Sonntag, 19. November 2023

Voynich translate: kaba shurma hama, dadamvai ba champagne ushamram, kartumba! haramba, karasharamba jumba chita kunesta

Austria and its friends the rogue states never want to be convicted, what had we done that was criminal or important? Were these people even human? Thousands of vmat2 researches and studies are to blame for this: when vmat2 studies and learns then at the same time he or she has the feeling that he or she has always known it. It has the feeling in mathematics that this logic was known to him or her. monkey panic, worldwide monkey panic

CIA NSA, Mossad MI6 and dozens of other secret services like the Russian Secret Service listens to Austrian chat rooms: Vienna repeats Himmler: indecent Iranian and decent Iranian. we don't want an indecent Iranian! right now, exactly a few minutes ago

میگه: دیوانه چو دیوانه ببیند خوشش آید، میترسه از اون لحظه که دیوانه نباشی، بله خانم نیکراه! لول، خانه فلان و بهمان...

In principle, this system also happens to the native Iranian in Iran, if exactly tomorrow 5000 will be murdered on the streets.... with the help of Vienna

The secret services in Europe America, and general in the West lead VMAT2 targets into psychosis, paranoia and depression, a precise plan and Stasi techniques: no matter where you will sit in which court, human rights organization or UN, it was paid for: treat the VMAT2 target with respect, but his presence as unimportant, his injuries as inconsequential, and look at his complaints as pitiable and at the same time make him feel inferior.

I came home and want to go to sleep, but apart from the book, stones were also left for us.

Samstag, 18. November 2023

Austria and its friends the rogue states never want to be convicted, what had we done that was criminal or important? Were these people even human? Thousands of vmat2 researches and studies are to blame for this: when vmat2 studies and learns then at the same time he or she has the feeling that he or she has always known it. It has the feeling in mathematics that this logic was known to him or her. monkey panic, worldwide monkey panic

آقا ما بریم تا فردا، ببین وقتی آدولف کوس و کونش با هم یکی شد خودش قاطی نکرد زیاد، عن و گوه های فاشیست تو ایران قاطی کردن، افشاگری این بدبخت ایرج اسکندری رو بخونید، میگه: کی کمونیست بود بابا؟ همه کوسخل بودن هااا، انقلاب چجوری شد که شد؟ بابا همه فاشیست بودن هاااا، بدبخت بیچاره ها اینها مادر قحبه ان! لول

Summary: With the defeat in Stalingrad, Europe and Vienna failed to destroy ten million people in Iran. Since 1979 until today there have been repeated attempts at ethnic cleansing, under the orders of Europe, Israel and America

شاشیدم تو اون روحتون، یاسی هی میخواد به دنیا بیاد از فاطی میترسه، آخه این مملکته درست کردین؟ ریدم به اون انقلابتون

آقای پلیس ارشد بابل، آقای سرهنگ ابریشمی، تو هنوز ترست نگرفته از ما، نه؟ کوسکش هنوز میگه: رحیم امیری از پسر خاله ام بهم نزدیکتره، دخترش هم از دختر خودم خانم تر. به جون تو، اینجوریه: روح اجداد ما میترسند دوباره ایران به دنیا بیان. مادر جندن، کیر تو اون انقلابتون، محاربه ها، فاسد ها، ام الفساد ها، ضد دین و آئین خدا پرستی شاشیدم به اون انقلابت

عجب بدبخت بیچاره ای شدیم حاجی از دست این انقلاب شما، والا به خدا، رقیه اسم دخترش رو گذاشته ایراندخت یزدان و میگه: اینم پیچک! خداییش منم گیجم، آره دیگه گیج گیجم، چی بگیم، فامیلی باباش هم شده حریری و میگه واسه دخترم باید بمیری مرتیکه ک...! چجوریه این جریان آقای امیری؟ تو چرا شدی امیری اون شده حریری، اون یکی شده صمیمیی، یکی هم شده سید محمد تسلیمی، تو اون انقلابتون سگ برینه که شناسنامه هارو همه رو ریدین توش که کسی شناسایی نشه، همه شدن سید جون تو.. ما هم ریده شده

خاطره مثل یه پیچک می پیچه رو تن خستم... دیگه حرفی که ندارم

pichak said today: vive la france wants to bomb you, foreign legion wants to kidnap you, the nazi leader namely social democracy france says: we will not allow orientals to rise in europe. Pichak was always a Persian affair, houm!? Pascal, LOL

Freitag, 17. November 2023

babam jan I also wrote that in 2018 and everyone laughed at me

Most of the native Iranian are Grail race, what is Israel? or the Israeli community in Vienna? Who are you active in the Stasi murder and cyber torture system? We are his tribe, Melchior Balthaser and Casper tribes

65 percent of Austrians want to commit racial murder and mass murder with this system, all of them agree with the Nazi repetition, with the justification: We are the owners of Jewish Armenian private life from Iran. The Jewish gold belongs to Austria

ببین حیدری من که ایران بیا نیستم، ولی این رفیقت چی گفت؟.... دس.. دست دس...دست راست فدای انقلاب، دست چپ برای اطمینان‌بخشی به مردم😂😂😂

secret service fritzi gets a text message from lieutenant heydari: baba gayidin maro be un rishetoon ridam! fritzi: what? What's wrong?

بز کوهی بالدار نه. ه. ه. ه، فرزند کوروش نه. ه. ه. ه. ه، سرهنگ حیدری بگو زرشک نه. ه. ه. ه. ه، ده آخه شاهین ایران نه. ه. ه. ه. ه.

I have to go again and come at 6 p.m., but the green djidjim or djadjim has a deep meaning and history. Who woke up from the ashes in Pompei Italy? anyone?

Empathy and pity, or love destroyed Iran. When I was 16 I didn't think about self-destruction, it came at 27: how do you rise from the ashes? The matter was tempting... wasn't it Viennese judges? with your Aryan Romano race army Iran!?

آقا یک روز یه هندی ایرانی نوکیسه گیر داد به یه لره، داد زد: های لره. ه. ه. ربط پارچه و انفورماتیک چیه؟ اونم بد تر از ما جواب داد: والا ما یه جاجیم داریم مینداریم رو خرمون، ولی عنش رو هم فوری واست میکنیم ماتیک اگه بخوای....

Donnerstag, 16. November 2023

Iranian, dual citizen, regime sympathizers who have been involved in mass murder for 45 years, actively murdered people and now live in the West, want to kill me and my family in prison in democracy and the rule of law. with hide evidence, evidence of 20 years of torture, stasi system, cybertorture and attempted murder

so my love for Abuzar is unlimited

before i go: “In the entire Bible there was only one person whom Jesus personally promised a place with him in paradise. Not Peter, not Paul, none of these guys. He was a convicted thief who was executed. So don't beat the guys on death row. Maybe they know something you don't

I have to go, but what you have been hearing in Vienna since 1998: this coalition of the right, left and center left in Vienna is wonderful. We all agree about Rana and her mother. Animals in the 21st century with political opinions

I can't kill my political opponents, neoliberal, fascist or communist, this idea doesn't even come into my head, or only in an emergency situation with armed defense necessary. you are animals, not ours, creation

By this I mean basic food supply of a country, the economy should be in the hands of native Iranians and owners of the country. Since 1979 it has been in the hands of emigrant mafia. Who isn't sick in Iran because of basic food?