Freitag, 10. November 2023

tai chi, hi hi, ha, ha, hi hi ta chi

There is no real opponent in tai chi, the opponents are simulated, actually it is a training where you mentally prepare for attacks. Learning defense means: you can try it as many times as you want, You can't physically hit me. This conveys fear, feelings of inferiority and weakness to the attacker. I have been practicing tai chi for six years, confronted with "tai chi"

He has bought 15 properties in Europe, worth millions of euros. The problem is this society is sick, in the sense that the Domari gypsy origin was a nobody, a salary person and I was someone, self-employed, business-savvy with a high level. That's why it is still the case today: we know nothing about it, no financial project and stasi murder system , no evidence

آقا ما بریم باز، ولی این باکره حشری بگه گوه بخور طرف ملاقه ملاقه گوه میخوره، ملاقه ملاقه سر میکشه گوه رو بالا، بیشرف های زامبیایی

آقا ما امروز به یک نتیجه رسیدیم، این سلیطه ها اینجوری که انگشت به دیسپلی موبایلشون میزنن به چشم و ابرو مرد میزدن آمار طلاق کمتر میشد، حالا جنایات دیگر بماند، امروز رحم میکنیم اسم نمیبریم.... آخه خارکوسده این چیه گرفتی دستت مثل باکره حشری باهاش برخورد میکنی

Donnerstag, 9. November 2023

connection to olymp, with smartphone

rotate water, one out of 3500 photos


A single photo should cause a stir in the world, I have over 3500 Grail photos. LOL dirty Stasi financial Nazis with Ayatollah, and journalist pigs. just because they want to kill me because of sharing money with Peter Pilz

حاجی ما بریم بخوابیم، شاعر میگه: کسی که در صندوق عقب است از جاده چالوس لذت نمی‌برد

well, a uterus wisdom

Teaching and informing causes this conflict: we should all have been monkeys! This is also taught to the children of a street sweeper's family or a baker's family

Everyone who chants: the money from three ruined lives and cyber torture and stasi murder system belongs to us, namely the state of Austria and the state of Iran is a Nazi animal, what should be done with Nazi animals in the 21st century?

Because of our race, fascism networks have infiltrated all international authorities, including the UN, all human rights organizations and Geneva. In the 80s, economic embargoes should have been imposed on Iran and the regime should have been fined billions of euros. Nothing happened for decades after this massacre. Not today because of my family either, because of the ethnic cleansing plan of the Iranian native tribes in the 21st century

We finance real estate with race boycott and disenfranchisement is crossing the red line, it is fascism.

9/11 action was actually supposed to symbolically destroy this red bridge too, the bridge has been fucking this world for a hundred years LOL the American bridge builders (Freemasons) make sure that the red line is crossed everywhere

Half the world knows that he was his daughter's pimp and he only wants to stand in front of me and say: I am human, I am human, where is the evidence? feeling of inferiority in front of the Iranian native and original race, deep hatred and feeling of inferiority

These scum and garbage have the urge to stand in front of us to say we are human, the gentlemen of Iran, Americans have been part of this mind control masquerade since 1979: we are negotiating with your masters of Iran. LOL. and now the Viennese Iranians also have the urge to stand in front of us and say we are human! LOL this time the Americans are also helping: there are no perpetrators or thieves or cyber terrorists

Mittwoch, 8. November 2023

I have to go, but women's anti-race cartel mafia is armed with 5 million people, with connections to Nazi women in Vienna. my mother and sister? Iranian citizens?

فاطی این خواهر آزاده فقط سر ساک زدن خودش رو لو میداد، بعد از دو دقیقه میگفت: حالم بد شد، خوشم نمیاد، حالم بد شد

I have to go, but what these scenes and fights have to do with Hieronymus Bosch painting I will explain later, somewhere in 52 volumes of Marx is the code

The main topic of my political rooms in Paltalk was armed defense, from 2002 onwards. At the same time, Austria and Iran had contracts regarding the training of the Hezbollah, Sepah and Iranian security forces in the Traiskirchen police barracks. LOL. I brought it up: what are you afraid of, soldiers of Syrus the Great, look at Austria: baboons teach gorillas and orangutans to fight. LOL listen to me we will win

Do you understand what the problem is in Iran? The guy or woman stands in front of you and talks to you, a capitalist with for example 5 billion dollars! he asks himself the whole time with a feeling of inferiority: Do you know that I am of evolutionary origin and you are of human origin? Vienna also establishes this conflict and race war among the working class, throughout Europe and elsewhere

Hieronymus Bosch died in 1516, Elamite aristocracy genes, the spread of genes in Europe was already known at that time, Taghooti is a term, an old term, the emigrants have been using it since the 16th century: he is Taghooti (aristocracy). Gene manipulated origin scum

آقا یکی خوار این فاشیست رو بگاد تا طاقوتی برسه به قوطی، ای بابا.. روانی ها

They have nerves, how am I supposed to find the Ark of the Covenant without gold and capital. LOL... Klosterneuburg is also under surveillance, isn't it?

As a child in Iran, I often heard in elementary school from some teachers: he is taghooti, taghooti (aristocracy) he treats us like subhumans LOL., mass immigration has ruined the country and turned it into garbage

خفه شو مادر جنده، بی شخصیت عن بی عرضه ای هستش که 22 سال پیش به این فکر بود: این الان رفته جلو چشم من مغازه باز کرده که زن من رو زیرش بگیره؟ یعنی من بیعرضه تو همه کاره؟ تو رفتی مغازه باز کردی کون من رو جر بدی؟ ما هم بلدیم چکار کنیم، مگه ما میذاریم؟ زن های ما بگن تو 26 ساله همه کاره ما 50 ساله هیچکاره؟ کوسکش های بی شخصیت پشت دوربین مخفی

shit happens freemasonry, the moment photo and scene would have been something for jerking off, but without any equipment... well, that's because you ruined my life, made money from it and gave the illegal money to waste