Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2023

It is genocide in the sense that no one can defend themselves, it is ethnic cleansing and racial torture and murder. The police assure that no one will be punished and no one will be arrested for black money, but it is a lie

Around 30 mullahs ayatollahs and Hezbollah have been working on him for years: kill your daughter. Veronika Weiss and her daughters play family for him alongside secret services and ayatollahs: we are always there for you, no matter who you are!

New message: A photo of me costs as much as a car, and there are idiots sitting in chatrooms with Viennese judges and discussing: How can we steal six balls a crystal ball and the Grail, of course as state property. Because of this idiocy they failed at Stalingrad. good night🤣🤣😂😂


I sent these three to Iran,To take care of Robabeh's child, a piece of genius and a special kind, an enemy of America and hater of Europe. fucking bastard eugenics nazis

حاجی میگم عجب سری هم زده بیرون جون تو،

45 years of femicide in Iran have been with the help and support of Austria, 45 years of racial murder and femicide, because of special vmat uterus

We don't know what our society has done is the beginning of dirty racial cleansing, with state officials collective and upper class

Every Austrian girl and woman between 18 and 30 works with the police and secret service because of racial problems in Austria, because of the old race and new race problem, regardless of political direction and ambition

You dirt, cyber torture and Stasi system bring you money so that you live in wealth and luxury? because your meat and blood has more value? or because you are special or unique? are you master race? you are worth killing others for a better life and prosperity

Mauthausen built a race that is worth nothing, and Iran was not built by nobodies and nothing, but by us: someone special and unique!

Our secrets are our secrets, we are found in laboratories all over the world via blood tests without showing any special skills/abilities. This is the second Nazi racial madness and mass murder on a global level

Masonic monkey evolution origin with carrot pillars in ass, fuck you

Our secrets are our secrets, we are found in laboratories all over the world via blood tests without showing any special skills/abilities. This is the second Nazi racial madness and mass murder on a global level

asshole ape origin europe rewards an ayatollah dynasty that has murdered over 120,000 people in the last 45 years, with millions from secret camera cyber torture and stasi torture system. the dynasty is rewarded with millions of euros in asshole europe

Fascism and anti-Semitism does not want to lose his job, in the UN, in Hague, in Strasbourg and in Geneva. workplace means mass murder continuing intrigue with ayatollahs

I've been taking photos with a smartphone since 2018 and show that I'm a medium, Vienna and the Austrian government say: we don't have a medium. We start and do these actions with unemployed and useless people.

I have to go, but in 1928 it started with laughter, humiliation and amusing posters until Vienna led Europe to psychosis misery and hunger and death: 1938-1946

The world is in worse danger than in 1928, to the extent that fascists, mass murderers and ethnic murderers have crept into all international authorities as employees, including Amnesty International and the UN, for a silent holocaust

Oh great spirit white buffalo, thank you for being here. LOL In 1977, Charles Bronson and Crazy Horse were a bit exaggerated with you and your story


Nuevo horizonte, misterio sin desvelarMensaje' oculto' que nadie sabe descifrarFuente de pensamiento', fabrica de emocione'Guardan nuestros secreto', alivian los dolore'Nos guían el destino, nos muestran el caminoBusca dentro de ti, alégrate por descubrir

Montag, 11. Dezember 2023

What were you looking for in our rooms? special characteristics and abilities? based on historical reports and genetic research? fucking killer race, fucking austrian nazis, fucking fascists, fucking 0815 race

I am a medium, my work is a miracle and a media bomb, do you know what the government says? This can only inspire homeless people and beggars! LOL Austrians are more deeply ill than 90 years ago, sicker and more psychopathic than before

لول، جاسوس کوسکش میخواست ببینه منه جاکش با کی با کدوم بیشعور لوند کیر به دنیا میزنم...... لول... خوارت رو گائیدم کوسکش با اون بابات

I brought you, your mother and sister to suffering and poverty and prepared you for sacrifice, for this I bought my family and relatives dozens of beautiful houses, I have six. This is a genocide plan in Iran and outside Iran

In Austria there is an upper class with worse racial madness than in 1942. With a dirtier racial theory and racial madness: everything that is not part of evolution should be destroyed en masse

Inclusion of "Iranian", in secret camera espionage action in shop and apartment was as Austria says: years of genetic research: they can do something supernatural and special, but they don't show us anything

The downfall of Daraios the Great and his dynasty began with this: Siamak tried to imitate what the child of Sam had mastered. The mother cried and dragged him away: Don't look, let's go, never watch again. The father was the traitor on the battlefield

حاجی فردا صبح کیر به آدولف بزنم و سیاه بشم چکار میکنی؟

Viennese barbarism has built up global networks over the last 50 years and has established this: anyone who is not genetically or biologically part of evolution is not human! We never allow the old one to insult us as monkeys and present itself as a perfect human being