Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2023

There are artifacts from Elam/Luristan that point to underwater creatures, including mermaids, also cave paintings in the Libyan desert, since that time the Dark Force and Ahrimanic forces have been trying to penetrate the protective shield and grid of the Elamite/Luri underwater colony, Adolf wanted to destroy it with water bombs and mines. LOL

I think old secret sayings were the reason for Kefalonia invasion and massacre, mermaid women and mermaid men and mythical creatures colony. fairy tales from old writings

جریان شاشدون رو علمی تعریف کنم یا نه؟ مادر قحبه ها

ما داریم با تخم چپ و راستمون و کیرمون ملکوت و هپروت شپروت بازی در میاریم و جلو مردم میذاریم، یک سری زن زندگی آزادی ادا اصول آزاده رو در میارن: این رو باید برد زندان، ما کاری نکردیم، چی کار کردیم مگه؟ پلیس وین با ماست ما باید یه کاری کنیم این رو ببرن زندان. لول. خارکوسده نه کون دادی نه دهن گرفتی نه زیر ما خوابیدی ادا اصول آزاده رو هم در میاری؟ جنده زاده زن زندگی آزادی؟ ژنت مریضه، خونت کثیفه، نژادت......! بیشرف نجاست سنده تاپاله آشغال

Montag, 30. Oktober 2023

I have to go and come to lunch,There are some good grail scenes from last night, good photos. I'll post it later at lunchtime

I have to go and will sleep soon, but someone asked me what's wrong with you, I replied my sexual chakra has been blocked for years and can't be opened. What's missing is an honest mouthpiece to open it up, who wants to hear this duo jazz groove? no one! So don't ask what's wrong with me, fuck you. good night

I'm going to take several photos today, I'll post it tomorrow at lunchtime

15 police officers are planning my murder, for 2 years the officers have been hesitating because of me and my sister, with the reason: we won't allow this society to do this forever: we know nothing, we saw nothing, we have no evidence! End result death was planned from the beginning by Vienna's 3 secret services. the police carry it out

Well, to all of today's Google Lens heroes: I walk with this cell phone today like I did 20 years ago

من کونکشی میکردم، من مسافرکشی میکردم این چهارتا چهارتا ناپلئونی با دختر ها میرفت تو اتاق. من مادرشو میگام، من پول نداشتم این هی میرفت میرید به پول. آی من ریدم تو اون کونت و دهنت و تاکسی لگنت مادر قحبه کوسکش، ریدم به اون مدرک تحصیلاتی که دارید مادر جنده های گوزو تر از رحیم

Sonntag, 29. Oktober 2023

حاجی ما بریم ای بی رحم، ای ضدیت، دشمن هم دارم


دشمن چو بدانست که : احوالم چیست

بر تلخی زندگانی من بگریست

بدحال تر از من اندرین عالم کیست ؟

در آرزوی مرگ همی باید زیست

I read poems differently, I also listen to music differently, I understand the lyrics differently. The reason is this spirit on the right of the picture, full of sarcasm, two-track or two-edged sharp knife.

Vienna has racial murder programs with its international allies, silent concentration camp murder for race and vmat2. Millions of Iranians show solidarity. Israel and Hezbollah and Hamas war is just a distraction. We live in Europe in the fourth Reich with racial exploitation and silent isolation concentration camp death

With bad light and flash, the photo and the moment, the encounter, have been ruined. At least the eyes can be seen as proof

good balls, Uzbek to Chinese border. I took a lot of photos, unfortunately mostly blurred, but this one is at least 40 percent ok. I only marked the magoi friend, the rest needs to be edited.

