Donnerstag, 30. November 2023

For my luxury and prosperity people should be tortured, humiliated and killed is a statement of cannibalistic Nazi satanism, it was coordinated in these two buildings, today the headquarters is UNO City Vienna

I have to go and come in the afternoon, I am pure bloodline of Prophet Cyrus the Great and Jesus Christ, half a percent of monkey blood in me and I would get 14 diseases, just with a sick woman

In 2018, two hospitals examined me at the same time, I was in one hospital and the other demanded my blood 3 times a week LOL Monkey assholes: he has nothing? nothing at all? not the slightest trace of anything?

No compromises, no mercy, no forgiveness, fight against the regime to the death was my slogan, and on the side I fucked 89 or 91 women in 2009

Obwohl bis 22.00 Uhr angemeldet, wurde die Demonstration laut Polizei um 20.50 Uhr abgebrochen, da sich unter den Teilnehmern auch kleinere Gruppen, sogenannte "Hardliner", befunden hätten. Mit deren radikalen Botschaften hätten sich die Veranstalter nicht identifizieren wollen. Das Ziel sei zwar dasselbe, doch man wolle keine Gewalt, so Hashemi dazu. Trotz des vorzeitigen Abbruchs verlief die Protestaktion störungsfrei.

Mittwoch, 29. November 2023

All Turks Arabs Afghans, all of Europe and America and Asia has evidence of racial extermination program Vienna Tehran, both countries, Austria and Ayatollahs: we want this evidence deleted, we don't want to see this evidence in front of us

The name (Ha(l)tamti/Hatamti) meant the land of god, god also means creation, and that in turn means biology. Penis and fucking were part of the behavior in 5000 BC. Viennese behavior in the 21st century: the criminal fucks one whore after another. 100 million viewers were invited worldwide: we have an ancient racial mix with god genes fucking around

Hurenbock züchtung Elam Luristan.

I have to go to sleep with these worries: Vienna police officers of Iranian origin are sitting illegally at their workplace, as terrorists in the service of the Vienna Emam Ali Mosque and Ayatollahs, and Austrian police officers, the Nazi satanist criminals are also sitting illegally at their workplace, next to hundreds of Nazis judge

I know 50 pedophile apartments, 3 of them sell their children once a week to an Englishman in Vienna, I can only prove it with secret cameras and illegal entry into the apartment, the state and officials will say: they are under data protection and it is unconstitutional, he is a citizen! When asked why with my family and person, the state answers: He is human and you are not

Austro gene fanaticism and racial madness is: we will play with you for the rest of our lives and have fun. 85% Austrian solidarity. I say fuck you monkey evolution origin, many will come like me and say: fuck you 0815 monkey origin

An Angela Merkel stands up for Austria: We have many mistakes in history and had the wrong perspective on this world, it was never, never, never the Jews who were guilty, but the Persians, please forgive us. We have lab reports we are confronted with monsters

خلاصه، دود هم بلند کردیم

I repeat once again: race is targeted in laboratories today because of its biology, genes, DNA and blood, not because of religion, language and color

On August 3rd, 2023 I took a sip of the special water and took this photo, the reaction was: a 68 year old Austrian woman walked by and made a non-verbal comment: my pussy is still fresh, mine is fresh too. a part of torture and suffering

No sensible Nazi Satanist pays for the murder of ordinary people or for the torture and humiliation of insignificant people, many people are worthless, alive or dead for Freemasonry or Nazi Satanists. the path of suffering ritual brings billions of euros, vmat2 jew armenians path of suffering.

There are 400,000 millionaires in Austria and SPÖ, ÖVP green government were worried: how do we pay back the taxes and how do we pay back the inheritance taxes: with racial persecution and racial murder, vmat2 murder

Dienstag, 28. November 2023

این شورشست یا یورشست؟ حاجی لر لرستان کمی بیشعوری هم هست، بیشعور انقلابی تو حس ملکوتی هست، هیچ کجا عروس نیست، فقط تو کونش عروسیست، کسی هست که بگه بلد هست؟ اصفهون کسی هست؟

I have to go, but I should make two balls, gold balls silver plated to achieve a dimension with the name: Afrak

This psychopathy we are Austrians, my country my soil my honor only has to do with 3 meter excavation, over 3 meters to 50 meters history belongs to Africa, Asia, America and the Orient. Everything is turned into rubbish, everything is concreted in and destroyed

The stones in Vienna, treated correctly, show a history up to Mars 10 billion years ago: the inherited genes and DNA. found 5th district pilgramgasse "subway construction site".the cemented history, a history of technological know-how

بچه بودیم اصفهون هم رفته بودیم هاااااا: این یورشست یا شورشست نمیدونیم، ولی سنگ تکونست یا تو کونست؟ مثکه تو کونست؟ پناه بر خدا تاریخ چجورست؟

حاجی ما بریم، آب و عکس هم بیخیال، ولی سال ۲۰۰۲ ما شورش لرستانی هم در پالتالک راه انداختیم ها، به این معنا که مادرقحبه ها زر نزنید، شاه اللهی ها، چپی مجاهد، راستی، عوضی کیری، دیوس بیناموس خایه داری بیا با من سر تشکیلات و سازمانده ای... نداری دیگه مزدور خارج از کشوری، رضا پخمه، مریم ور بپری، کمونیست سوسیالیست کون نشور. شب بخیر حزب توده کوسکش، اکثریتی جاکش

I rented this shop in December 2002, this sick Nazi dirt, this sick biology has ruined me on an international level, even on eBay so that nothing is possible, this sick biology and animal Nazi Austria

Do you know Toni Polster and his statements? There is a Toni Polster in many of the Austrian elite apes: yes, yes, please, that's true, in the 1990s we looked at how the Amiris lived, they studied, worked and paid taxes, but the Amiris lived in a working-class neighborhood in the 21m district of Vienna in a poor house , we saw that this Jewish Elami family was building a luxury for itself with two businesses without studying, effort and work, we decided for social justice. long live social democracy

The non-punishment of the ayatollahs and Iranian emigrants from the Balkans is an American European Israeli sign and symbol: we are your masters and rulers.

Decades later, this was the most interesting encounter, this time not with the Quran and Islam but with fornication and pimping in democracy and the rule of law: you, your mother and sister are not human, we are human

When I was ten years old, like Kian Pirfalak, I stood in front of my religious and Quran teacher and said loudly: You are a piece of shit, you pile of dirt. The result was 6 hours of nosebleeds. by a Romano Aryan teacher in Iran. I insulted not because of race, but because of lies and intrigues: I am Seyyed and the race of Emam Hussein, you are Iranian and were animals before Islam. That's what he said to us

Every Austrian woman who is currently saying in collectives: we have rightly earned the money is the commissioner of these racial murders in Iran, actually 60% of society in this bastard biologically sick Nazi country. 15 million euros per capita, see for yourself where the black money comes from: from cyber torture murder business in Europe

On November 26, 2021, this scene was a skill, a revelation. How many people watched this? These Nazi and genocide deals and amounts are in the billions of euros, with the Ayatollah regime, even if you bring God and heaven to earth, no one talks because of extras and luxuries

illegal interference with databases by Nazi Europe, Race madness Europe and race destroyers Europe means martial law and the right to attack all authorities