Dienstag, 14. November 2023

i have to go, but: In second National Socialism and racial madness it is no longer about sausage and salami, but about racial extermination for excessive consumption, luxury, and a standard above the legally prescribed salary. Dirtier murderers and mass murderers than in 1938

With American support, Vienna has put a bounty on my head because of my genetic, DNA, race and origins, Vienna has been killing people in Iran for 40 years, genetically selected and justifying murders with: political opinion and protest and incitement to unrest

Every person who can do something special will be hung on the big bell in the west. Currently, with regard to my origins, tribe and ethnic group, I only take smartphone photos of the Grail, a tribe-specific old tradition and ritual. Vienna says: We killed you, your family and your name internationally, even if you build a Stargate with a diameter of 24 meters. nobody cares

good night

Does anyone see woman (geisha) dog demon? huhu, hello? bubu huhu, dali dali, azadeh you Mata Hari, the spy for pauli and harry and alli, do you see something?

the hatred against Iran and its primal native race is so great that the Austrofascist doesn't even see this:

Over a thousand years ago, i.e. 1400 years ago, Islam in the Oriental Asian region also referred to telekinesis; it also included the Grail ritual and the incense and myrrh smoke ritual. it is permitted in Islam. The incompetent Aryan race so the Viennese judges point out in the 21st century: this race is unnecessary, its abilities too and it is better that the world is free of this race. Vienna is in racial murder mode, it will continue to do so as long as everyone stays silent internationally,And if someone protests, then Vienna sends 20 people to prison with sentences of 1 to 3 years, after our murder and billions of euros in Stasi revenue

شاعر هم میگه: دو قطره اشک و کمی بغض ناگهان شعر است

تو بی دلیل به دنبال شعر تازه مگرد
همین که می چکد از چشم آسمان شعر است

حاجی، کارگردان فیلم علی سنتوری رو هم کشتن، محسن چاوشی حواست رو جمع کن، نمیری

What is the ruling of telekinesis (in which a person has the ability to move objects by psychic energy) according to Islam?

این‌ قبیل امور، به خودی خود جایز است، مگر اینکه همراه با کاری خلاف شرع – مانند سحر و جادو -  بوده و یا موجب ضرری قابل توجه، نسبت به خود فرد یا دیگران باشد.
پاسخ مراجع عظام تقلید نسبت به این سؤال، چنین است:[1]
حضرت آیت الله العظمی صافی گلپایگانی (مد ظله العالی):
به طور کلی چنانچه موجب ضرر معتدبه برای بدن شخص نشود و یا مستلزم حرامی نباشد فی نفسه مانعی ندارد.
حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی (مد ظله العالی):
اگر در حد معقول و مفید باشد اشکالی ندارد مشروط به آنکه همراه با کاری خلاف شرع نباشد.
حضرت آیت الله العظمی نوری همدانی (مد ظله العالی):
چنانچه مصداق سحر باشد حرام است

آقا ما بریم عصری بیایم، ولی ببین، مادر قحبه، ما کونده خوار بازی نهنگ پهنگ و چراغ نفتی تو کون نهنگ و زر مفت رو قبول نداریم، نداریم آقا، نداریم! کوس شعر قبول نداریم. ما فقط میگیم امام جعفر صادق، یا امام جعفر صادق.

کله جنابعالی هم تا ته رفته تو کون خر مثل خود یونس، از خدا و نزدیکی به خدا و امر و نیت و حدیث و آیه و عرفان زر نزن کوسکش، مادرقحبه

We (native) are confronted with an Indo-Aryan race that kills us, makes money with it, sits in expensive illegal houses and villas and shakes its ass and dances: we killed him, it's over, he's dead

Montag, 13. November 2023

چارده چیز است جسم و جان پاک آدمی.... هشت از سفل است و شش از عالم بالا بود

»قصیدهٔ شمارهٔ ۹

گوشت و خون و موی و پیه از مادر آمد در وجود

استخوان و پوست و پی بارک هم از بابا بود

پنج حس و روح هر شش از جهات امر اوست

امر او از قدرتش بالای هر بالا بود

نطفه چون شد در رحم اول زُحل ناظر شود

تا رسد نوبهٔ مه کامل همه اعضا بود

haji the pain of anal sex is worse after death than before death. well, I have to go and will come back at lunchtime. does anyone want to see new photos? LOL

This euphoria in Austria: "We are allowed again and we are the right" makes the "Islamic" government of Iran possible.

