Mittwoch, 22. November 2023

look at this a thousand times, the rotation calculation is in voynich, I wanted to take a photo of my stiff cock from the side right now for Nazis, but look at this miracle in the Grail again, the gates are open

Vienna is a sick biology and killer race, it was proven in 1932 and today it says: we can murder and no one will punish us. I encounter sick biology every day on the streets, sick hate, sick evolution grew, sick Nazis, every day. I see scum murderers, scum murderers every day. sick brains, sick minds, sick scum, sick faces

Austria has a Neanderthal Freemason president who is of the opinion: Elami and Luri race are a danger to this world because they have foreign genes that is not known to us and cannot be classified as normal "humans".

This sick biology has been laundering money for decades and this sick country has been sending money to Iran for ethnic cleansing! this sick mauthausen torturer biology

Austrians pay for ethnic cleansing in Iran, especially for the torture and murder in Ahwaz Khuzestan Abadan Sistan Balochistan and Kurdistan. They also pay in Vienna because of my mother and sister

What Austria is doing with my mother and sister is pure racial madness, racial hatred and vmat2 hostility, do you believe that with the participation of Sinti and Roma and Jews in the Stasi murder campaign you are not fascists and sick biology and racial murderers?

Before I go to sleep, this statement worldwide: Sinti/Roma and Jews cannot be fascists or become anti-Semitic murderers; as former victims of National Socialism it is impossible, especially the gypsies

No matter whether you are an immigrant in Austria or you stay away from Austria, this sick biology will find you everywhere to torture you. it pays millions per month to ali gharib and hussein gharib and rahim amiri or shams tribes. This killer race and biology and growth should be erased but it is motivated and rewarded by America, Israel and Europe. mauthausen torturer breed

I have to go, I wanted to take photos but after I saw this photo I said that's phenomenon enough, look at this photo. our political leaders... Where the hell do they come from? from which planet or dimension?

No matter whether you are an immigrant in Austria or you stay away from Austria, this sick biology will find you everywhere to torture you. it pays millions per month to ali gharib and hussein gharib and rahim amiri or shams tribes. This killer race and biology and growth should be erased but it is motivated and rewarded by America, Israel and Europe. mauthausen torturer breed

This cyber torture or stasi torture also includes all erotic studios, brothels and pleasure houses, you pay 200 euros to come out satisfied and then you notice: she tortures you with everything she can and doesn't give real sex and shows herself as unwilling, with the hint: you are the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I am the princess

آقا 10 سال پیش رفتیم روسپی خانه، دیدم دویست یورو پول دادیم به خانم و ایشون یکجوری ساک میزنه که کیر ما شق نشه. خوب حاجی تا ته ته ته جریان شمارو و این امت شمارو خوندم، امکان نداره کار دهاتی های ایرانی نباشه. والا دهاتی قزوینی، دزفولی، بابلی، کرد، شهرستونی: کیر تهرونی شق بشه جیره هاتون قطع میشه، کیر تهرونی شق بشه جیره هاتون قطع میشه، کیر تهرونی شق بشه جیره هاتون قطع میشه. اینطوری پول درآوردن دیگه، شکنجه سایبری. مگه نه مسیح علینژاد دهاتی؟ دهاتی عقده ای

I can photograph events in the water every night, including visions of world politics, but I don't do it every night. When asked why, I replied: I'm just interested in a Pearl Harbor message so that I can laugh a little about whore Europe and whore child America

Nazi bitch I came home.Now it starts until 10 p.m.:, meeeeeeh meeeeeeh meeeeh until I take new photos of the Grail

Today, Viennese women in chat rooms, right now: I'm a sensible, moderate person and I know what I'm doing, and I'll continue with this action until it ends. fucking animals, fucking inferior psychopathy

We are not happy with our salaries and are against equal rights. And all of this happens in democracy, the rule of law, with human rights and civil rights laws. and now tell me: is the end of the world necessary because of this Neanderthal origin? We are valuable earthlings confronted with inferior psychopathy

Dienstag, 21. November 2023

Before I go: the Aryan immigration and this evolution that was still underdeveloped was used as cleaners, construction workers and house servants, in Elam. Cyrus said: give them wages and treat them humanely as equals. a mistake with this evolutionary psychopathy. Whole dynasty was destroyed because of these mistakes. See today Azadeh Amiri and her parents

I have to go: but we have 15 million gypsies that present themselves as Aryan native race and as owners of the land, as Aryan race, and accuse Elamite race of having come from Africa as slaves

Well, my survival strategy and tactics: to build a stargate with Siahi Bolahi from Hormoz and sistan beluchistan in Gilan, We are the owners of the land we are native Iranian. If you can't do anything special, get out of the country

Austria wants to kill me and my mother and sister quietly, without anyone writing about cyber torture and the Stasi Nazi system 1998-2023, and the Iranian opposition is eagerly waiting for the resulting death for unlocking 150 million euros

Do you understand what I mean? exiled parties and political activists, or let's say "the pole" "Iranian opposition is like nuclear toxic waste for Iran

After 45 years of crimes against humanity, this system has become an Aryan Iranian economic system. 99% of the Iranian opposition agrees with the Iranian regime, America and Europe Israel: native race and VMAT2 resources are the way out. Torture and silent murder that no one reports about. no journalist worldwide

I have to go, my last text: Mauthausen Austrian was inferiorly psychopathic, second republic is inferiorly psychopathic, and as an EU country and member of the EU parliament it will always be inferiorly psychopathic

These raw grail photos are available to prove on my smartphone at any time. 100% original photos! thick big 24 centimeters in the mouth of every nazi whore and nazi bastard. the master race, monkey origin race

For 45 years, Austria has been Iran's psychopathic Nazi friend, and the regime has been a psychopathic nazi European immigrant government

Since 1982 they have been accusing under 15 year olds of being political activists and using this insult to murder the children. to this day! this is clearly racial murder semitic murder vmat2 murder and ethnic cleansing. In Vienna with this action against my sister and mother too: ethnic and racial torture and murder

You hear the slogan: We are Aryan and the family is Jewish louder today than 7 years ago

Since 1946 to the present date, Iran has experienced: European Iranian Nazi coalition intrigue with Zionist support. with Israeli support. To this day, what you see in Vienna: Jewish-Armenian bloodline VMAT2 mass murder plan. You hear the slogan: We are Aryan and the family is Jewish louder today than 7 years ago

In 2009 my actions, discussions and movements were also radical against reformists and anti-violence "Iranian", reformists with the justification: we say yes to life and no to death. We should meet the regime with flowers to stop the murders. Today you can see for yourself: since 1981, redomists themselves have been involved in racial murder, racial persecution and torture/humiliation. My mother and sister are native genes and race, confronted with a collective Pakistani and Indian and Balkan Gypsy Iranian in human rights costume, supporting Austro racism and fascism

آقا سرنگونی خواه نتونه حاجی رو ببره سر بحث سبزی قرمه سبزی به چه درد میخوره؟ والا به خدا، سر همین جریان تو پالتالک از ما میترسیدن 15سال: بلده چی بگه ها، مادر قحبه میدونه چجوری کرم تو کون مردم بندازه، میدونه کدوم کیر رو تو ماتحت ما کنه، شاهی ها هم اینطوری بودن ها، عین بچه های حاجی، حالا از چپ ها گذشته