Sonntag, 12. November 2023

I just got up from sleep, Vienna police: as of today, all cyber terrorism and torture business data and evidence have been deleted. also that of Hezbollah and Ayatollahs in Vienna! our society is liberated. There is only evidence with terror, hostage taking and violence and without the Jew we won't go to prison, first the Iranian native Jew

I am not an anti-Semite, not a racist, not a fascist and not a National Socialist, I have been an observer for 30 years who kills whom in Iran, they say Iranian or Muslim Iranian kill each other! I say Europe and America Israel are killing us with this Romano Aryan race. I go to sleep and come back at 6 p.m

آره زنت بچه مسلمان زاییده واسه ما، دختر داری

لری نه. ه. ه. ه ، ما که لر نه. ه. ه تو هم لر نه. ه. ه. ه.... بله آقای حشمت رئیسی، آلبانی نه. ه. ه. ه

امروز رفتم یکشنبه بازار باباش رو دیدم: نما پارا نما پارا جوراب دو یورو، دویورو، یبمتی مایکو پیچکا مادره، دو یورو،

Samstag, 11. November 2023

آقا ما بریم تا فردا، ولی یه چیز دیگه باید حضور شما عرض کنم: در اروپا ببینن ایرانی انگشت شست پاش کوتاه است خودی میدانند، اسکندری. والا آزمایش ژنتیک هم نمیگیرند، فقط میگن بگذارید کار و کاسبی ایشون بچرخد، بفرما خانم گوگوش، مهناز افشار و آزاده امیری و حالا گلشیفته فراهانی نمیدونم جریانش چیه ولی فکر کنم عقلش کمه بردنش بالا. خلاصه.. بینیم امشب چی خواب میبینیم. حرف پا منقلی کافیست

I have a lot of eBay invoices, the know-how and knowledge came from my mother's 35 years of work experience. illegal in Vienna, we are disenfranchised and boycotted according to laws of 1934 in the 21st century

In 2004, Diba Antik got 14 bad feedbacks, there was a discussion about Barbad Farahani in the eBay forum, it was said that it was risky to buy from him, he mostly had stolen things. stolen in this sense: this breed is illegal in our country and what he buys and sells is stolen, he doesn't buy, he steals. It also means: ABC economics does not apply to these Jewish Armenians, if he buys 500 euros and sells them for 1500 euros then he has stolen 1000 euros

What I really liked in Vienna was that over 9 new Iranian tribes showed themselves in disenfranchisement politics and Nazi repetition. Our genetic enemies have been involved in mass murder for 45 years, murdering innocent girls, children, mothers and daughters.

آقا ما ترکیه با بیست تا خلافکار ایرونی آشنایی پیدا کردیم، مخزن تریاکش هم دود کردیم مفت مفت رفت با بافور، بازم بلند شد گفت: تو جاکش اگر نیایی با من سر مرز ماهی پنج‌هزار یورو درنیاری مرد نیستی، غیرت داشته باش، پاشو بریم این ماه بیست تا مشتری پناهنده دارم، تو خرجت بالاست، بلند شو، تی قربان. آخه خوارکوسده شما ها از کدوم گوری اومدین وین؟

It's true I have over six thousand photos of the Grail, but some I have to repeat again and again. Regarding theft:

آقا امروز ۳۸ تا انگشتر از من دزدیدن، اگر این آهنگ نبود ها،اگر نبود ها.. به علی قسم...... به خدا، به مولا قسم.... یه(....)! دزدی تازه اونم جلو دوربین مخفی مداربسته پلیس....!،آی تو روح پلیس وین

Freitag, 10. November 2023

tai chi, hi hi, ha, ha, hi hi ta chi

There is no real opponent in tai chi, the opponents are simulated, actually it is a training where you mentally prepare for attacks. Learning defense means: you can try it as many times as you want, You can't physically hit me. This conveys fear, feelings of inferiority and weakness to the attacker. I have been practicing tai chi for six years, confronted with "tai chi"

He has bought 15 properties in Europe, worth millions of euros. The problem is this society is sick, in the sense that the Domari gypsy origin was a nobody, a salary person and I was someone, self-employed, business-savvy with a high level. That's why it is still the case today: we know nothing about it, no financial project and stasi murder system , no evidence

آقا ما بریم باز، ولی این باکره حشری بگه گوه بخور طرف ملاقه ملاقه گوه میخوره، ملاقه ملاقه سر میکشه گوه رو بالا، بیشرف های زامبیایی

آقا ما امروز به یک نتیجه رسیدیم، این سلیطه ها اینجوری که انگشت به دیسپلی موبایلشون میزنن به چشم و ابرو مرد میزدن آمار طلاق کمتر میشد، حالا جنایات دیگر بماند، امروز رحم میکنیم اسم نمیبریم.... آخه خارکوسده این چیه گرفتی دستت مثل باکره حشری باهاش برخورد میکنی

Donnerstag, 9. November 2023

connection to olymp, with smartphone

rotate water, one out of 3500 photos


A single photo should cause a stir in the world, I have over 3500 Grail photos. LOL dirty Stasi financial Nazis with Ayatollah, and journalist pigs. just because they want to kill me because of sharing money with Peter Pilz

حاجی ما بریم بخوابیم، شاعر میگه: کسی که در صندوق عقب است از جاده چالوس لذت نمی‌برد

well, a uterus wisdom

Teaching and informing causes this conflict: we should all have been monkeys! This is also taught to the children of a street sweeper's family or a baker's family

Everyone who chants: the money from three ruined lives and cyber torture and stasi murder system belongs to us, namely the state of Austria and the state of Iran is a Nazi animal, what should be done with Nazi animals in the 21st century?

Because of our race, fascism networks have infiltrated all international authorities, including the UN, all human rights organizations and Geneva. In the 80s, economic embargoes should have been imposed on Iran and the regime should have been fined billions of euros. Nothing happened for decades after this massacre. Not today because of my family either, because of the ethnic cleansing plan of the Iranian native tribes in the 21st century

We finance real estate with race boycott and disenfranchisement is crossing the red line, it is fascism.

9/11 action was actually supposed to symbolically destroy this red bridge too, the bridge has been fucking this world for a hundred years LOL the American bridge builders (Freemasons) make sure that the red line is crossed everywhere

Half the world knows that he was his daughter's pimp and he only wants to stand in front of me and say: I am human, I am human, where is the evidence? feeling of inferiority in front of the Iranian native and original race, deep hatred and feeling of inferiority

These scum and garbage have the urge to stand in front of us to say we are human, the gentlemen of Iran, Americans have been part of this mind control masquerade since 1979: we are negotiating with your masters of Iran. LOL. and now the Viennese Iranians also have the urge to stand in front of us and say we are human! LOL this time the Americans are also helping: there are no perpetrators or thieves or cyber terrorists