Montag, 27. November 2023

you shit international judge the Austrians are inferior scum, Austrofascism was and is dirtier than German fascism, that's what history says. today they are inferior than yesterday, against vmat2 breed

second national socialism is: vmat2 minorities persecution and murder, it started in iran 50 years ago in europe longer this time more effective... cyber torture and silent murder

Inferior scum, 0815 filth still wants to behave as a master race, 0815 origin: we studied and observed Rana's behavior LOL. Inferior pig, run-of-the-mill dirt

For 50 years, the attack on VMAT2 race has had devastating consequences for Iran, race and genetic politics have never been, it has never been separate from the Islamic Republic. All Stasi techniques, mind control programs were used to create psychosis and psychopathy. See examples from Vienna with my sister: Viennese women tried to make my sister a suicide candidate with strong psychotic behavior. with 140 Stasi agents, mostly Austrian girls

بیا اینم واسه شماها، چی شد اینطوری شدید؟ بگم چرا؟

مرکز پژوهش‌های مجلس ايران با انتشار گزارشی، از تحقيق بر روی ۱۴۱ هزار و ۵۵۵ دانش آموز خبر داده که بر اساس آن ۱۷.۵ درصد دانش آموزان همجنس‌گرا بوده‌اند و ۷۴ درصد نيز با جنس مخالف رابطه جنسی داشته‌اند.
بر اساس اين تحقيق، ۸۰ درصد دختران مورد پرسش در چند دبيرستان دخترانه تهران گفته‌اند که رابطه با جنس مخالف را تجربه کرده‌اند

I've been an embarrassment to every VMAT2 woman for decades! in Austria since 1998. The only woman who could be bought was Azadeh Amiri, the pimp father and mother collected money for 15 properties

My action was to throw two metal balls into a grail, then a crystal ball, fill it with mineral water (shaked 26 times beforehand in the name of Moses), and then turn the grail with my left hand. the reaction of the audience: 🚮🛂📵✡️🚷

Europe is the 4th Reich, Europe is National Socialism involved in all wars where masses have been killed or will be killed. or what has it been since the beginning of the 90s? the support of the ayatolahs is the tip of the iceberg: we wash your black money and kill the children of the tribe of jesus christ for us

Vienna was actually supposed to become a battlefield, but the Germans and Austrians chose Ukraine as a battlefield. Second National Socialism Europe against Russia. and Ukraine is full of German Austrian Nazi mercenaries

Nazi calls towards the Spö and social democracy Europe are not the cause of schitzopherenia or paranoia! These are animals, or animal origins, sickly anti-Semitic, disgusting race fanatics and mass murder organizers.

For decades, the SPÖ has been promoting potential forces alongside the Greens:found a cultural association, organize a human rights organization or an institute for foreigners, organize German courses, organize festivals and street parties, go to baricades and protests, political actions are a necessity in our democracy, and send us the invoice. The anti-human illegal capital should be distributed fairly.

The sick Austrians cry in front of international networks in chat rooms: please please, we didn't do anything, we didn't do anything... until the police show up, arrest me because of lack of evidence, and kill me as a Jew in a cell. then everyone cries again: please please we don't know why he died, please please forget everything, it's over, please please we don't know anything about it

I have to go again, but son of God story was our genes project and genes politics. a bilakh made in persia, from persian magoi

I am confronted with the most inferior Europeans, the post-war Nazi Austrians 3rd generation. "Who are you anyway and you have become a piece of shit worldwide" is today's statement. LOL a statement from the inferior European, Mauthausen psychopath, because it cannot swallow its evolutionary origins.

This system is 60 times human rights violation, attempted murder, ethnic cleansing and silent mass murder plan vmat2 and race

So, Rana and I came to Vienna when we were 11 and 4, we cost the state of Austria zero euros until 2009, zero euros, no apartment requested, unemployment benefits or health insurance. We cost this sick country zero euros for 20 years, 1989/2009.Today the scum animal says: the pot and money from cyber torture is a fundamental right, a privilege, an elementary right, property and property rights

15 million money collection from 46 networks Europe Asia America and general global networks kills a VMAT2 race child. 15 million in a pot,

I was 11 my sister 4 when I came to Austria, comes to sick scum Austria, one will be like Barbad, to vmat2 attraction, and his sister to rana attraction. There is no chance there in Iran, only here to become famous

Sonntag, 26. November 2023

This system can only be implemented in a society with 80% sick genes and biology. After corona vaccination, sicker than before

It would be nice to build an energy field around the earth where these beings become visible to everyone, especially at Christmas and Christmas Eve and Christmas table on the turkey: you Nazi scum pig, you filth, you paranormal flesh and blood, you pig, you murderer, what are you celebrating In the name of Jesus you piece of shit

Close to the people has many meanings, Hollywood is close to the people, or musicians and singers are close to the people, anyone who puts together a show and entraiment is close to the people, but installing secret cameras in the homes of women and children and men for closeness to the people, or let's say torturing and ruining existence, or leading people into psychosis and depression and death is not a closeness to the people but rather the digging out of deep psychopathy in society.

خلاصه حاجی، پدر و دختر دیدن کافر نشسته اونجا روحانی و علامه شده، رفتن ببینن معجزه میشه تو مغزش ما کی هستیم یا نه، صفحه سیوم رو فردا حالا مینویسم، دویم سخته، نمیرسم سرم میخوره به تیفار. شب بخیر

I like the script, I just wrote it, the first two pages. the spirit of Parisa in Al Andalus. She migrated to Al Andalus with her father, the Persian doctor. this music is inspiring

In the middle of Europe in Vienna we have a Nazi dictatorship like in 1932, with the president and all parties and state officials, Nazi dictatorship against vmat2 human from the Orient

In 2002, without capital, starting a business idea was mumbo jumbo for 80 percent of Viennese society. starting with zero capital. The grail is now: there was ape evolution and at some point Perses and Perseus and Andromeda landed on earth, Persians are the children of Perses and extraterrestrial

The most inferior beings of the post-war period calls me loudly: “bum”. a bum who lives in a 60 m2 apartment with his mother and sister. An inferior Nazi creature that ruined all of our livelihoods from 2002 onwards, showcased us internationally so that a professional career and prosperity would never be achieved, this inferior creature: the Austrian

This scene means contact, you can establish blindness and irrelevance as often as you want, we are vmat2 neo-Nazi and Nazi-Satanism victims, a Stasinazi mass murder program Iran Austria

The native and creation race vmat2 is being attacked everywhere with government secret cameras, an establishment and preparation for a second global genocide. with plunder, exploitation, torture and isolation

Most Iranian men have an average penis of 8 to 12 centimeters, my uncles and father have 6 to 10. Nobody cares. At a height of 14: medium arousal and 16 highly aroused, the Viennese operate together with the regime Iranian target financial program, Stasi murder system: his girlfriend is unsatisfied! That's why everything in its existence is worthless, its projects are worthless, its work is worthless and its research is worthless. 1998-2023

Satanism and sexual politics, today called National Socialism and sexual politics, has deep roots in the history of Iran. of course against vmat2 and creation