Dienstag, 21. November 2023

Since 1946 to the present date, Iran has experienced: European Iranian Nazi coalition intrigue with Zionist support. with Israeli support. To this day, what you see in Vienna: Jewish-Armenian bloodline VMAT2 mass murder plan. You hear the slogan: We are Aryan and the family is Jewish louder today than 7 years ago

In 2009 my actions, discussions and movements were also radical against reformists and anti-violence "Iranian", reformists with the justification: we say yes to life and no to death. We should meet the regime with flowers to stop the murders. Today you can see for yourself: since 1981, redomists themselves have been involved in racial murder, racial persecution and torture/humiliation. My mother and sister are native genes and race, confronted with a collective Pakistani and Indian and Balkan Gypsy Iranian in human rights costume, supporting Austro racism and fascism

آقا سرنگونی خواه نتونه حاجی رو ببره سر بحث سبزی قرمه سبزی به چه درد میخوره؟ والا به خدا، سر همین جریان تو پالتالک از ما میترسیدن 15سال: بلده چی بگه ها، مادر قحبه میدونه چجوری کرم تو کون مردم بندازه، میدونه کدوم کیر رو تو ماتحت ما کنه، شاهی ها هم اینطوری بودن ها، عین بچه های حاجی، حالا از چپ ها گذشته

خلاصه، شنبلیله در خوراکی های ایرانی از اون جریاناست، ولی کتاب وینیخ میدونی میگه چی یادتون رفته باید در کنارش باهاش بخوری؟ ده نمیدونی دیگه حاجی، نمیدونی.. اگر میدونستی که.....

Despite this research and project plans, the police want to arrest me and put me in a cell. unanimously with international authorities and international courts, because as in 1932, around 85% of society agrees and is a unit: the Jew and Armenian blood is a criminal, because of his race, origin and potential

Oh you Sarmatian spirit in Vienna, call all the spirits of the ancestors, 400,000 millionaires need attraction: Barbad wants to fly under water, over butter pond 10th district

There are almost 400,000 millionaires in Austria who are internationally networked, the message is: life and everything it contains belongs to us, not to you. This means that vmat2 is internationally persecuted, spied on, ruined and bestially murdered by the rich and beautiful zombies, cannibals and scum

Current Iranian fascism including family Shams and Amiri, with Azadeh Amiri only maintain fascism and attempted mass murder, racial persecution and racial humiliation

Montag, 20. November 2023

I have to go, but I understand voynich, only for one reason: I stubbornly refused to learn grammar and SPELLING, whatever the language. Linguists have been working on manuscript for centuries. LOL

Well, I woke up today with a hard penis, so what Vonich Manuskrilt prescribes works. I was already worried about circulatory problems and a heart attack. I was worried about my heart not because of (0)..... hura, hura, stiff penis in the morning...

Preventing sex life with non-stop secret cameras is Nazi terror, even attempted murder. good night

The international courts in Europe and America have deep psychopathy when it comes to our race, deep animal anti-Semitic psychopathy

Karli's erection and semen ejection with his wife, the doctor, a joy and captured in photos for eternity. Sexual life and intimacy is a shrine in the West, destroying and manipulating sexual life costs just as much in punishment as murder

The husband was an engineer and the wife was a doctor, that day her husband brought Karl, the acquaintance from the newspaper advertisement, for dinner there was spagetie, trio sex. The husband wanted to see how his wife was enjoying life with Karl in front of him. Do you know how many couples this behavior affects? 65 percent. We want to enjoy life is the statement! Sex life is sacred in the West, destroying it is a punishment as high as murder. 5 years

Yesterday I bought two boxes with almost a thousand photos, well documented in albums, with time and date. It's about a married couple, academics, the couple brought in dozens of other couples every month for sex orgy parties. private real photos, most of the women's exchange was about the question: are bananas and cucumbers, i.e. fruits and vegetables, a healthy relationship with the natural, how natural is a banana in the vagina and how natural is a stick of cucumber in the vagina. Fruits and vegetables were eaten after sexual activity, well after they were pulled out of the genital area and the anal area.

I was in a Chinese massage parlor today and my vmat2 genital organ was also massaged and polished. Were you watching asshole Nazi judges politicians and state officials? were you watching? you sick biogie! State order: show us how vmat2 injects his sperm and children die again. LOL it would be two children each time, he only produces twins, this Iranian vmat2 Jew

As a vmat2 person, am I a murderer? Or am I confronted with psychopathic murderers with a history of mass murder? what do you want from vmat2 people?

why are you doing genetic research on vmat2? There are Aryan tribes that need to be examined genetically, their DNA needs to be researched, biological and psychological experiments are a necessity, this collective behavior is paranormally psychopathic.

Just for ruining a shop, a business and a professional at the start of a career, Vienna is to be punished with 300 million euros, apart from Iran, Turkey and EU/America. The state repeatedly alerts workers and officials: the Stasinazi Jewish gold should be available to your children, barbad farahani ist jews-armenian bastard race, he is, luri elami

آقا ما بریم باز، ولی جریان میدونید چی شده؟ دانشگاه های ایران جوری شده هر کی با استعداد میره تو خنگ میاد بیرون! 🤣🤣🤣 وضعیت مملکت رو نگاه. کیر تو اون هفت جد و آبادتون مادر قحبه ها

I was actually supposed to become a professor at Aryamehr University and then minister of economics. Shitty revolution in 1979. It was converted into Sharif University so that I could become an exile Bisharaf

Sonntag, 19. November 2023

My mother made her contribution to society for 18 years in Iran, and 15 years in Austria and Viennese judges say in unity: We did not meet a complete valuable person in Vienna, but rather Jews-Armenians from Iran, Elamite Luri origin

i have to go, but: Vienna is like a devil that whispers quietly in your ears: power, money, position, luxury, prosperity, joy, long life, reputation. This is how they turn a family conflict and divorce into a murderous business. my mother after producing an abstract work in the Iranian Ministry of Culture in 1976

The grail announcement was November 2022, I also posted the first grail photo on November 26th, 2022, and it still says: this cyber torture will never appear in the media, newspapers, websites, and certainly not a single person will be punished. these are inferior vmat2 jews from iran

Voynich translate: kaba shurma hama, dadamvai ba champagne ushamram, kartumba! haramba, karasharamba jumba chita kunesta

Austria and its friends the rogue states never want to be convicted, what had we done that was criminal or important? Were these people even human? Thousands of vmat2 researches and studies are to blame for this: when vmat2 studies and learns then at the same time he or she has the feeling that he or she has always known it. It has the feeling in mathematics that this logic was known to him or her. monkey panic, worldwide monkey panic

CIA NSA, Mossad MI6 and dozens of other secret services like the Russian Secret Service listens to Austrian chat rooms: Vienna repeats Himmler: indecent Iranian and decent Iranian. we don't want an indecent Iranian! right now, exactly a few minutes ago

میگه: دیوانه چو دیوانه ببیند خوشش آید، میترسه از اون لحظه که دیوانه نباشی، بله خانم نیکراه! لول، خانه فلان و بهمان...

In principle, this system also happens to the native Iranian in Iran, if exactly tomorrow 5000 will be murdered on the streets.... with the help of Vienna

The secret services in Europe America, and general in the West lead VMAT2 targets into psychosis, paranoia and depression, a precise plan and Stasi techniques: no matter where you will sit in which court, human rights organization or UN, it was paid for: treat the VMAT2 target with respect, but his presence as unimportant, his injuries as inconsequential, and look at his complaints as pitiable and at the same time make him feel inferior.