Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2023

Ask the leaders of all world religions what was going on in Vienna? The answer is: we had a saint Mary Magdalene who was good, she was wrong when she thought that Barbad was a good man, he licked the pussies of black African women in brothels. LOL

Religious costumes are just harboring satanic radicalism and fundamentalism, see Vatican, Qum, Jerusalem: mass murder practices

There are antichrist DAN tribe black magicians still walking around in Jewish costumes to protect themselves, the state of Israel criticizes every criticism and accusation of satanism and black magic as anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews. These tribes have achieved their goal: mass murder of the old race and vmat2 torture murder globally. with billions of black capital investments

In 2021 I bought a Russian wooden grail, marked with the owner's name and blood, the unique thing was her blood and a scratch magic spell., no reaction. I think if I order this scene from any dimension: mr. Worf licks Seven of Nine's tits then probably only two bums out of 8 million Austrians contact me. and not for collaboration, but for jerking off. fuck yourselves state and police. vmt2 seedling development

The police are a bought organization that wants to establish innocent murder with hide evidence at all costs, without society protesting or reporting anything. that affects the entire EU, America, Turkey, Israel and generally western countries. Iran is currently their largest playing field due to high VMAT2 inventory

Viennese police are a NSDAP Gestapo formation with a concentration camp isolation system against vmat2 and our race, no ape origin wants to report several human rights violations to stop the police, the reason is: you are not of evolutionary origin like us! you were never a monkey, you are not from us

My preference for brothels was: for 100 euros you can have an honest one hour, an old love and friend, an honest friend. This behavior has been bothering me for 20 years: what's your name? where is this name from? Where are you from. Well, this kind of woman costs you your life, and life is priceless, every minute is a waste

خلاصه شاعرمیگه: هم یینگم هم یانگم کم و بیش مثل توپ پینگ پونگم، یکی میزنه زیره تخمم، یکی هم با راکتش جفتم، دادام وای که از هرکی و هر چیز یک چیزی گفتم گفتم گفتم...

Montag, 16. Oktober 2023

حاجی ما بریم، ولی حافظ هم یکبار گفت: پیدا کنید پرتقال فروش را، لا کتاب رو باز کن کلک

Hey viva la France in Louver, close to Strasbourg: as far as Persian artifacts are concerned. Grail rotated with left hand

ELAM Artifacts... The tip of the iceberg back then was: gas chamber! Today this phenomenon Austria is very romantic and passionate, in the sense that it has all of Europe as silent allies, including the UN and all human rights activists: it is only allowed to have sex with women sick with HIV, every healthy woman will be controlled by us and will be humiliated or killed if they do to not become a Stasi agent. The tip of the iceberg is: this bastard has an absurd electromagnetic supernatural left hand and his jerking off is better than fucking a woman, what do we do with his hand?

jackpooooooot, jackpooooooot, jackpoooooot, the white goats that pull Thor's chariot, one is with me, jackpoooooot jackpooot. LOL goodnight

My friend has blonde hair and blue eyes, well, the Goths were once our friends, today they have also become blind due to the Habsburg EU plan: we are all one unit LOL

I'm at dinner now, but a grail water without healthy eating habits doesn't work properly, a health soup from my sister. I'll be back at 10 p.m. with new photos

والا دیگه، این به تخمم گفتن هارو باید گذاشت کنار، تخمم گاییده شد

I've been living in Vienna since 1986 and it looks like I haven't achieved anything in life, but my friend and family doctor has to say: your right testicle is somehow damaged and the aterins in your penis will soon be released.But dark evil forces were at work on these testicles

Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2023

ناصر که پهن بود هیچی، شماها در وین عن من هم نبودید جنده جاکش های اجنبی کوسکش قاتل! تیز هوشی تو کار داریم آقا، تیزهوشی.

I have to go and come to lunch with new photos, but a year before I opened my business, I was traveling all over Austria 7 days a week as a potential buyer with the best prices among hundreds of competitors. How easily does the police/state and fascism turn competitors into gang stalkers? to Stasi torturer and murderer? or to Anti vmat2 movement

What? Did you think in 2017 that I would come to bastard ahrimanic child Strasbourg? I? tango orientale?

As a child around the age of 5, I experienced my previous life in a deep sleep several times, let's say for weeks, I was a misled rabble and bohemian. nothing changes. I danced Spanish flamenco all the time when I was 6 and knew why. good night😇

These photos are scientific works concerning mythology, theology and metaphysics in the matter of reincarnation, the photos have a lot of answers. My peace, my contentment, and my prosperity, my expensive equipment is an urgency. in the sense that 10,000 animals fed through this system are worth nothing to me personally. just eat and shit machines like a fly

In my apartment from 2005 to 2013 there was a government-sponsored and funded human experiment, with all kinds of monitoring and methods and human research. The participation of doctors, hoslitals and psychopath networks internarional was very high. From 2013 to 2017 in Azadeh Amiri's apartment it was only a mind control program for public execution: nobody saw anything!

I've been wrestling with death for 15 years, the last question in 2017 from Aulzadeh Amiri was: Do you still eat onions and garlic every day, you pig. The photo has several scenes to offer when rotated. onions and garlic!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Go for a walk in the forest 10th district, Otto Probst Street, under many trees you will find these stones, from a time when no Judaism religion existed

The truth is: Iran has a 15,000 ayatollah clan with their families, a DAN antichrist tribe that has been working closely with Mossad and Israel since 1979. 15,000 including the families...

Turban and beard is an image that is stored in our memory, in the brain hard drive. The appearance of Messiah, appearance of Emam Zaman, his image was and is being so demolished, scratched and mutilated by fake theologians and religious scholars that when he appears everyone will take up arms

BSA and secret services also steal photos from smartphones anyway, but do others want to see the photos? first this Persian song: iiiiiiiiii, wayyyyy, iiiiiii

خلاصه... خیلی خلاصه

after 1946: prove history as we do, there was and is only one truth: evolution! Today, it's the same story: prove the history like MOSSAD, the ayatollahs do that too

The Israeli ultranationalists always chant: Iranian nationalism is more dangerous than the ayatollahs when it comes to nuclear facilities. For Austrians, Iranians who fall into nostalgia every day are a greater danger than others because they have been studying Persian poetry for 600 years or more