Montag, 23. Oktober 2023

«...وَ اِنْ تَتَوَلَّوْا یَسْتَبْدِلْ قَوْماً غَیْرَکُمْ ثُمَّ لا یَکُونُوا اَمْثالَکُمْ؛[۱]

Where is a criminal record or police record since 1986 what affects the three of us? nowhere! Just a racial extermination program with Turks and Arab Sunnis, criminals, fake Muslims like Hezbollah and Ayatollahs

With the migration of the Aryan race in our direction, we became Muslims willingly, willingly. This migration claimed its original Germanic rights: we take what we want, we plunder what we want, we are prosperous and a master race. What was or is barbaric about Islamic laws what concerns these thieves and looters? These laws are rationality and reason. see what's going on today

In us there is psychopathic Jesus Christ bloodline, productive white psychopathy. But we are Muslims, did we want to do that? no! did we want to show you something? no! Until 2018, after 20 years of persecution and humiliation, you ape origins

Son of a whore anti-Semitism, son a whore racial madness, son a whore fascism, son a whore Austrofascism, son of the bitch KZ junkie, son of the bitch mass murder

heas gerti siehst du wos? du heidi du siehst sho wos? oder net? der hawara ist deppert oida, du der hot wos in schädl, A hiniger oida, wieso seh i nix du deppertes oarschloch?

Hiding cameras and microphones in the bathroom and installing them illegally is: disenfranchisement in 1932, racial madness, racial extermination policy and attempted mass murder

Mr. Richter, do you still have cameras in my bathroom today? I dance naked Billie Jean, my cock right right left left, it's funny I throw my cock high high right right left left, are you watching with Ali Khamenei?

the monkey is blind and sees nothing like 2020. oh my god monkey disease, monkey diseas, everyone is blind, the atheists, the satanists, nazi satanists, the anti vmat2 movement is blind, houuuuuuuu monkey auhouuuuuu

Hey Ötzi: I'm going to take photos of the Grail again today at 10 p.m., but this time I asked for Billie Jean fun and then thriller photos houuuuuuu, hi haaaaa

the result 45 ayatollah regime: leave your political activists the Jews Armenians to us, we have priority when it comes to murder, we know what to do, we kill. This statement affects 89% of Austrians. Worse than the killer animals in Iran, women and girls are worse than the male animals

جریان ما این بود 13 سال پیش ها، بعد دیدم فقط به عن داری حرارت میدی، بو گوهی بلند شده چریک چروکه فدایی خارکوسده: پول حرف آخر رو میزنه! جاکش ها

I have to go again, but look at the system below: is it logic and reason ? can you confront this scum politically and rationally?

I was traveling in Vienna again for 3 hours and I repeat it over and over again: 89 percent of this shitty country is biologically sick, dirty psychopathic and primitive killer, an unnecessary tribe and race on God's earth. unnecessary. The continued existence of this sick dirty psychopathic race is the end of the world. End of the world is this sick biology brain flesh and blood

Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023

I have to go, but I also wrote in the last three months: Austria and Iran want to kill victims with hide evidence, after ruining 3 businesses, a music career and the entire existence and habitat internationally. because of genes, DNA and race. we are made into targets in laboratories

What interests us about water and metaphysics? It has no use for us, we have to build lives. 0815 dirt, 0815 dirt. You are not worth more than a salary. just a salary. and the salary is your potential and existential basis

Vienna police secret services: We are confident that we can set up a concentration camp for VMAT2, 20 years of silence means: we are all one! When will the police wagon come for the gas chamber?

I have to go, everything this country has done to a girl from the age of 18 is fascism, racial madness and anti-Semitism

I was buying tobacco 20 minutes ago, an older woman walked past a few meters from our entrance and grinned in my face. This is the mother and father of anti-Semitism and fascism, this grin. She belongs to the green party

جنبش عن جندگی آزادی جنبش عنه نه زن، جنبش آرمیتا فاشیسته، لاله فمینیست شیطانپرسته، لاشی کوس گشاده اجنبی

آقا ریدیم به آرمیتا صفحه فیسبوک مارو بستن، میگه به ماچه داداش قیصر رو با نامردی کشتن... خواهرش گوشت بود. گوشت به دختر ایرانی میدونی کی میگه؟ اونی که میگه عجب گوشتیه دختره! میدونی کیه؟ ،

A mythical hybrid creature with a magician is partly a good sign but also partly a bad sign. The photo is from October 19th, taken a few days ago with a smartphone

cyber torture against race and vmat2, mass murder is a current topic and nazi austria says: there is no evidence he has feelings of inferiority

Austrian officials, constitutional protectors, or data protection officers, are members of this society, a society that says because of mother and daughter: we do not adhere to the laws and do not accept these two as full citizens, like the minorities situation in Iran. And because of Barbad Farahani, similar laws prevail as in the second world war: subhuman and financial project., PHOTO 2003 my SHOP

When she comes to Vienna with a black Cadillac, with a scorpion tattooed on her neck. Stein from the 10th district of Vienna. Tablet Photo 2020

I wanted to put the coded stone in the water, illuminate it with 4 different light colors and then take a photo from the right angle, then I thought for whom? today the same thing as grail, for whom?

How does he know where and how and in what way we did that. You can also find these stone formations or better ones in Marakesh. even stones point to us

I have to go to sleep, but at the time (2018) I claimed that Baccio Bandinelli's paintings were more coded than da Vinci, but apparently what the painters leave behind layers of paint is uninteresting

حاجی داشتیم تابلو های اندی وارهول رو روش کار میکردیم ولی خوب کنارش سقا خونه هم گوش میکردیم

From 2018 onwards, all of the paintings I edited are saved in my old tablet with time and date. especially the decoded da vinci and bandinelli paintings. who was that? you?