Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023

The Vienna police and secret services are two Gestapo autonomous organizations with mass murder plans in Iran. Jews Armenians children, Luri Elami children vmat2 children. The clients are some multi-billionaires and multi-millionaires

I have known most Iranians for 30 years, many come from deep poverty and still live in poverty, for a Porsche they would travel to Iran to kill 5 children. five vmat2 children. all friends of Ali Gharib. for Nazi Austria

Nazi Austrians as well as the Nazi elite of the police use these nobodies and nothings for child murders in Iran also called "financial economics"

Vienna talks and acts like an Ayatollah regime: Who wants to file a complaint or report something against us because of Rana Farahani? In Iran over 500 died because of Mahsa Amini, the case of my sister in Vienna is racist and anti-racial politics, attempted lynching and anti VMAT2 movement, worse than Mahsa Amini case

The Vienna police refuse to arrest a single Iranian for terrorist behavior, the terror money is not at all interesting, nor is attempted murder. What else is this other than second National Socialism and racial madness?

The message of the Islamic Republic of Iran is: We kill mothers, sons, daughters and children here, otherwise we cannot stay. Regarding the action in Vienna with two Iranian citizens: we want money, nothing else

How can this scene in Grail and Water be explained, what is happening here?Why were there Grail signs in Persia 7000 years ago?

Austrian/American sterilization and mass destruction policy, actually genocide, should imagine one thing: your mass destruction is a necessity. How long should concentration camp torture and racial madness continue?

1800 euros accountant salary and 1200 euros field sales insurance agent salary is not enough for anything in Austria. Repair costs 230,000 euros? plus 400,000 real estate purchases?

چیدن یه کتابخانه سواد متافیزیک میخواد، تازه اول کاره بفهمی طرف حالیش هست چیزی یا نه، برید کتاخانه هارو نگاه کنید. مخ گوزیده های کوسکش، رحیم هم استاد اقتصاد دانشگاه گیلان بوده نه؟ چه خری بوده گیلان جون تو

آقا یکسری فاشیست سرمایدار از ایران میان اینور و زندگیشون رو به این معنا درست میکنند: ما فرزندان کوورش کبیر هستیم، غربتی نیستیم، خونه رو ببین.... سلیقه کوورشی رو ریدن بهش رفته.. کاخ داشتیم ها...

Rahim Amiri has founded a terrorist organization with heavy weapons, with Toudeh and Aksariat parties, no one in Vienna will recognize a Rahim or Ali or Siamak or Shahab if they shoot at me in an hour in front of our house. These are Viennese politicians, this is the scum I'm talking about

Politicians walk around Vienna like lousy scum, with fake money and fake standards and fake prosperity. scum animals thieves and killers

I have to go, are we having a poetry competition? about shoes and cobblers?

The highest commandment and most important point in Vienna since 1952: be gentle and friendly, no one is allowed to find out what it's about. shoes throw towards bush, courage and size and greatness. a poem

Franz Vranitzky's best friend, the blackmail: do you want us as gentle friends or Busch as tough enemy!? Which Neanderthal blood do you want? Both had honor, both were nationalists, both were men, Ali Khamenei was not and is not. breeds seller Ali

Austria wants to demand the right to kill the vmat2 race and for 20 years only scum and fascists were hired in Amnesty UN and international authorities, including international courts. Officials with personal unlawful opinions for international mind control program:it's about billions in revenue

bastard scum animal origin why disenfranchisement law against rana my sister and zari my mother, scum bastard mass murderer biology, psychopathic evolution tribe vienna

For 20 years, Austria has wanted to achieve the right to kill, the killing of Iranians of certain genes, DNA and origins, also when it comes to humans in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, North Africa, in countries where there are high vmat2 numbers

Montag, 18. Dezember 2023

Since the beginning of the 80s, the right to kill has been used in Iran, a right that goes against every page of the Quran and demands of Muhammed and Emam Ali, look at Vienna today: both governments say about this killing operation: Killing with economic reasons is a right and social behaviour. 12 to 16 year olds, 1980-1988

حاجی میخوام برم بخوابم، ولی بگم شاعر الان اگر بود میگفت چی؟ بگم؟ بگم؟ یا که نگم جیگر؟ ای رهبر شیعیان دنیا؟ بگم یا نگم؟ ما هم مثل همون ایلامیه هستیم که کفشش رو پرت کرد طرف جورج بوش، شعر داریم ها از لنگه کفش... لول

I have to go, but have you ever seen animals protest? Only if the animals are hungry and don't have any sausage or meat or chocolate or even coffee

There are always people who come to the streets for three days to a week when a girl or woman is innocently killed in Iran, then they never come back to the streets until the next one is murdered, again for three days to a week. 10 to 100 people die at every protest. for a murdered girl or woman. the next murder too

Women and girls are being executed on the streets in Iran for no reason, and Vienna is screaming: we also have the right, we will not allow ourselves to be accused and condemned!

The goal of the revolution in Iran: the Shah has to go, with Ali Khamenei you will become our trophy and prey

Ask these bastards: why shouldn't he make money with these goods at an international auction house? 2010. the answer Europe and America: look at the development of the third countries in the last 100 years and keep your mouth shut. Europe America are sick, mentally ill, psychopathically ill

Europe hates us in a special way, Paris Vienna Berlin Rome also some Scandinavian countries, fucking sick envy and fucking psychopathic anti-Semitism. with the reasoning: Asia Africa Latin America will not disempower us with creation and origin nonsense.

sarcasm from dimension and planet called sarcasm

I have 12 Semitic DNA in me, what happens if I have a child with a woman from our tribe? ELAM/LURISTAN ROCK ART

For years I have been explaining why we are terrorized by monkeys evolution origin Europe and how this Europe also establishes this terror on other continents with this call: Don't be insulted by scum, oppresses them and doesn't allow any air or breath: we were all apes. This is the 4th Reich and the second National Socialist system