زویا ارمنی

آقا ما بریم عکس بندازیم، ولی الان داشتم گوگوش ویدیو قدیمیش رو گوش میکردم، و خلاصه یاد اولین کنسرت گوگوش در وین افتادم، آقا دیدم اه، اه، اه این آزاده دیوونه از ته سالن بلند شده داره میره طرف سن، همه هم نشستن تنها زن دراز اینه داره راه میره طرف سن. خلاصه دیدم یک ترانه از زویا ارمنیه میخونه و اینم احساساتی شده. خوبم شد ازش بعدش سوال کردم چرا رفتی اینطوری طرف سن!؟ گفت من دیوونه نیستم باری، فقط میخواستم صورتش رو از نزدیک ببینم. گفتم پس باشه اینطوری بود: ( زنیکه لاشی خجالت نمیکشی با این آهنگ ها ماهارو لو میدی، ببینیم او صورت عنت رو، کثافت، خجالت نمیکشی؟ اینا خر نیسن اینطوری میخونی ها، مارو لو میدی؟ )

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m. with new Grail photos, I found other new balls, let's see what new things come out. But this hostility towards us is caused by America and Europe: this family is not Iranian and from you Iranian, this is not an Aryan race, Nasrin Sotoudeh is Aryan, Barbad Farahani the activist is Jewish Armenian

I'm saying this for the last time, we are dealing with 15 million gypsies in Iran, and a total of 45 million immigrant races, who will destroy us all down to the last person with gene labs and target searches. iranian balkan sinti/roma activists vienna

Disenfranchisement collective dictatorship is deep hatred, feeling of inferiority and lower beings. lower origins and tribes

yes, yes, you asshole you:, someone said that the father of Persian kings was Perses, and Atoosa was Andromeda race. but these are statements and fairy tales...

This composition, labradorite set also belongs to the story with 6 testicles. They have been calling themselves Jews for 4,000 years! who were we? children perses perseus and andromeda?

As an art expert and dealer with 6 testicles, the fascists have destroyed millions of euros of standard, millions of euros. Only a few have 6 testicles in business. in the sense that I started my business in 2002 with 0 capital too. Photo 2002 next to a Hezbollah member and the driver of the Iranian embassy. 6 testicles BARBAD 2002

Disenfranchisement is fascism, regardless of race and ethnic origin. Israel Germany Austria intrigue: only when Jews become victims do we talk about anti-Semitism, racial madness, and fascism. It only affected and only affects Jews, everything else is xenophobia, racism, discrimination or oppression. Fascism will be proven with Jews.

As for my mother and sister: Islamic fascism state favors Aryan origin, in that both my mother and sister are Iranian citizens, and Iranian dual citizens have never been punished. Both are apolitical, there is only racial law and fascism in Iran

The disenfranchisement in the 21st century affects the EU in America and generally in all western countries vmat2 old race, I've been proving it for 6 years

This is a gang, a criminal gang with Stasi system financial business. I have been living in isolation for 6 years because in this disenfranchisement and racial madness, racial torture and trafficking, the repetition of the crime goes unpunished.

I have to go to sleep now, but we are confronted with a psychopathy that sees itself in the position of the pharaohs and gods, so deeply dramatic that every day when they have to shit they cry at the same time: it's not true, it's not us, what's coming out of us!? They have the same psychopathic problem with their origins: that's not true, that can't be true, why were we monkeys!?

perfect faces of two tribes: luristan elam. Capital fascism is waiting to see mathematical physics calculations with results. 1+1=2 is not enough LOL they really kill me for it, the 1% super rich and of monkey origins

Unfortunately with the smartphone camera it's a bit out of focus, a perfect moment, in every turn of the photo you can find different scenes

آره حاجی، آرواره

شمع و پروانه منم، مست میخانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
یار پیمانه منم، از خود بیگانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
چون باد صبا در به درم، با عشق و جنون هم سفرمشمع شب بی سحرم، از خود نبود خبرمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
تو ای خدای من، شنو نوای منزمین و آسمان تو، می لرزد به زیر پای منمه و ستارگان تو، می سوزد به ناله های منرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منمرسوای زمانه منم، دیوانه منم
وای از این شیدا، دل من