Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2023

Without the consent of the citizens, genetic ethnic DNA and biology research is being carried out here in Vienna, like in 1938. The citizen will be marked, persecuted, observed, and humiliated, due to genetic and racial superiority, like in 1938. My family and I have been here since the 90s, after murder of my aunt in America not left alone. Psychologically ill Nazi doctors are involved and promote silent concentration camps internationally

I have to go, no one not a single perpetrator has been punished to date because of this brain anomaly, sick scum beings: We have to watch and stalk strange Jews. Everything is interesting but worthless, worthless but it has to be observed

You can forget about the magical peace and quiet on a bank in a hut. This is how sick the world is with ayatollahs, rabis and the Vatican. the stalker women networks the sick biology and the satanic uses this world power all three world religions leaders: what does he do alone? sick genes, sick origins, sick biology

Lethe means forgetting, whoever drinks from the river forgets what happened in the old days in order to be reborn. The house on the bank is the last refuge, where fairies and ghosts also offer their services. I asked: oh master, did you also think about drones and secret cameras and monkey bugs? I have the honor and they say: we are worth it to see the unusual and magical, not you

Before I go to sleep, at the last supper they even grabbed the cutlery. It was in the royal mouth: 220 gold coins for Jesus cutlery

OK, it doesn't work because this says today as it did yesterday: as long as he's alive nothing in his life is worth. The auction of Jesus Christ's property was the same case, shroud, furniture, grail and other things. This one has never been a Jew and will never be a Jew, it's just antichrist DAN snake. Rock art elam, 5000 B. C. good night

When the battery level is 30 the cell phone switches off automatically, below 60 percent the flash doesn't work LOL. Well, I understand kidding, this one is weird but ok. I'm waiting for 60 percent

I'm going to take photos now, but first for Austrian murderers who kill others because of potential: if there were humans in this country, actually human, then there wouldn't have been a single day of concentration camps or not a single day like today: silence because of racial murder

I drink a cup of green tea and some fresh lime juice, I'll take photos in about an hour, but besides: the song is a script and metaphysics story. The fact is who takes the time to write for assholes?

I have to go now and come back at 10 p.m. with newer and expensive photos, how does man glorify actual fascism? or anti-Semitism and actual racial madness? You dirty existence, charlatan Nazi Europe

Austria is suspected of repeating National Socialism and the Jewish boycott system and the international judges say alongside the UN and Amnesty: nothing could have happened to these characters because this family comes from the third world and this living situation and standard is nothing unusual: poverty! When asked why perpetrators have made other people's private lives their property for 20 years, the answer is: Prosperity is a natural need in the first world, we cannot correct these mistakes. Black capital, billions of euros cannot be punished

Hey Kiwara, the weird DNA Jew with the Grail in his hand, you Nazi asshole, say hello to me on the streets of Vienna, you faschsit, say hello to me, the persian SAUJUDE

On the other hand, that's why more than half of them don't talk: How much compensation does fascism have to pay to this Jew (not Iranian) because of his Antique shop? Monkey envy, the non-Jew, the Aryan race, evolution origin

Still, that can't be true, I have 36 million readers from Iran. That's why I never looked at the statistics on my website, as there is no financial interest in it...

I think the reason why no one has reported anything yet is: the police are an old fascist organ, the heirs of the NSDAP and Gestapo, everyone knows that they will kill, because of race trafficking and vmat2 trafficking money globally, entire families, children, relatives and friends with the doctors friends in hospitals, nazi academic networks global

OK. an explanation: this is my photo 2 minutes ago, the other one before is a masquerade on the streets of Vienna to annoy Nazis: I'm a strange Jew

Well, I'll try to take and post better photos today

I hadn't looked at my statistics for 6 months, I refrained from doing so because of Stasi manipulation techniques, mind control programs, causing hopelessness and depression, around 20 visitors a day for over a year. Now I was surprised, that's a lot

آقا یه مدتی داریم با عینک سوپرمنی میریم بیرون و از اسکل گذشته خودمون رو زدیم به شنگل بازی بینیم کدوم جاکش مادری مارو نمیشناسه، دیدم جاکش ها سایت مارو هرروز میخونن و عکس مارو میبینن، مگه میشه جوره دیگه که مارو بشناسن!؟ سازمان سیا مادر جنده آمار ها کجاست؟

Since 1998, Vienna has been in "JUDENSAU" politics like the start of the early 1920s, it has nothing to do with xenophobia or being a foreigner, police judges, politicians and state officials are JUNDENSAU boycott system

Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2023

I have to go, in any case the tits of Atoosa were cured by a Greek doctor, so said Herodotus

When I talk about solving deadly diseases then in the 21st century it's like mumbo jumbo, 1.3 grams of dragon spit, 4 owls claws, a mouse tail, a raven feather and three rabbit ears. the medication line!?

I live in a country with a minimum security of 1050 euros, by establishing cyber torture money, actually extra money through a hundred times human rights violations, and crimes against humanity, society even shits on HIV solution or cancer solution or cheap hepatitis solution if I give away the medication line for free

2 world wars caused a rubbish, it's called Vienna with gas chamber history, rubbish number two is Germany, Vienna always drags rubbish two back and forth behind its ass, Israel has joined in for 60 years.

So, I'm going to take photos of the Grail again today, the smartphone no longer has a memory, there are already almost 4000 photos, I forgot to buy a memory card. But the memory still has space for 20.

I'm confronted with this eye contact today, I can't stand life, at least the israeli Jewish women are grinning, but these Nazis

What I'm talking about is this bomb on my life, Israelis and Nazis hit first. That's always the problem with this alliance against us "Jews", the blood, our genes and DNA: this psychopathy can't leave a single one of us alone, even if it's a Saudi prince

حاجی کیر آخر زمونه میدونی چیه؟ این شیطنت بی پدر مادر، میگه ببین من لزبینم کیرت رو بکن تو دهن خودت ولی بیا بریم فقط من رو داری....