Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2023

I have 38 projects to realize for 20 years with billions in revenue and the personal opinion of international authorities: what happened to you? In Vienna, hundreds of thousands live on a maximum of 1,500 euros per month.Furthermore: who needs your ideas and projects or inventions?

You won't find a single journalist internationally who will write what the Austrian state does with a mother and daughter in Vienna! It's about hundreds of millions of euros and an ethnic cleansing program

She is a year younger than me and hasn't slept enough in her life, mass murder and racial madness and racial persecution won't leave Massih in peace. as long as we live. scarlet woman blood

جناب آقای حاجی، جریان ما هم این میشد اگر در ایران میماندیم: چه اهل بیت میشدیم یا ضد شما میشدیم، یا سپاهی میشدیم یا دانشمند رژیمی فرقی نداشت، مارو باز میکشتن، اول ناصر رو و بعد رعنا و بعد شخص بنده را، مادرم را زنده نگه میداشتن برای یک عمر تصویر غم و خنده و تفریح. جنابعالی فاشیسم و قتل دست جمعی را در ایران چهل و پنج سال است که تشویق میکنید ونه چیز دیگر!

She (Masih Alinejad) is from Babol village like Rahim Amiri and his daughter I am a Luri Elami from Tehran, the racial difference is: I was never a cock sucker from Khatami but I stood in front of the Iranian embassy from 2003 and condemned the voters back then, with the reasons: With Khatami, mass murder in Iran will be tripled

Since 1998, the Austrian state has been talking about the country's prosperity, meaning civil servants, lackeys and the upper class. Look what the Iranians have been doing since 2008: racial plunder will become a right in Iran

ring bracelet hat glasses cigarettes jeans says yes: he is not a terrorist, he is modern, he kills himself, not us, he is a good person

The photo is from September 30th, the lower grail photo was from September 29th. I sat at the flea market and watched the people: every visitor wanted to know whether I was unstable or not unstable. LOL is he going to kill us or will he stay cool! I ask: will anyone report dozens of human rights violations, terrorism, racial madness, minority persecution and terrorism? NS repeat!? Stasi murder techniques and attempted lynching?

بچرخونیم هم باید کنایه سگ توله رو توضیح بدیم، بعدش باز یه عوضی از کنار ما رد میشه وبا لبخندش کنایه میزنه: تویی نه؟ تویی پس، تو بگو ما درستش میکنیم، ما میدونیم چیه جریان... سگ توله رو نذاشتیم بیاد بیرون تو باباش بشی،

سیستم درآمد فرعونی است حاجی، همون ماسونی حاجی، دروغ کلک حقه و فتنه، نکنه درآمدش حلال است؟

ایران یه مجتبی خامنه ای داره، پول حروم خوره، یکسری لاشخور گوشت حروم خون کثیف هم داره منتظر عکس نشستن: میرزا قاسمی با کشک بادمجون بده بیرون جاکش، پول دوربین و استودیو نداری که بیناموس، کشک بادمجون بده بیرون. لول! ببین کوسکش اصلا تکون ندادم مادر جنده

I'm going to sleep now and come back at 4 p.m. with new photos, but: even as a child, I noticed: the Turk is a close relative of Austria and worse perpetrators, if Ötzi starts with Jews then the Armenian has to flee first and before the Jew ....

I was 14 and got slaps and kicks every day because of this song. The reaction in Austria to this song was so dramatic that with the slightest support and praise for the singer, children became more aggressive than their parents. I think that part of the song was the reason: bringing light into the darkness. Which also fascinated the pharaohs but also motivated them to murder children. 3 year old children

Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023

I have to go and won't write until tomorrow, but the ridiculous thing is: every new secret chamber with old scientific achievements that is found in pyramids is a Mossad property, the Mossad agents beat CIA agents even when they enter. Asshole, they were kidnapped Persian children and mothers, what does it have to do with you?😂😂🤣🤣

mother and two children, what is the subject matter in this whole story and ritual? The current world know-how says: it was the Egyptian lamp🤔🤣

حاجی قرار بود با دمپایی بند انگشتی تو خیابون راه بریم و این عجایب روزگار شما هم از کنار ما رد بشن با پوزخند و بگن: مرتیکه دمپایی بند انگشتی پات میکنی؟ برو خوزستان و اهواز رفیق های قرتیت رو ببین، کتونی پاشونه بدبخت بیچاره...

Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, ordered Einstein's writings to be burned publicly. The Nazis promised 5,000 Reichsmarks for the murder of Einstein.

Hello. Does anyone see my finger and grail? This scene is a world sensation, 3 balls in mineral water from Austria, it's called Vöslauer. One second of advertising 10 million euros? 5 minute show in vöslauer fountain 60 million euros?

I have to go to sleep and come at 7 p.m

توی سربر منم بلبل، توی عاقل منم کوسخل، توی سمبل منم اسکول... عجب لطف بهاری تو. عجب ماه بلندی تو... توی خالص منم مخلص توی کامل منم ناقص، توی سربر منم باربود

Freitag, 15. Dezember 2023

I have to go and won't write anymore until tomorrow afternoon, but everything that happens in this world in this dimension is alien politics! good night........

Alien spirits azadeh and the father rahim. stone from the 10th district of Vienna. monkey reprogramming: house house house, kill kill kill elamis are salamis

For Germans and Austrians, nothing I do or show is new or unknown, there are millions of stones in Vienna with our symbols, even at a depth of 30 meters: Elam tribes and Luristan tribes Vienna.

There are tens of thousands of references to us in Elam and Luristan: Grail race, a race that had something to do with Grail and frankincense/myrrh, Vienna police: we only have one troublemaker. These silly scenes are just native mumbo jumbo. Hundreds of millions of euros are in the state treasury and that is the most important thing

After this action, the police want to kill me in front of the world public, they want to cut off my head with a knife for hundreds of millions of euros. And then 50 police officers want to go to prison for a few years, voluntarily. it will happen soon

This is all perfection, events in the Grail, photographed with a smartphone. And in fact, in the 21st century I am confronted with the most primitive filth: cyber torture money, Stasi murder money, racial trafficking are the highest sanctum, and a phenomenal event, we are something special. Austrian statement: the DNAJewish private life is our property and that is the only thing that is important

The Tyroleans are worse Nazis than anyone else in Austria, with this statement: How do we make the lives of more hidden Iranian DNA jews our property

When I photographed the air, no one knew about the Grail, but in Austria/Vienna it is as uninteresting as the Grail. dirty nazi race, fascist mass murderer dirt race., the only interesting thing in this country is: how do we make the lives of more hidden DNA jews our property

خلاصه حاجی دل به دل راه داره

خلاصه حاجی ما هم گفتیم دایی جون از این سینی یک به اون سینی دو بیگی جریان مارو، هووو یا علی