Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2023
Everyone in Vienna's 5th district and 6m district knows this Iranian gypsy, everyone knows that he and his brother earned millions of euros illegally with cyber torture and illegal entry into apartments, black and illegal, the Nazi race in Vienna in both districts ask me: you have do you have a business license? What should you do with this green Nazi Austrian? green nazi party vienna! actually what should you do with this sick evolution of ape origin?
Montag, 23. Oktober 2023
Melchior race iran ELAM:
The Bible (Genesis 10:22) claims the region is named for Elam, son of Shem, son of Noah but this has no support outside of the biblical narrative
Every Austrian bastard Nazi and Iranian fascist should be sentenced to several years for crimes against these two women, because of Nazi repetition, instead: Vienna is worse criminals with its Jewish community against these women than Israel is to Palestinian women, but UN sends help to Gaza. UNO city Vienna is worse than all, Viennese behavior towards these women is like in 1932
With the migration of the Aryan race in our direction, we became Muslims willingly, willingly. This migration claimed its original Germanic rights: we take what we want, we plunder what we want, we are prosperous and a master race. What was or is barbaric about Islamic laws what concerns these thieves and looters? These laws are rationality and reason. see what's going on today
I was traveling in Vienna again for 3 hours and I repeat it over and over again: 89 percent of this shitty country is biologically sick, dirty psychopathic and primitive killer, an unnecessary tribe and race on God's earth. unnecessary. The continued existence of this sick dirty psychopathic race is the end of the world. End of the world is this sick biology brain flesh and blood
Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...