I felt in 1999 that this society was sick, that we were in danger, and my anxiety and paranoia was focused on Emam Ali Mosque Vienna and the Iranian embassy. Most of the time I was afraid of streets and alley corners, I thought: here is the surprise and assassination attempt.In 2000, politicians, journalists and party representatives appeared in the 5th district and made their presence felt. They walked past our shop or past me and deliberately looked deep in my eye. For example, the later President Fischer or his former Chancellor Franz Franitzky. all close to Ali Khamenei

before I go to sleep: the Ark of the Covenant was last seen at the time of Salamos, LOL it ran away. fucking sinners

I should go to sleep now and not write or post anything else, otherwise I'll die, really, they'll kill me if I write:It is more likely that Jonah, as a sinner, stuck his head in a donkey's ass when God spoke to him. Look at the development up until today, does anyone listen to God's word? Everyone's heads are stuck in donkeys' asses so they don't hear anything, yesterday and today. in Qum Jerusalem and Vatican. good night

Austrians are bounty payers for my race and our race, living in Iran or outside Iran.

I have to go and come at 10pm, but where am I wrong? Didn't Vienna pay millions of euros cybertorture bounties? to the gharib, amiri, shams family and my relatives?

I'm only talking about Austria now: Austrian networks collect money and give orders with bounties to foreigners in Iran, for races and mass murder. These murders happen for euros and dollars

Austrians, German Americans and parts of Europe were involved in these murders for 40 years, see what has been happening to a mother and daughter in Vienna for 20 years. with the help and silence of the UN and Amnesty

I chanted for armed defense against the Islamic government of Iran for 15 years, and called this option the only one to stop mass murder. Today I say what I didn't say yesterday: Iran is overrun by foreigners, an elite society consisting of 95% Balkan Roma gypsies

I was politically active for 15 years, and what Viennese greens and leftists say: We Austrians have big penises. Well, I'm above average: 17 centimeters, and only a 500 euro per hour call girl can reach this height. LOL Because after 20 years of the Stasi system, 89% of women of whatever nationality have become this: I can only suck the tip and have no place in my mouth for the whole thing, and then she films the whole thing and distributes it on the internet with the Statement: No woman can be satisfied with 13 centimeters

Sonntag, 12. November 2023

I have to go and will be back at 4 p.m

سرپرسی سایکس در تاریخ خود راجع به این مهاجرت می نویسد : در آغاز سده هشتم میلادی – به موجب فرمان ولید عده زیادی از " جات " ( یا به اصطلاح عرب " زط " ) با گاومیشهای خودشان از رود سند سفلی به سواحل فرات ( در متن انگلیسی دجله ) کوچانده شدند و آنها همین که در آن حدود مستقر گردیدند به راه زنی و قتل و غارت پرداختند و به واسطه مسدود کردن راه بصره و بغداد قیمت خوار بار در پایتخت بالا رفت و مردم در مضیقه و فشار افتادند .
خلفایی که پشت سرهم می آمدند هرکدام مجبور بودند قوایی برای سرکوبی آنها اعزام دارند از مضمون ابیات که طبری آن را ضبط کرده می توان تهور و جسارت آنها را فهمید تا چه پایه بوده است : " ای اهل بغداد بمیرید وحشت و هراس شما ممکن است طول بکشد ، ما کسانی هستیم که شما را شکست دادیم ، پس از اینکه مجبور ساختیم که با ما در صحرای باز جنگ کنید ، شما را مانند گاو لاغر و ضعیف از جلو راندیم "
سرداران مأمون در جنگ با این طایفه غدار و نابکار نتوانستند کامیاب گردند و معتصم ، اول اقدامی که کرد این بود که عجیف یک نفر امیر لشکر عرب را که محل اعتماد بود مأمور سرکوبی آنها نمود و بالاخره در سال 220 هجری ( 834 - م) ، عجیف بر آنها به واسطه قطع کردن را ارتباط غالب آمد و جت ها تسلیم شدند . برای اینکه این فتح را به اهالی دلشاد بغداد نمایش داده باشند ارشد آنها لباس مخصوص خودشان را بپوشند و با آلات طرب خود در قایق ها نشسته به ساز و آواز مشغول گردند و بعد همگی را به طرف خانقین که حالیه منزلگاهی سر راه تهران به بغداد و نیز به مرزهای سوریه تبعید کردند

This is my only Iranian certificate, when it was issued Iran was populated with 35 million, today it has over 85 million, immigration from Iraq alone was 8 million according to my estimate. European Romano breed

I have to go, but I just did a psychological check-up by looking at photos, it's not sociophobia that I'm suffering from, but xenophobia, the development was gradual but successful. I see every Iranian as a terrorist and potential threat, especially the girls.

look at photos from August, what is the difference between today and yesterday? We are Aryan, we don't see any abomination, these are indecent photos...