Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023

I took dozens of photos, I'll send the rest tomorrow at noon, but I feel reassured, I still have the magoi, the prophets and healer networks channel behind me, the evil will be defeated

I didn't want to write until 10 p.m., but ask the Yaboo in Israel and Atom Ali Nunkhamei in Iran: where does this hate come from? What is the motive for this action with Vienna?

If 45 million Iranians come to the streets and chant we don't want a war, we don't have a war with anyone, then Israel will still attack Iran, with allies, for land, nature, human destruction, poisoning and contamination

حاجی یعنی تیر دوقلو، من و سرهنگ، یعنی هرکی اسلحه رو گذاشت زمین به جون تو داره بهشت عشق و حال میکنه، در و امشب باز کنم بیسیم بهت بزنن؟ خوارتون اونور گاییدست با این قتل های دست جمعی که راه انداختین

جوووووون دلم، جناب سرهنگ یه قر کون بیا بینیم جاکش ارتشی، بی غیرت تن لش، والا بخدا، ارتشی هم ارتشی زمان شاه، بچه تیر دوقلو، بچه ناب تهرون، هی بهشون بستنی تعارف میکردیم: بدون شما نمیشه به خدا سرهنگ، یه گاز یه گاز جون باری یه گاز بزن سرهنگ، از گلوم پایین نمیره جناب سرهنگ بفرما بستنی. غیر ملی های عوضی، تکون بده کونتو جاکش... بی شرف ها...

I have to go and post new photos with two balls at 10 p.m., but: there is no other power in this world except Israeli Jews that can do that: hide an empire that was created through race trafficking money. for ayatollahs, for global fascist networks, for Hamas and Hezbollah, for states, politicians and officials: a small window to Mars: where does the money disappear and how does it come white back again!?

Well I should stop spinning with three balls, in 2020 it was one ball and a crystal ball. somehow I'm getting weaker. two lead balls are too many

آقا 25 سال با یکی بودیم که یکبار از ایشون نشنیدیم بگه: هوس کوبیده کردم، یا هوس سلطانی کردم.لول اینجور اجنبی زاده های مادر قحبه با اسرائیلی ها خوار میگان، عجب هوس کوبیده کردم... !

Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023

Wherever Israelis or Israeli Jews are part of the economic system, there are also vmat2 murders and racial torture, these Jews have nothing to do with 6 million corpses in 1946, but they are the kolobateur descendants.. 4 million today

My last word for today: Hamas is not attacking Israel without justification, but with justification:Israel, like Vienna and Austria, has mass murder plans, racial murders in the entire region, Middle East

Viennese police with half of the city are racial murderers with presidential support, come out, they want to kill us

I will no longer write today, but with this cheap 2 cent oppression method, the Aryan race, blonde blue eyes and ape origins want to take away our superiority, worse than Israel, European 4th Reich says: we decide and we say you are an inferior race (Iranian native race), and everyone (Iranian Gypsies) agree with us. you have no rights, we decide: disenfranchisement

The dirtiest psychopaths and mass murderers sit in the UN and international courts, just like in the time during the Balkan War and after the Balkan War. also with me and my family. The international judge network kills me in Strasbourg buildings and no one writes. because of this:

Until no journalist writes, I will become a victim of silent murder in Europe because of VMAT2 and political activism. even in buildings in Hague or Strasbourg

This dirty Viennese Nazi whore child only wants one thing: my restaurant costs 50 euros a day, that doesn't work with my salary, Viennese Nazi animals journalists for 20 years. Nazi animals Viennese journalists, ORF and newspapers

This action was so dirty and so criminally serious worldwide that not a single person from this 1.5 million society showed me anything from their cell phone. Do you know why? This dirty society: we need money, what do you need money for.. the state needs money, we have no money for court lawyers and compensation, that is our money

In a country where satanic feminism controls society and decides the value of a man as a citizen with an inch of penis, you have to do this: this is my cock, my sperm in your uterus is like tzatziki, at most, but at most a Greek parrot will come out, like many philosophers... does the world need something like that again? no... asshole feminism I don't need your urerus and you don't need my 16 either, go to hell

For 15 years after ruining my business, the Vienna police have been moving society to the 1920 to 1932 system: we have a penisless Iranian and his wife became a whore! Firstly, I was never married, engaged or promised, but the woman was a Stasi whore and an employee of the Austrian state. secondly, this penis releases sperm which causes eugenics fascism brain diarrhea, for centuries even for thousands of years

حاج آقا شما هم کمتر از ما نیستی ها، قبل از انقلاب یه موتور سیکلت دوزاری زیر پات گذاشتن گفتی خوب انشالله که میریم با هم فضا... جون تو آدم فضایی شدی اون بالا... بله، شما سید ما هم سید

Most people are educated in literature, "educated" but under my testicles pubic hair in terms of depth and dimension. What do you see on my palm and what can you do with it? Stones selected from 500 in a shop

one sperm can replace 1000 of you, just one. 800 academics out of 1000, dirty 0815 academics. fucking eugenic fasicsts, dirty mother fucker nazis

Aryan Nazi race, a race without empathy and humanity was just a superfluous existence on God's earth. a parasite, a killer breed and a piece of flesh and blood no use for this world, which Vienna proves todaylike 1932

how do you make money? how do you buy a house? what are the requirements? If it's not you then die yourself and don't kill others for it, die en masse you dirty Nazi

same stones different system setup: golden age, an immoral upheaval

In addition: I can write 20 pages of a script within 8 hours, every day, Several hundred Oscar-worthy screenplays a year. one of them made up of labradorite stones:Samuel from the mountain kingdom ORSAM. an incredible story

do you know what I did? Instead of becoming a production company I just opened a shop with antique textiles and antiques, the answer was: we have your laboratory tests we know you genetically and your DNA. you become a worker or unemployed. deep black scum dirty nazi country

Do you understand.... One sperm from me has the potential to do the work of a thousand employees and workers in a company. 0815 bastards, scum nazi race, scum austro fascists