced children in the last 80 years: a collective of cyber terrorists with fake material, a collective action that promotes mass murder and torture, for manslaughter with financial advantage

I won't take any photos, no urgency today, look at the old photos. Christ body mating necessity. Reclaiming the Christos for your Ancestral line, and opening the Aqua portal to help transit ancestors from past, present or future that choose this option of alignment through the Cosmic Mother Arc.

I have to go and post new photos at 10:30 p.m., but show the evidence of 24 years of Zionist women's network Vienna and my family. til today